Pavement Design Questions and Answers – Highway Maintenance – Failures in Rigid Pavements – 1

This set of Pavement Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Highway Maintenance – Failures in Rigid Pavements – 1”.

1. What shows the overall deterioration of the concrete in cement concrete pavement?
a) Shedding
b) Scaling
c) Scaring
d) Scraping
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Answer: b
Explanation: Scaling is the defect that shows an overall deterioration of the concrete in the rigid pavement. The concrete top layer just starts peeling off in this defect. This may continue and lead to the full deterioration of the pavement.

2. The warping cracks in the rigid pavement are formed in the shape of S.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Warping stresses if not relieved, can lead to the development of warping cracks. These cracks start from the edge of the pavement and proceed in an irregular pattern there is no S shape crack formed.

3. Joint spalling is the breakdown of the slab near the ______ of the joint.
a) End
b) Edge
c) Corner
d) Centre
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Answer: b
Explanation: Joint spalling is a failure of the rigid pavement. In this type of failure, the concrete slab breaks near the edge of the joints. The faulty joints lead to failure.

4. When does the shrinkage crack normally develop in the rigid pavement?
a) During placing
b) After completion
c) During curing
d) After placing
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Answer: c
Explanation: The curing of the cement concrete slab is carried out soon after the completion of the construction of the slab. It is during this period that the shrinkage cracks are developed. So, careful consideration has to be taken while curing the slab.

5. When soil slurry comes out from the cracks or joint gaps, it is called ______
a) Soil pumping
b) Pumping
c) Mud pumping
d) Slurry pumping
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pumping is a general term used to represent the phenomenon where the materials from beneath the slab start coming out onto the surface through the cracks and the gaps between the joints. When soil slurry comes out, it is called mud pumping.
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6. Which of the below is not a cause for the failure of rigid pavement?
a) Hard aggregates
b) Poor surface finish
c) Insufficient curing
d) Poor joint filler
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Answer: a
Explanation: The general reasons that can cause the failure of the rigid pavement are the use of soft aggregates, poor workmanship in joint construction, poor surface finish, improper and insufficient curing, and poor joint filler and sealant material.

7. Which of the below is not a cause for the scaling of concrete in the rigid pavement?
a) Improper mix design
b) Freeze/thaw cycle
c) Excess vibration during compaction
d) Laitance of concrete
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Answer: b
Explanation: There are four major causes of the scaling in concrete. They are improper mix design, excessive vibration during compaction, laitance of concrete and performing finishing operations without removing the bleed water from the surface. The freeze/thaw cycle is one of the causes of joint spalling.

8. There is no structural defect due to warping cracks.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: It cannot be ascertained that there is no structural defect due to warping cracks. It can be avoided if proper reinforcements are provided in the longitudinal as well as the transverse joints because these take care of the structural adequacy.

9. The inadequate thickness of the pavement would not lead to which defect mentioned below?
a) Mud pumping
b) Settlements of slab
c) Widening of joints
d) Spalling of joints
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Answer: d
Explanation: Spalling of joints can be caused due to the defects in pavement materials used for the construction. Whereas the settlement of slabs, mud pumping and widening of joints are caused due to the structural inadequacies of the pavement.

10. What is the difference in elevation between the joints called?
a) Faulting
b) Rising
c) Slating
d) Referring
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Answer: a
Explanation: Faulting is the defect that arises when there is a difference in the elevation between joints. The causes for this might be any one of the following – pumping, temperature and moisture changes or settlement of the pavement.

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