This set of Mechatronics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Design – Boat Autopilot”.
1. Which system is used to control the boat without constant ‘hands-on’ control by a human operator?
a) Autopilot
b) GPS system
c) Compass
d) Actuators and steering system
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Explanation: Autopilot is a system that is used to control the boat without constant ‘hands-on’ control by a human operator. The other options are not the accurate choices as the GPS systems, compass and actuators are themselves a part of an Autopilot system which operates together to control the boat.
2. Which parameters are considered by a boat autopilot during critical weather conditions?
a) Directions
b) Weight, speed and wind conditions
c) Position
d) Steering control
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Explanation: Autopilots have a large number of parameters which are taken in accounts such as weight and speed of the boat and sea conditions. Apparent wind and true wind react differently depending on the speed of the boat. Directions and Position are controlled by the GPS system and Compass respectively. Steering control is achieved through a remote control system.
3. System processor works as a central intelligence system in a boat autopilot system.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: System processor works as a central intelligence system in a boat autopilot system. It takes information from various devices of boat and process it. The devices through which the information is taken can be central processor, compass, control head, rudder or GPS system.
4. What is the function of GPS in boat autopilot?
a) To control direction
b) To control steering
c) To understand the position of the boat
d) To understand all the parameters of the boat and according to that take decisions
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Explanation: GPS in boat autopilot is used to control the direction of the boat. The direction of the boat depends upon the direction of the travel. The system processor is connected to the GPS system.
5. To understand the position of the boat autopilot system uses ____
a) GPS
b) Actuators and steering system
c) Compass
d) System processor
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Explanation: Compass is provided to understand the position of the boat. GPS in boat autopilot is used to control the direction of the boat. System processor works as a central intelligence system in a boat autopilot system. Actuators and steering systems are used to convert digital signals into mechanical energy.
6. The steering is controlled using the control head of a boat autopilot system.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Control head is used to provide the graphical user interface. The control steering of a boat autopilot system is controlled remotely by using the remote control system. Control head helps to understand all the parameters of the boat and take the decisions.
7. Signals taken from the compass are sent to the processor according to ____
a) direction of boat
b) position of boat
c) the angle of the boat is decided
d) signals of other boats
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Explanation: Signals taken from the compass are sent to the processor according to the angle of the boat decided. The angle of the boat is controlled through the steering of the boat. The position and direction are not the appropriate options as these together are taken as the signals. Signals from the other boats are used for correcting the position of the boat.
8. What is the use of actuators and steering control in boat autopilot system?
a) To control the direction of the boat
b) To control the position of the boat
c) Converts digital signal into mechanical energy
d) Provides graphical user interface
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Explanation: Actual control of the boat is provided through the actuators which converts digital signals into mechanical energy and implement. Control head is used to provide the graphical user interface. Directions and Position are controlled by the GPS system and Compass respectively.
9. What is the use of a rudder system?
a) To indicate the actual position of our boat and another boat
b) Converts digital signal into mechanical energy
c) The angle of the boat is decided
d) To control steering
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Explanation: Rudder indicates the actual position of our boat and other boats. We can use these signals to correct the position of the boat. Steering control is achieved through a remote control system. The angle of the boat is controlled through the steering of the boat. Actual control of the boat is provided through the actuators which converts digital signals into mechanical energy and implement.
10. Feedback system in autopilot is used ____
a) to understand the position of the actuator
b) to understand the position of the boat
c) to indicate the actual position of our boat and other boats
d) to convert the digital signal into mechanical energy
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Explanation: Feedback system is used to understand the position of the actuator. If it calculates the error, then the signals are sent again through the central processor. Compass is provided to understand the position of the boat. Rudder indicates the actual position of our boat and other boats. Actual control of the boat is provided through the actuators which converts digital signals into mechanical energy and implement.
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