Mechatronics Questions and Answers – Mechanical Actuating Systems – Gear and Gear Trains – 2

This set of Mechatronics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Mechanical Actuating Systems – Gear and Gear Trains – 2”.

1. What is the velocity ratio of a gear train if the train value is 2:5?
a) 2:1
b) 3:2
c) 4:3
d) 5:2
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Answer: d
Given: Train value velocity ratio=2:5
Velocity ratio=1/( Train value)
Train value=1/(2:5)=5:2.

2. What is the train value of a gear train if the velocity ratio is 1:5?
a) 2:1
b) 3:2
c) 4:3
d) 5:1
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Answer: d
Explanation: Given: Train value velocity ratio=1:5
Train value=1/( Velocity ratio)
Train value=1/(1:5)=5:1.

3. What is the velocity ratio of two gears if the driver gear has angular velocity of 20m/s and driven gear has angular velocity of 10m/s?
a) 2:1
b) 3:2
c) 4:3
d) 5:1
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Answer: a
Explanation: Given:
Angular velocity of the driver gear=20km/hr
Angular velocity of the driven gear = 10km/hr
Velocity ratio= speed of the driver gear/ speed of the driven gear
Velocity ratio=>20/10=2:1.

4. What is the angular velocity of driven gear if the driver gear has angular velocity of 30m/s and velocity ratio of two gears is 3:2?
a) 10m/s
b) 20m/s
c) 30m/s
d) 40m/s
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given:
Angular velocity of the driver gear=30 km/hr
Velocity ratio= speed of the driver gear/speed of the driven gear
3/2=30/Angular velocity of the driven gear
Angular velocity of the driven gear=20m/s.

5. Which gear cannot connect two parallel shafts?
a) Spur gear
b) Helical gear
c) Bevel gear
d) Double helical gear
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Answer: c
Explanation: Bevel gear cannot connect two parallel shafts. It is used to transmit torque or power between shafts that are not parallel to each other. Generally it is used to transmit power between perpendicular shafts.
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6. Spur gears can transmit power between perpendicular shafts.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Spur gears cannot transmit power between perpendicular shafts. These are simplest type of gear. It can transmit power between parallel shafts. Bevel gears are used to transmit power between perpendicular shafts.

7. Which gear can be used to transmit rectilinear motion?
a) Spur gear
b) Helical gear
c) Bevel gear
d) Rack and pinion gear
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Answer: d
Explanation: Rack and pinion gear can be used to transmit rectilinear motion. This setup contains a straight rack and a circular spur gear. When the spur gear moves, it drives the rack in rectilinear fashion.

8. Which gear train is also called as “Sun and planet gear train”?
a) Simple gear train
b) Reverted gear train
c) Compound gear train
d) Epicyclic gear train
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Answer: d
Explanation: Epicyclic gear train is also called as “Sun and planet gear train”. It is called so because the driven gear revolves around the driver gear when the gear moves. The driver and the driven gear are connected to each other.

9. Which gear train contains more than one gear in a single shaft?
a) Simple gear train
b) Helical gear train
c) Compound gear train
d) Epicyclic gear train
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Answer: d
Explanation: Compound gear train contains more than one gear in a single shaft. The size of the gears may or may not be same, but a single shaft must contain more than one gear to be called as compound gear train.

10. In reverted gear train, the input and output gears should be co-axial.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In reverted gear train, the input and output gears should be co-axial. Reverted gear train is a type of compound gear train, where the shaft of the driver gear and driven gear must be parallel to each other.

11. Which gear train contains only one gear in a single shaft and the driven gear does not revolve driven gear around it?
a) Simple gear train
b) Reverted gear train
c) Compound gear train
d) Epicyclic gear train
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Answer: a
Explanation: Simple gear train contains only one gear in a single shaft and the driven gear does not revolve driven gear around it. It is the mist simple and most commonly used gear train. The shafts of driver and driven gear are also parallel to each other.

12. What is the velocity ratio of a gear train if the train value is 2:7?
a) 2:1
b) 2: 7
c) 7:2
d) 5:1
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Answer: c
Explanation: Given: Train value velocity ratio=2:7
Velocity ratio=1/( Train value)
Train value=1/(2:7)=7:2.

13. What is the velocity ratio of two gears if the driver gear has angular velocity of 15m/s and driven gear has angular velocity of 10m/s?
a) 2:1
b) 3:2
c) 4:3
d) 5:1
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given:
Angular velocity of the driver gear=15km/hr
Angular velocity of the driven gear = 10km/hr
Velocity ratio=speed of the driver gear/speed of the driven gear
Velocity ratio=>15/10=3:2.

14. Reverted gear train is also called as planetary gear train.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Reverted gear train is not called as planetary gear train. Planetary gear train is the other name of epicyclic gear train. They are called so because the driven gear revolves around the driver gear like the planets around moon.

15. Rack and pinion gear can be termed as linear actuator.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Rack and pinion gear can be termed as linear actuator. Linear actuators are devices that can perform rectilinear motion. When the pinion is held stationary and revolved then the rack performs rectilinear motion.

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