Mechatronics Questions and Answers – Electrical Actuating Systems – AC Motors

This set of Mechatronics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Electrical Actuating Systems – AC Motors”.

1. Which type of device is a stepper motor?
a) Electromechanical
b) Electrochemical
c) Embedded system
d) Electromagnetic
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Answer: a
Explanation: A stepper motor is an electromagnetic device which converts the electrical pulses into discrete mechanical movements. The shaft of the electrical motor

2. The speed of the rotation of the stepper motor depends on ________
a) torque
b) number of input pulses
c) frequency of input pulses
d) solenoid
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Answer: c
Explanation: The speed of rotation of input pulses is directly related to the frequency of input pulses. In the other options, the motor has full torque at standstill. The length of rotation is directly proportional to the number of input pulses applied. Solenoids are used as electrical actuators.

3. Stepper motors are extremely reliable.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are no contact brushes in the motor, therefore, the Stepper motors are extremely reliable. The life of the motor depends only upon the life of the bearings. Wide ranges of rotational speed are possible.

4. Length of rotation is directly related to ____
a) Torque
b) Number of input pulses
c) Frequency of input pulses
d) Solenoid
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Answer: b
Explanation: The length of rotation is directly proportional to the number of input pulses applied. In the other options, the speed of rotation of input pulses is directly related to the frequency of input pulses, the motor has full torque at standstill. Solenoids are used as electrical actuators.

5. Which among the following is not the type of a stepper motor?
a) Variable reluctance
b) Permanent magnet
c) Hybrid
d) Variable magnet
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Answer: d
Explanation: Variable magnet is not the type of a stepper motor. Variable reluctance stepper motor consists of a soft iron multi-toothed rotor and a wound stator. Permanent magnet stepper motors have a rotor made up of the permanent magnet. Hybrid stepper motor provides better performance with respect to step resolution, torque and speed.

6. A stepper motor is a bad choice whenever control movement is required.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: A stepper motor is a good choice whenever control movement is required. They can be used in the applications where there is a need to control rotation angle, speed, position and synchronism. Due to all these reasons, stepper motors are used in many different applications.

7. A soft iron multi-toothed rotor and wound stator is present in ___
a) Permanent magnet stepper motor
b) Variable reluctance stepper motor
c) Hybrid stepper motor
d) DC motor
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Answer: b
Explanation: Variable reluctance stepper motor consists of a soft iron multi-toothed rotor and a wound stator. When the stator windings are energized with DC current, the poles become magnetized, and the teeth of the rotor are attracted towards the energized stator poles, and hence the rotor rotates. The other motors present in the options do not consist of such elements.

8. Which type of stepper motors have low cost and low-resolution motor?
a) Permanent magnet stepper motor
b) Variable reluctance stepper motor
c) Hybrid stepper motor
d) DC motor
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Answer: a
Explanation: The permanent magnet stepper motor has low cost and low-resolution type motor with the step angle of 7.5% to 15%. This type of stepper motor has a rotor made up of the permanent magnet. The other motors mentioned in the option do not have low cost as well as low redundancy.

9. Which among the following is a property of hybrid stepper motor?
a) Contains a soft iron multi-toothed rotor
b) Low cost and low-resolution motor
c) The better performance provided with respect to step resolution
d) Provides an increased magnetic flux
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Answer: c
Explanation: A hybrid stepper motor provides better performance with respect to step resolution, torque and speed, and this is more expensive than the other two stepper motors. This motor has advantages of both variable reluctance and permanent magnet stepper motors. The other functions mentioned in the options are the functions of other types of the stepper motor.

10. Which of the following is not the main selection criterion of a stepper motor?
a) Resolution required
b) Drive mechanism component required
c) Torque required
d) Speed
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Answer: d
Explanation: Speed is not the main selection criteria of a stepper motor. The selection criteria of a stepper motor include resolution required, drive mechanism component, operating pattern required such as sequencing, acceleration etc. and torque required.

11. What is the formula to calculate the step angle of a stepper motor?
a) (360*ph)/nph
b) (ph/nph)
c) (nph/ph)
d) (360*nph)/ph
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Answer: a
Explanation: The step angle is given by (360*ph)/nph where ‘nph’ is the number of equivalent poles per phase or number of rotor poles, ‘ ph ‘ is the number of phases and ‘ n ‘ is the total number of poles in all phases.

12. What is the step angle of a hybrid stepper motor?
a) 0.9 degree to 3.6 degree
b) 0.9 degree to 7.0 degree
c) 0.1 degree to 1.0 degree
d) 1.0 degree to 0.9 degree
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Answer: a
Explanation: Typical step angle of a hybrid stepper motor ranges from 0.9 degrees 3.6 degree that is (100 to 400) steps per revolution. The step angle is given by (360*ph)/nph where ‘nph’ is the number of equivalent poles per phase or number of rotor poles, ‘ ph ‘ is the number of phases and ‘ n ‘ is the total number of poles in all phases.

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