Mechatronics Questions and Answers – Digital Electronics and Systems – Microprocessors

This set of Mechatronics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Digital Electronics and Systems – Microprocessors”.

1. An electronic component used by computers to do its work is ____
a) Microcontrollers
b) Microprocessors
c) Keyboard
d) Resistors
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Answer: b
Explanation: An electronic component used by computers to do its work is microprocessors. It contains millions of small components like resistors, diodes etc. The other options are not appropriate choices.

2. What is the major difference between a microprocessor and a microcontroller?
a) Presence of external peripherals
b) Presence of internal peripherals
c) CPU
d) Stack Pointer
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Answer: a
Explanation: RAM, ROM, EEPROM are used as an external circuit in case of the microprocessor, but these are already embedded in a microcontroller. Due to the use of external circuits microprocessors are bulkier as compared to the microcontrollers which are more compact.

3. Microprocessors have high cost and large size.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The microprocessors have generally large size and high cost. This is because there are several external devices attached to it according to the applications. The components used are costly as compared to the microcontrollers.

4. Which among the following are not the applications of microprocessor?
a) Word processing
b) Calculation
c) Washing machines
d) Communication
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Answer: c
Explanation: Washing machines generally depends on microcontrollers. The applications of a microprocessor are in communication or video display, communication via the internet, word processing, calculation and many other applications.

5. Von Neumann architecture is used in ____
a) microcontrollers
b) microprocessors
c) computer systems
d) operating Systems
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Answer: b
Explanation: The architecture used in the Microprocessors is Von Neumann architecture. The is single memory space for both data and the program.
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6. Quartz and metals are not used in microprocessors.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Microprocessors are made up of various components which involve metals, quartz and various other components and chemicals. The microprocessors have generally large size and high cost.

7. Which among the following have less number of registers?
a) Microprocessors
b) Microcontrollers
c) CPU
d) Input devices
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Answer: a
Explanation: Microprocessors have less number of registers and therefore many of the functions are memory based whereas the microcontrollers have a number of registers and therefore the programs are easier to write.

8. In compact systems, we can use ____
a) microprocessors
b) computers
c) CPU
d) microcontrollers
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Answer: d
Explanation: In compact systems, we can use Microcontrollers and hence microcontrollers are more effective as compared to the microprocessors, and they are also less costly as compared to the microprocessors.

9. Harvard architecture is used in ____
a) microcontrollers
b) microprocessors
c) computer systems
d) operating Systems
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Answer: a
Explanation: The architecture used in the Microcontrollers is Harvard architecture. Due to this the program memory and the data memory are separate. This is one of the advantages of the microcontroller.

10. Which among the following applications are not microcontroller based?
a) Computer system
b) Washing Machines
c) MP3 players
d) Telephones
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Answer: a
Explanation: In Computer systems, Microprocessors are generally used. Some of the applications of a microcontroller are in washing machines, automobiles, telephones, appliances and peripherals for computer systems.

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