Mechatronics Questions and Answers – Analog Signal Conditioning – Current to Voltage Converters

This set of Mechatronics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Analog Signal Conditioning – Current to Voltage Converters”.

1. Which law or equation gives a relationship between voltage and current?
a) Maxwell’s second equation
b) Maxwell’s first equation
c) Lenz Law
d) Ohm’s law
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Answer: d
Explanation: Ohm’s law gives a relationship between voltage and current. It states that, at a constant temperature the voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it. The proportionality constant is termed as resistance.

2. What is the voltage drop across a resistor of 12 ohm if the current flowing through it is 1A?
a) 10V
b) 12V
c) 11V
d) 6V
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Answer: b
Explanation: 12V is the voltage drop across a resistor of 12 ohm if the current flowing through it is 1A. From the ohm’s law we know that V=I*R, where V is the voltage in volts, I is the current in ampere and R is the resistance in ohm’s. Therefore, the voltage drop will be=>12*1 = 12 volts.

3. Op-Amp in the form of trans-impedance amplifier can be used as current to voltage converter.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Op-Amp in the form of trans-impedance amplifier can be used as current to voltage converter. In this negative feedback is used, because without any feedback the Op-Amp will not work. The input is provided at the inverting terminal and the non inverting terminal is set to ground. The voltage output is taken from the output terminal.

4. What should be the resistance placed across a voltage source in order to generate a current of 6 ampere from a voltage source of 12 volts?
a) 2 ohms
b) 72 ohms
c) 4 ohms
d) 1 ohm
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Answer: a
Explanation: A resistance of 2 ohm should be placed across a voltage source in order to generate a current of 6 ampere from a voltage source of 12 volts. From the ohm’s law we know that V=IR, therefore resistance = V/I => 12/6 = 2 ohms.

5. Which integrated circuit can be used as a current to voltage converter?
a) BC541
b) LM741
c) TIP122
d) TIP135
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Answer: b
Explanation: LM741 Op-Amp integrated circuit can be used as a current to voltage converter. It is an operational amplifier integrated circuit, and its non-inverting configuration can be used for the conversion of current to voltage.
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6. Trans-impedance amplifier is more efficient than a resistance in terms of current to voltage conversion?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Trans-impedance amplifier is more efficient than a resistance in terms of current to voltage conversion. The output impedance is expected to be low, for driving any device. Op-Amp has very less output impedance which makes it better for current to voltage conversion. Also it has very high input impedance which consumes very less current in the input.

7. What does DAQ stand for?
a) Data Acquisition
b) Data Acquisition quantity
c) Data Acquisition quality
d) Digital Acquisition
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Answer: a
Explanation: DAQ stands for Data Acquisition. It is a process by which physical quantities are measured. Physical quantities such as current, voltage etc. can be measured with the help of DAQ (Data Acquisition) systems.

8. What is the magnitude of gain of an Op-Amp if it’s negative feedback resistance is 20 ohm and its input resistance is 10 ohm (consider the input is in inverting terminal)?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 1/2
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Answer: a
Explanation: The gain of an Op-Amp is 2 if its negative feedback resistance is 20 ohm and its input resistance is 10 ohm. Since we know that the magnitude of gain, when the input is given at the inverting terminal is given by RF/RI, where RF is feedback resistance and RI is input resistance. This gives out, gain= 20/10 => 2.

9. What should be the resistance placed across a voltage source in order to generate a current of 6 ampere from a voltage source of 24 volts?
a) 2 ohms
b) 72 ohms
c) 4 ohms
d) 1 ohm
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Answer: c
Explanation: A resistance of 4 ohm should be placed across a voltage source in order to generate a current of 6 ampere from a voltage source of 12 volts. From the ohm’s law we know that V=IR, therefore resistance = V/I => 24/6 = 4 ohms.

10. What is the voltage drop across a resistor of 12 ohm if the current flowing through it is 2A?
a) 10V
b) 22V
c) 11V
d) 24V
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Answer: d
Explanation: 24V is the voltage drop across a resistor of 12 ohm if the current flowing through it is 2A. From the ohm’s law we know that V=I*R, where V is the voltage in volts, I is the current in ampere and R is the resistance in ohm’s. Therefore the voltage drop will be =>12*2 = 24 volts.

11. What is the magnitude of gain of an Op-Amp if it’s negative feedback resistance is 30 ohm and its input resistance is 10 ohm (consider the input is in inverting terminal)?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 1/2
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Answer: b
Explanation: The gain of an Op-Amp is 3 if its negative feedback resistance is 30 ohm and its input resistance is 10 ohm. Since we know that the magnitude of gain, when the input is given at the inverting terminal is given by RF/RI, where RF is feedback resistance and RI is input resistance. This gives out, gain = 30/10 => 3.

12. What is the magnitude of gain of an Op-Amp if it’s feedback resistance is 30 ohm and its input resistance is 10 ohm (consider the input is in non-inverting terminal)?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 1/2
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Answer: c
Explanation: The gain of an Op-Amp is 4 if its feedback resistance is 30 ohm and its input resistance is 10 ohm. Since we know that the magnitude of gain, when the input is given at the non-inverting terminal is given by 1+(RF/RI), where RF is feedback resistance and RI is input resistance. This gives out, gain=1+(30/10) => 4.

13. What is the magnitude of gain of an Op-Amp if it’s feedback resistance is 20 ohm and its input resistance is 10 ohm (consider the input is in non-inverting terminal)?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 1/2
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Answer: b
Explanation: The gain of an Op-Amp is 3 if its feedback resistance is 20 ohm and its input resistance is 10 ohm. Since we know that the magnitude of gain, when the input is given at the non-inverting terminal is given by 1+(RF/RI), where RF is feedback resistance and RI is input resistance. This gives out, gain=1+(20/10) => 3.

14. What should be the resistance placed across a voltage source in order to generate a current of 3 ampere from a voltage source of 12 volts?
a) 2 ohms
b) 72 ohms
c) 4 ohms
d) 1 ohm
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Answer: c
Explanation: A resistance of 4 ohm should be placed across a voltage source in order to generate a current of 3 ampere from a voltage source of 12 volts. From the ohm’s law we know that V=IR, therefore resistance=V/I => 12/3 = 4 ohms.

15. Who invented direct current?
a) Nicola Tesla
b) Thomas Edison
c) Albert Einstein
d) Stephen Hawking
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Answer: b
Explanation: Thomas Edison invented direct current. Direct current is a unidirectional current. It flows when electrons move constantly in a particular direction. By convention the direction of current is taken opposite to the direction of electron flow.

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