Mechatronics Questions and Answers – Mechatronics System Future Trends

This set of Mechatronics Question Bank focuses on “Mechatronics System Future Trends”.

1. Which is the first robot to ride bicycle like humans?
a) Eskimo
b) Ansino
c) Asimo
d) Primer V2
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Answer: d
Explanation: Primer V2 is the first robot to ride bicycle like humans. It is developed by a Japanese robotics engineer, “Masahiko Yamaguchi”. It is a miniature robot that replicated the exact human style of riding a bicycle.

2. When was the term “Mechatronics” first coined?
a) 2010
b) 1871
c) 1971
d) 2001
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Answer: c
Explanation: The term “Mechatronics” first coined in the year 1971. It was coined by “Tetsuro Mori”. It was also the trademark of the “Yasakawa Electric Corporation” for few years. Mechatronics is an interdisciplinary branch which is compiled of mechanical, electrical, robotics and many other branches.

3. Who made the first vehicle application of eddy current braking system?
a) Vishwas Rai
b) Paul Hemelton
c) Derulo Sarazin
d) Raoul Sarazin
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Answer: d
Explanation: Raoul Sarazin made the first vehicle which used eddy current braking system. They are also referred as “Electromechanical brakes”. They apply electromagnetic force to provide mechanical resistance and stop or slow down the vehicle.

4. Electromagnetic brakes do not wear and tear.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Electromagnetic brakes do not wear and tear. These brakes can be thought of as future of braking system as they don’t rely on any shoe brakes rather they use electromagnetic force for slowing down the vehicle. This reduces the disadvantage of wearing out of the traditional braking surfaces.

5. Electromagnetic brakes do not work if power supply gets interrupted.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Electromagnetic brakes do not work if power supply gets interrupted. These brakes can be thought of as future of braking system but they come with huge disadvantages. These brakes cannot carry out its functions properly if the temperature increases as permanent magnets loses its magnetic property at higher temperatures.

6. “Alexa Echo” made by the company “Amazon” has artificial intelligence.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: “Alexa Echo” made by the company “Amazon” has artificial intelligence. It is an assistant that can help you out with your daily routines. These assistants are made with machine learning models that can learn from its past experiences.

7. Who invented the robot “primer V2”?
a) Vishwas Rai
b) Paul Hemelton
c) Masahiko Yamaguchi
d) Raoul Sarazin
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Answer: c
Explanation: “Masahiko Yamaguchi” invented the robot “primer V2”. Primer V2 is a miniature robot that can ride a mini bicycle. This robot mimics the human style of riding a bicycle. It paddles the bicycle itself instead of using any motor for the movement.

8. Which braking system is called as vacuum assisted braking system?
a) Electromagnetic braking system
b) Servo braking system
c) Disc brakes
d) Elevator braking system
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Answer: b
Explanation: Servo braking system is called as vacuum assisted braking system. These types of brakes are used in most of the cars today. They have almost replaced the use of traditional drum brakes in cars. These vacuum assisted brakes work when engine of the car is turned ON.

9. What is the full form of “ABS” in terms of modern vehicle brakes?
a) Advanced Braking System
b) Anti-Lock Braking System
c) Assisted Braking System
d) Advanced Backing System
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Answer: b
Explanation: The full form of “ABS” in terms of modern vehicle brakes is Anti-Lock Braking System. These are modern type of braking system that prevents the vehicle from skidding. This system smoothens the process of braking and reduces sudden locking of wheels.

10. Google maps do not use artificial intelligence.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Google maps do use artificial intelligence. It is a smart map that can help the user by finding the shortest and easiest route possible to reach at the destination. They analyses different routes its traffic, its shortest path, and then calculates the expected time it will take to reach the destination.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Mechatronics.

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