This set of Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Front Panel Controls of CRO”.
1. Front panel of a CRO has _________
a) 4 sections
b) 8 sections
c) 15 sections
d) 20 sections
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Explanation: A simple Cathode Ray Oscilloscope has the following four sections:
i) Basic controls
ii) Vertical section
iii) Horizontal section
iv) Z axis intensity control.
2. What is the role of the intensity section in a CRO?
a) decreases the light intensity
b) controls light intensity
c) increases the light intensity
d) keeps the light intensity zero
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Explanation: In a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope the intensity section controls the brightness or intensity of the light beam produced by the bombardment of electrons on the fluorescent screen.
3. What is the role of the focus section in a CRO?
a) increases the focus
b) decreases the focus
c) controls sharpness
d) maintains the focus zero
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Explanation: In a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope the focus section controls the sharpness of the visible spot on the screen. By varying the voltage applied to the focussing anodes, visible spot on the screen is focussed sharply.
4. What is the role of astigmatism in a CRO?
a) increases the intensity
b) used for voltage stability
c) diminishes the intensity
d) focus control
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Explanation: In a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope the astigmatism forms another set of focus control. A sharp spot can be obtained by the combination of focus control and astigmatism.
5. What is the role of scale illumination in a CRO?
a) measurement
b) illumination
c) sharpness
d) stability
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Explanation: In a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope the scale illumination is basically used for the purpose of measurement. It basically illuminates the scale and as a result the reading can be clearly seen.
6. What is the role of an invert in a CRO?
a) inverts the output
b) inverts the input
c) attenuates the input
d) magnifies the input
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Explanation: In a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope the invert control section is used for the purpose of inverting the input signal. It basically multiplies the input signal by a factor of -1.
7. X10 in a CRO means ________
a) one tenth
b) control knob
c) 10 times as normal
d) attenuate the voltage by 10 times
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Explanation: In a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope X10 indicates that gain of the vertical amplifier is made 10 times that of the normal value. When the X10 switch is turned ON, scope of the CRO is et to 0.05 V/cm.
8. Position knob in a CRO indicates ________
a) voltage position only
b) time position only
c) current position only
d) any pattern’s position
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Explanation: In a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope the position knob is used for indicating the position of any pattern on the screen. The pattern can be shifted vertically upwards or downwards.
9. Alternate is used to shift the inputs.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope the alternate knob is used to transition between the two different input signals. Using the vertical position control, the traces of the two input signals are separated vertically.
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