This set of Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Anderson Bridge, Advantages & Disadvantages of Anderson Bridge”.
1. Anderson bridge is used for _________
a) the measurement of self-inductance
b) the measurement of resistance
c) the measurement of capacitance
d) the measurement of impedance
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Explanation: The Anderson bridge is one of the important bridges used for the measurement of self-inductances in terms of standard capacitance value. Resistance is usually measured by making use of a Wheatstone’s bridge or Kelvin’s double bridge.
2. Anderson bridge is a modified form of ________
a) Wheatstone’s bridge
b) Maxwell bridge
c) Kelvin double bridge
d) Schering bridge
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Explanation: The Anderson’s bridge is a modified form of Maxwell’s bridge which is used for the measurement of self-inductances in terms of standard capacitance value. Wheatstone bridge and Kelvin bridge are used for the measurement of medium and low resistances respectively.
3. Anderson’s bridge is basically used for ________
a) measurement of capacitance
b) measurement of resistance
c) measurement of inductance
d) measurement of voltage
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Explanation: Anderson’s bridge is used basically for the precise measurement of self-inductances in terms of a standard capacitance value over a wide range of values.
4. Balance equation for computing the inductance is ________
a) Lx = R3 R5
b) Lx = CR5
c) Lx = CR3
d) Lx = CR3 R5
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Explanation: The balance equation for computing the self-inductance in an Anderson’s bridge is given by the equation, Lx = CR3 R5.
where, C is the standard capacitance
R3 and R5 are the known non-inductive resistances.
5. Which of the following is a balance equation for computing the resistance?
a) R1 = R2 R3⁄R4
b) R1 = R2 ⁄ R4
c) R1 = R3 ⁄ R4
d) R1 = R2 R3
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Explanation: The balance equation for computing the resistance in an Anderson’s bridge is given by the equation R1 = R2 R3⁄R4.
where, R2, R3 and R4 are the known non-inductive resistances.
6. When the capacitor used is imperfect, the inductance value changes.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: For an imperfect capacitor used in the Anderson bridge, the value of inductance remains unaffected. The value of R1 changes.
7. Anderson’s bridge is used for the measurement of capacitance.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: When a calibrated self-inductance is available, the value of unknown capacitance can be computed by making use of Anderson’s bridge.
8. Anderson’s bridge is used for the measurement of ________
a) capacitance
b) resistance
c) inductance
d) impedance
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Explanation: Anderson’s bridge is used for the measurement of capacitance. Unknown capacitance value can be measured accurately in terms of the self-inductance of one of the ratio arms of the bridge.
9. Anderson’s bridge makes use of a variable capacitance.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: An Anderson’s bridge makes use of a fixed capacitance value. Most of the other AC bridges used for the measurement of either capacitance, inductance or impedance make use of a variable capacitance.
10. Anderson’s bridge is very basic.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: An Anderson’s bridge is basically used for the measurement of unknown capacitance value in terms of the self-inductance of one of the standard ratio arms. It is a complex bridge comprising of equivalent star-delta networks for computation of resistance and inductance.
11. Bridge balance equations are ________
a) easy to derive
b) independent of the components
c) complex in nature
d) real in nature
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Explanation: An Anderson’s bridge is basically used for the measurement of unknown capacitance value in terms of the self-inductance of one of the ratio arms. It consists of real as well as complex terms. It also comprises of star-delta equivalent networks for impedance computations.
12. Components in an Anderson’s bridge are ________
a) less
b) zero
c) intermediate
d) more
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Explanation: An Anderson’s bridge is a complex type of bridge used basically for the measurement of unknown capacitance. It consists of several resistances, inductances and capacitances in the ratio arms.
13. Anderson’s bridge ________
a) can’t be shielded
b) can be fully shielded
c) can be partially shielded
d) can be shielded based on the components used
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Explanation: An Anderson’s bridge is a complex circuit and a modified form of the Maxwell bridge. An Anderson’s bridge cannot be shielded due to the presence of an additional junction point.
14. What is the significance of Anderson bridge with respect to Q factor?
a) difficult to balance the bridge
b) easy to balance the bridge
c) intermediate balance can be achieved
d) no balance can be done
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Explanation: An Anderson’s bridge is a modified form of the Maxwell bridge and is used for the measurement of unknown capacitance in terms of self-inductance of standard value. It is easy to achieve balance condition in an Anderson bridge.
15. An Anderson’s bridge can be used to ________
a) measure mutual inductance
b) measure impedance
c) measure self inductance
d) measure stray capacitance
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Explanation: An Anderson bridge can be used for the measurement of the self-inductance of a coil. A coil with unknown capacitance can be used to determine its self-inductance by making use of an Anderson bridge.
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