Electrical Measurements Questions and Answers – Errors in Single Phase Energy Meters

This set of Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Errors in Single Phase Energy Meters”.

1. Magnitude of flux in an energy meter varies __________
a) due to abnormal currents and voltages
b) due to high resistance and inductance values
c) due to changes in the transformer turns
d) due to the induced e.m.f in the windings
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the driving system of an energy meter, magnitude of flux can be incorrect as a result of abnormal values of currents and voltages. This occurs due to a change in the resistance of the pressure coil circuit.

2. Phase angles in an energy meter cannot be incorrect.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: In an energy meter, phase angle errors occur as a result of improper adjustments of lag condition, abnormal frequencies etc. Due to temperature, changes in resistance values also lead to error in the phase angle.

3. Energy meter creeps __________
a) due to change in supply
b) due to reversal in polarity of voltage
c) due to asymmetry in magnetic circuit
d) due to turns ratio of transformer
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Answer: c
Explanation: In an energy meter, when the magnetic circuit is asymmetrical, a driving torque is produced. As a result of this driving torque, the energy meter creeps.

4. Supply voltage in an energy meter is __________
a) constant always
b) zero always
c) depends on the load
d) can fluctuate
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Answer: d
Explanation: Generally the supply voltage is constant in an energy meter. It can fluctuate as a result of unavoidable reasons leading to errors in the reading of the energy meter.

5. How is the flux of shunt coil related to voltage?
a) flux is proportional to square of voltage
b) directly proportional
c) inversely proportional
d) independent of each other
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Answer: a
Explanation: In an energy meter, the supply voltage may fluctuate as a result of unavoidable reasons leading to errors in the reading. Supply voltage causes the shunt flux to induce an e.m.f in the disc. This is results in a self braking torque proportional to square of the voltage.
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6. How can temperature effect be compensated in an energy meter?
a) through heat sinks
b) by a temperature shunt
c) by using resistance
d) by using a coolant
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Answer: b
Explanation: The resistance of the copper and aluminium parts in an energy meter increase with an increase in the temperature. As a result the disc rotates with a speed that is higher than actual. Temperature effects can be compensated by making use of a temperature shunt on the brake magnet.

7. Disc rotates slowly in some energy meters.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Even when there is no current flow through the energy meter, disc rotates slowly. This is known as creeping. This is occurs as a result of the over compensation provided for friction.

8. Creeping is avoided by __________
a) reversing the polarity of the voltage
b) drilling two diametrically opposite holes
c) holding the disc
d) increasing the friction
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Answer: b
Explanation: In an energy meter, creeping causes the disc to rotate even when there is no current flowing. By drilling two diametrically opposite holes under the edge of the poles of a shunt magnet, rotation of the disc is limited to a minimum value.

9. In some energy meters, creeping can be avoided by __________
a) attaching small gold pieces
b) attaching small aluminium pieces
c) attaching small iron pieces
d) attaching small zinc pieces
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Answer: c
Explanation: By attaching some iron pieces to the edge of the disc, creeping can be limited in some energy meters. Force of attraction that is experienced by the brake magnet as a result of the iron piece is enough to eliminate the creeping.

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