Electrical Measurements Questions and Answers – Characteristic of Transducers

This set of Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Characteristic of Transducers”.

1. Accuracy is defined as the closeness that a reading approaches with respect to a standard value.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Accuracy in the measurement of a quantity is defined as the closeness that a reading approaches when it measured with a standard value.

2. The output of a transducer must ___________
a) be different at different environment conditions
b) be same at all environment conditions
c) be same at some environment conditions
d) be zero always
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Answer: b
Explanation: Output of a transducer must be the same under various environmental conditions when same input is applied to it.

3. The output of a transducer must be __________
a) low
b) medium
c) high
d) zero
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Answer: c
Explanation: Output of a transducer is usually high so that it can be easily measured and processed. The transducer output is generally higher than the noise. As a result most of the application makes use of digital outputs.

4. The size of a transducer must be __________
a) infinite
b) zero
c) large
d) small
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Answer: d
Explanation: A transducer generally has a small size and shape. It occupies minimum volume and has a minimum weight. As a result the system being measured will become compact.

5. A transducer must be __________
a) quick in response
b) slow in response
c) medium in response
d) very slow in response
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Answer: a
Explanation: The transducer is generally fast in response. Speed of response basically tells the time taken by the transducer to produce the output in a fast and efficient manner.
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6. The output of a transducer must __________
a) be less reliable
b) be highly reliable
c) not be reliable
d) be of medium reliability
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Answer: b
Explanation: Output of a transducer is generally high in reliability. Changes in the environment conditions should not affect the output of a transducer.

7. The range of a transducer is __________
a) medium
b) narrow
c) large
d) zero
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Answer: c
Explanation: A transducer has a large range of operation. The operating range is set wide so that it is useful for a wide range of operating frequencies.

8. The transducer output is __________
a) exponential
b) unit step
c) non-linear
d) linear
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Answer: d
Explanation: Transducer output varies linearly with the input quantity that is being measured. A transducer must have a linear input vs output characteristic response.

9. The sensitivity of an electrical transducer is obtained by dividing the electrical output with respect to a unit change in the physical quantity.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sensitivity of an electrical transducer is defined as the ratio of the electrical output to a unit change in the value of a physical quantity such as temperature, pressure, etc.

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