Civil Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Roof Covering, Sloping Roof…

This set of Civil Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Roof Covering, Sloping Roof & Flat Terraced Roof”.

1. An ____________ is in a pure compression form.
a) arch
b) hinge
c) rigid
d) truss
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Answer: a
Explanation: It can span a large area by resolving forces into compressive stresses and, in turn eliminating tensile stresses. This is sometimes referred to as arch action. As the forces in the arch are carried to the ground, the arch will push outward at the base, called thrust. As the rise, or height of the arch decreases, the outward thrust increases. In order to maintain arch action and prevent the arch from collapsing, the thrust needs to be restrained, either with internal ties or external bracing, such as abutments.

2. A wooden roof is a roofing system made from metal pieces or tiles characterized by its high resistance, impermeability and longevity.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: A metal roof is a roofing system made from metal pieces or tiles characterized by its high resistance, impermeability and longevity. Metal roofs can last up to 100 years, with installers providing 50 year warranties. Because of their longevity, most metal roofs are less expensive than asphalt shingles in the long term.
Metal roofing can consist of a high percentage of recycled material and is 100% recyclable. It does not get as hot as asphalt a common roofing material, and it reflects heat away from the building underneath in summertime.

3. The four-sided slopes are not the characteristic feature of only Mansard roofs; the _______________ also come with this feature.
a) amnsard roof
b) gambrel Roof
c) salt Box Roof
d) pyramid roof
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Answer: a
Explanation: The four-sided slopes are not the characteristic feature of only Mansard roofs; the Pyramid roofs also come with this feature. As the name suggests, these roofs are shaped like pyramids, a roof with four sloping sides. These roofs are best-suited for smaller structures, like a farmhouse hut. These roofs are popular in the contemporary architecture, with many structures getting these roofs. The walls of these houses are symmetrical and easy to build. A lower degree pitch works best for such four-sided roofs. They would work even better if the walls were smaller and the roof made for a significant part of the house. It is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also more energy efficient.

4. _________ is one of the most efficient types of timber roof trusses.
a) Raised Heel Roof Truss
b) Quadrangular Roof Trusses
c) Parallel Chord Roof Truss
d) Scissor Roof Truss
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Answer: a
Explanation: This is one of the most efficient types of timber roof trusses, mostly because it brings very good room for insulation, but at the same time it also provides you with a very good system for structural support. It might require some additional materials in order to make it bring the best results, not to mention that the costs can be a little higher when compared to other truss types, but it does help you lower the energy bill value, so keep that in mind.

5. ________ are found in traditional buildings in regions with a low precipitation.
a) Flat roof
b) Mono-pitched roof
c) Gable
d) Arched roof
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Answer: a
Explanation: Modern materials which are highly impermeable to water make possible the very large low-pitch roofs found on large commercial buildings. Although called flat they are generally gently pitched.
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6. Figure shown below represents ________
Figure shown below represents Butterfly roof inversion of a standard roof form
a) Barrel roof
b) Dutch gable, gablet
c) Saw-tooth roof
d) Butterfly roof
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Answer: d
Explanation: A butterfly roof (sometimes called a V roof or London roof) is a form of roof characterized by an inversion of a standard roof form, with two roof surfaces sloping down from opposing edges to a valley near the middle of the roof. It is so called because its shape resembles a butterfly’s wings. Butterfly roofs are commonly associated with mid-century modern architecture. The form has no gutter as rainwater can run off the roof in no more than two locations, at either end of the valley, often into a scupper or downspout. The form may be symmetrical, with the valley located in the center, or asymmetrical with an off-center valley.

7. Figure shown below represents ____________
Figure shown below represents shed roof with single-sloped roof surface
a) flat roof
b) clerestory roof
c) shed roof
d) gable roof
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Answer: c
Explanation: A mono-pitched roof, often referred to as a pent roof, shed roof, lean-to roof, and/or skillion roof, is a single-sloped roof surface, often not attached to another roof surface. This is in contrast to a dual-pitched roof, also known as a gabled roof, which is pitched in two different directions.

8. Timber cannot be used as a sloping roof.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: A timber roof truss is a structural framework of timbers designed to bridge the space above a room and to provide support for a roof. Trusses usually occur at regular intervals, linked by longitudinal timbers such as purlins. The space between each truss is known as a bay.
Timber roof trusses were a medieval development. Earlier roofs had been supported by coupled rafters – pairs of rafters linked by horizontal beams. But such roofs were structurally weak, and lacking any longitudinal support were prone to racking, a collapse resulting from horizontal movement.

9. Roofing material is the outermost layer on the roof of a building, sometimes self-supporting, but generally supported by an underlying structure.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: A building’s roofing material provides shelter from the natural elements. The outer layer of a roof shows great variation dependent upon availability of material, and the nature of the supporting structure. Those types of roofing material which are commercially available range from natural products such as thatch and slate to commercially produced products such as tiles and polycarbonate sheeting. Roofing materials may be placed on top of a secondary water-resistant material called underlayment.

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