Civil Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Developing a Network

This set of Civil Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Developing a Network”.

1. Total project time is the shortest project time in which the project can be completed.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: This is determined by a sequence of activities and known as ‘’Critical path’’. Activities which are not on the critical path are important but not critical akin to the activities falling within the critical path.

2. Critical path is represented by a thin line indicates the line of sequence of activity which must be completed on schedule.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Critical path is represented by a thick line indicates the line of sequence of activity which must be completed on schedule.

3. The basic purpose of drawing a network diagram and its analysis is to control the activities strictly limited to time and sequence of events.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In actual execution there is every likelihood of deviation from the fixed days due to circumstances. Deviation from the estimated dates and actuals have to be analysed critically and steps immediately taken to correct the same so that other linked events are not affected.

4. When a project has too many structures then it is prepared separately keeping in view the whole, and a combined critical path of the whole project is prepared linking one another.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The critical path of the whole combination gives a complete picture of the whole project at a glance and helps the management to detect and to locate the bottlenecks of different works under different organisations and under different agencies and to take remedial actions well in advance and to exercise an overall control.

5. In developing a network diagram time flows from right to left.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: This flow is represented by an arrow, it can be defined as the sequence of activity on completion of which the entire project can be completed. In developing a network diagram succeeding events have a number higher than that of the preceding events.
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6. ___________ is defined as a job or action to be completed, between two events within a project.
a) Planning
b) Event
c) Activity
d) Sequence
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Answer: c
Explanation: The activity consumes time and money and is represented by an arrow indicating the sequence in which the events occur. Each activity is independent, and indicates such work as preparation of designs, scrutiny of tenders, laying of pipes, foundations, erections of frame, install mill work etc.

7. A ____________ is defined as accomplishment in planning a project.
a) activity
b) event
c) schedule
d) planning
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Event is recognisable as a particular instant of time and not a passage of time and is represented by a geometrical figure such as circle, rectangle, square, etc. Beginning and end of a job or number of jobs are events.

8. Once a project is planned in terms of ‘events’ and ‘activities’ what next is important?
a) Schedule
b) Activity
c) Time
d) Finishing
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Answer: a
Explanation: Time required for completing each job has to be fixed with reference to attainable factors. A too short time or a too long time will prove unrealistic. Time duration has to be fixed with reference to experience, general availability of men and materials and completion of procedures.

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