Civil Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Types of Construction and Specification

This set of Civil Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Construction and Specification”.

1. The water proof mud- plaster consists of _______________
a) soil
b) janta Emulsion
c) cowdung
d) soil, janta emulsion and cowdung
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Answer: d
Explanation: Soil – soil should not be too much clayey nor too much sandy (50% clay and 50% sand are suitable). Weight of dry earth should do about 112 kg per cu m (70 lbs per cu ft).
Bhusa – About 60% of bhusa by weight of dry soil is to be mixed.
Cowdung – It should be used for surface finishing.
Janta Emulsion – 5% of janta emulsion by weight of dry soil is to be mixed.

2. The brick work is not measured in cu m in case of __________
a) one or more than one brick wall
b) brick work in arches
c) reinforced brick work
d) half brick wall
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Answer: d
Explanation: Half brick wall is measured in sq m.

3. The excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sq. m in plan area with a depth not exceeding 30 cm, is termed as __________
a) excavation
b) surface dressing
c) surface excavation
d) cutting
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Answer: c
Explanation: Surface dressing is done upto 15 cm depth and surface excavation upto 30 cm depth.

4. Stabilized soil wall is cued for ______ to ______ days by sprinkling water.
a) 3 to 6
b) 15 to 20
c) 7 to 10
d) 20 to 35
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Answer: c
Explanation: An appropriate type of chosen soil, when compacted at optimum moisture content, can be made strong and durable by the addition of a stabilizing agent. Stabilisation enables the soil to retain its shape and a significant proportion of its strength even when wetted to the point of saturation.

5. The roofing cannot be made with slate.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Slate can be made into roofing slates, a type of roof shingle, or more specifically a type of roof tile, which are installed by a slater. Slate has two lines of breakability – cleavage and grain – which make it possible to split the stone into thin sheets. When broken, slate retains a natural appearance while remaining relatively flat and easy to stack.
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6. Average number of blocks required for a two-roomed house is about 2500.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: More recently, an improved version has been designed and marketed by Aeroweld Industries, B-9 HAL Industrial Estate, Bangalore – 560 037. The size of the blocks is 30.5 cm x 14.4 cm x 10 cm or 23 cm x 19 cm x I0 cm. One such machine can be utilised to make 300 – 500 blocks per day by four unskilled workmen.

7. Before applying water proof mud plaster, the joints should not be scrapped.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Before applying water proof mud plaster, the joints should be scrapped and wall surface should be cleaned and made damp by sprinkling water and then plaster should e applied.

8. For preparation of subgrade the existing subgrade should be dressed to a camber of 1 in 24 to 1 in 32.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is watered and allowed to soak for the night if necessary, and rolled with 8 to 10 tonne road roller. The density of the compacted soil should not be less than 1.8 gm /c.c. up to at least 6” depth.

9. For making bund ordinary mud wall gonda ( bund) about 8” * 6” shall be made on the sides.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bunding, also called a bund wall, is a constructed retaining wall around storage “where potentially polluting substances are handled, processed or stored, for the purposes of containing any unintended escape of material from that area until such time as remedial action can be taken.

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