Civil Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Orthographic Reading and Conversion of Views

This set of Civil Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Orthographic Reading and Conversion of Views”.

1. An orthographic projection map is a map projection of __________
a) Sphere
b) Earth
c) Cartography
d) Top view
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Answer: c
Explanation: Like the stereographic projection and gnomonic projection, orthographic projection is a perspective (or azimuthal) projection, in which the sphere is projected onto a tangent plane or secant plane. The point of perspective for the orthographic projection is at infinite distance. It depicts a hemisphere of the globe as it appears from outer space, where the horizon is a great circle. The shapes and areas are distorted, particularly near the edges.

2. Taking ‘A’ as the FRONT VIEW. Which view will letter ‘D’ represent in the following figure?
Side view of an object
a)‘A’ represents FRONT VIEW & ‘D’ represent side view of object - option a
b) ‘A’ represents FRONT VIEW & ‘D’ represent side view of object - option b
c) ‘A’ represents FRONT VIEW & ‘D’ represent side view of object - option c
d) ‘A’ represents FRONT VIEW & ‘D’ represent side view of object - option d
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Answer: c
Explanation: This represents the side view of an object.

3. Which view will letter ‘C’ represent in the following figure?
The bottom view representation of the object
a) The view of letter ‘C’ is represented in the figure - option a
b)The view of letter ‘C’ is represented in the figure - option b
c) The view of letter ‘C’ is represented in the figure - option c
d)The view of letter ‘C’ is represented in the figure - option d
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Answer: b
Explanation: This is the bottom view representation of the any object. C represents the bottom view.
The dotted small rectangle represents that the particular object is on the other side of the viewing plane.

4. Which view will letter ‘E’ represent in the following figure?
The diagram represents the back view representation of the any object
a)The view of letter ‘E’ is represented in the figure - option a
b) The view of letter ‘E’ is represented in the figure - option b
c)The view of letter ‘E’ is represented in the figure - option c
d) The view of letter ‘E’ is represented in the figure - option d
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Answer: b
Explanation: This is the back view representation of the any object. E represents the back view.
The dotted circle represents that the particular object is on the other side of the viewing plane.

5. Which view will letter ‘B’ represent in the following figure?
The dotted circle represents that particular object is on the other side of the viewing plane
a)The view of letter ‘B’ is represented in the figure - option a
b)The view of letter ‘B’ is represented in the figure - option b
c)The view of letter ‘B’ is represented in the figure - option c
d) The view of letter ‘B’ is represented in the figure - option d
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Answer: d
Explanation: This is the top view representation of the any object. B represents the top view.
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6. ‘A’, ‘B’ view will be represented by which figure?
The staircase type figure formed represents ‘A’ portion of object given in question
a)‘A’, ‘B’ view represented by the figure - option a
b)‘A’, ‘B’ view represented by the figure - option b
c)‘A’, ‘B’ view represented by the figure - option c
d)‘A’, ‘B’ view represented by the figure - option d
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the figure, a is the bottom figure i.e. the staircase type figure formed represents the ‘A’ portion of the object given in the question, top figure attached to the bottom figure represents the ‘B’ portion of the object given in the question.

7. ’F’, ‘E’ view will be represented by which figure?
The small triangle formed represents ‘E’ portion of object given in the question
a) ’F’, ‘E’ view represented by the figure - option a
b)’F’, ‘E’ view represented by the figure - option b
c)’F’, ‘E’ view represented by the figure - option c
d) ’F’, ‘E’ view represented by the figure - option d
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the figure c is the top figure i.e. the small triangle formed represents the ‘E’ portion of the object given in the question, right figure attached to the triangle represents the ‘F’ portion of the object given in the question.

8. The given figure below will represent which type of three views?
Top figure is top view, left figure is side view & centre figure is front view
a) The given figure below represent the type of three views - option a
b)The given figure below represent the type of three views - option b
c) The given figure below represent the type of three views - option c
d)The given figure below represent the type of three views - option d
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Answer: d
Explanation: The top figure represents the top view, left figure represents side view and the centre figure represents the front view.

9. The given figure below will represent which type of three views?
Find type of three views seen in the given figure
a) The given figure below will represent views of an object - option a
b)The given figure below will represent views of an object - option b
c)The given figure below will represent views of an object - option c
d)The given figure below will represent views of an object - option d
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Answer: b
Explanation: The top figure represents the top view, left figure represents side view and the centre figure represents the front view.

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