This set of Civil Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Arrangements of Rooms, Position and Purposes”.
1. ______________ is the term used to describe the amount of useful sunshine striking glass in the living spaces of a home.
a) Solar lightning
b) Solar access
c) Ventilation
d) Radiation
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Explanation: First, establish true or solar north for your region. This is useful in all climates whether you are encouraging or excluding solar access. Just use maps and street directories, or use a compass to establish magnetic north and then find true or solar north by adding or subtracting the ‘magnetic variation’ for your area using the map below.
2. Bedrooms located under a sloping roof must necessarily be low and hot.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Some bedrooms so located have been stuffy does not argue that all bedrooms need to be so; it implies rather that there has been no cross-ventilation or that the windows were placed so low as to leave a pocket of hot air confined near the ceiling.
3. Which is not a phase of daily life among the following?
a) Sleep
b) Play
c) Work
d) Rest
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Explanation: The living-rooms forming one group, the working parts another, and the sleeping-rooms another. Each of these space groups is distinct in use, in the arrangement, and in the character of its furnishings.
4. The hall may, therefore, be considered as the kernel of the plan.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Communication between these parts is provided by means of hall and stairs; in fact the starting point of any plan is a study of its circulation or passage. The hall may, therefore, be considered as the kernel of the plan, the distributing centre of space.
5. In general the living-rooms in temperate climates should occupy westerly exposures.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In general the living-rooms in temperate climates should occupy southerly exposures-south, southeast, and south-west-unless such an arrangement is contradicted by the direction of the view, prevailing winds, or other conditions of the site. An east dining-room is especially to be desired since the morning sun on the breakfast table starts the day off cheerily. Living-rooms southerly and working parts northerly make a good complementary arrangement for using to advantage the four exposures of a free-standing house.
6. Each room must be entered directly from a hall, not from another room.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In a two-story house the privacy of the sleeping-rooms is automatically assured by placing them on the second floor. In a one-story arrangement a small bedroom-hall must be deliberately provided in addition to the entrance-hall.
7. Radiant cooling to clear night skies is also effective but difficult to achieve. Clear night skies provide a limitless source of radiant cooling for areas and surfaces that can be exposed to it.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Outdoor living areas and sleep-outs are the most effective but large openings with exposure to night skies are also able to shed heat. Design and orientation of glazing for passive solar heating require unobstructed sky exposure and this can be very useful for radiant summer cooling.
8. The best placing of the farmhouse depends on the location of the barns and other outbuildings.
a) False
b) True
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Explanation: The relation of these buildings to one another and to such considerations as sunlight, view, roadways, and garden should be carefully studied. Obviously, a general farm scheme that unites into one workable system lands, barns, and dwelling is the wisest beginning for the development of any property. Each improvement will then take its place in the final scheme, and permanent economy will result.
9. A farmhouse is more difficult to plan than either a city or a suburban dwelling because it must provide for so many needs.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The city or the suburban house is merely a home; it is supplemented by an outside place of business and by outside markets. The farmhouse, on the other hand, must be not only a home, but also the business centre and to a limited extent the store and the market. This means that, planned as compactly as may be, a farmhouse is necessarily larger in floor area than a suburban house for the same family need be.
10. The presence of five, six, or seven doors in a room indicates good hall-planning.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: It is well to remember that the number of doors in a room diminishes in proportion to the excellence of the plan.
11. The use of brick is about the only reason for introducing a red colour scheme.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Brick walls are broken in mass by jointing and relieved by contrast at the openings, whereas a wooden house painted red is distressing. When field stone, concrete, cement, or brick is used, the colour scheme is spontaneous, being produced by the colour of the materials selected; when wood is employed, however, a surface colour effect is applied by means of stain or paint.
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