Civil Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Projections of Solids

This set of Civil Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Projections of Solids”.

1. A ________ is solid bounded only by plane surfaces (faces).
a) square
b) rectangle
c) regular polyhedron
d) triangle
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Answer: c
Explanation: In geometry, a polyhedron (plural polyhedra or polyhedrons) is a solid in 3 dimensions with flat polygonal faces, straight edges and sharp corners or vertices. The word polyhedron comes from the Classical Greek. A convex polyhedron is the convex hull of finitely many points, not all on the same plane. Cubes and pyramids are examples of convex polyhedra. A polyhedron is a 3-dimensional example of the more general polytope in any number of dimensions.

2. Which types of prism does the 3rd figure represents?
Find the type of prism seen in the 3rd figure represent
a) Triangular
b) Square
c) Pentagon
d) Oblique
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Answer: c
Explanation: A solid (3-dimensional) object which has six faces that are rectangles. It has the same cross-section along a length, which makes it a prism. It is also a “cuboid”.
Cuboid a solid (3-dimensional) object with six faces

3. Which types of prism does the 6rd figure represents?
Find the type of prism seen in the 6th figure represent
a) Triangular
b) Square
c) Pentagon
d) Oblique
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Answer: d
Explanation: A prism with bases that are not aligned one directly above the other. Note: The lateral faces of an oblique prism are parallelograms. Refer the figure b below.
The lateral faces of an oblique prism are parallelograms seen in figure

4. Which types of prism does the 2rd figure represents?
Find the type of prism seen in the 2nd figure represent
a) Triangular
b) Square
c) Pentagon
d) Oblique
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Answer: b
Explanation: A square prism is a three-dimensional shape with two square bases and flat sides. Therefore, all square prisms consist of at least two squares, even if not all the sides are squares, as long as the bases are square, there is a square prism. Cubes are a common example of squareprisms.
Square prism consists of at least two squares

5. Which types of prism does the 5th figure represents?
Find the type of prism seen in the 5th figure represent
a) Triangular
b) Square
c) Pentagon
d) Rectangular
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Answer: d
Explanation: In geometry, a cuboid is a convex polyhedron bounded by six quadrilateral faces, whose polyhedral graph is the same as that of a cube. While mathematical literature refers to any such polyhedron as a cuboid, other sources use “cuboid” to refer to a shape of this type in which each of the faces is a rectangle (and so each pair of adjacent faces meets in a right angle); this more restrictive type of cuboid is also known as a rectangular cuboid, right cuboid, rectangular box, rectangular hexahedron, right rectangular prism, or rectangular parallelepiped.
Cuboid is convex polyhedron bounded by six quadrilateral faces
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6. Which types of prism does the 1rd figure represents?
Find the type of prism seen in the 1st figure represent
a) Triangular
b) Square
c) Pentagon
d) Equilateral triangular
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Answer: a
Explanation: In geometry, a triangular prism is a three-sided prism; it is a polyhedron made of a triangular base, a translated copy, and 3 faces joining corresponding sides. A right triangular prism has rectangular sides, otherwise it is oblique.
Triangular prism is three-sided prism made of a triangular base & 3 faces joining sides

7. Which types of prism does the 4th figure represents?
Find the type of prism seen in the 4th figure represent
a) Triangular
b) Hexagonal
c) Pentagon
d) Oblique
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Answer: b
Explanation: The hexagonal prism is a prism with hexagonal base. This polyhedron has 8 faces, 18 edges, and 12 vertices. Since it has eight faces, it is an octahedron. However, the term octahedron is primarily used to refer to the regular octahedron, which has eight triangular faces.
The hexagonal prism is prism with hexagonal base with 8 faces, 18 edges, & 12 vertices

8. What does the dotted line in the centre of the figure represents?
The dotted line in the centre of the figure represents axis
a) Axis
b) Vertical line
c) Separation line
d) Centre line
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is the imaginary line connecting the end faces is called axis, also a line, used as a reference to determine position, symmetry and rotation is called axis and is shown in figure below. It can be of four types- a) In coordinate geometry and trigonometry as y, x and z axis, b) Axis of symmetry, c) Axis of a solid and d) Axis of rotation.
Imaginary line connecting end faces used as reference to determine position & symmetry

9. When the prism is placed vertically on one of its end faces, the end face on which the prism rests is called the ________ and the vertical side faces are the ________ faces.
a) bottom, lateral
b) base, lateral
c) base, longitudinal
d) horizontal, lateral
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Answer: b
Explanation: When the prism is placed vertically on one of its end faces, the end face on which the prism rests is called the base and the vertical side faces are the lateral faces.
civil engineering drawing solid projection

10. When the axis of the pyramid is perpendicular to its base, which pyramid does it represent?
a) Perpendicular pyramid
b) Square pyramid
c) Oblique pyramid
d) Right pyramid
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Answer: d
Explanation: A right pyramid is a pyramid with a base that is a regular polygon and whose apex is directly above the centre of the base. The surface area of a right pyramid can be calculated, using. the following formula: SA 5 B 1. Ps, where B is the area of the base, P is the perimeter of the base, and s is the slant height.
civil engineering drawing solid projection

11. On projection of a cylinder on a plane, the shape appeared by front view will be _____________
a) line
b) square
c) point
d) rectangle
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Answer: d
Explanation: When the solid is placed with the base on HP position, in the top view, the base will be projected in its true shape. Hence, when the base of the solid is on HP, the top view is drawn first and then the front view and the side views are projected from it. Figure 10 shows a cylinder with its axis perpendicular to HP. There is only one position in which a cylinder or a cone may be placed with its base on HP.
civil engineering drawing solid projection

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