This set of Civil Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Labour Rates for Workers”.
1. The expected out turn of cement concrete for 1 : 2 : 4 per mason per day is 5.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: For 1 : 2 : 4 concrete, 1m3 need Labour constant.
Mixing concrete = 3.00 hour/m3.
Lifting and carrying concrete = 1.20 hour/m3.
Compacting concrete = 0.80 hour/m3.
Levelling surface of concrete = 0.10 hour/m3.
Total= (3+1.2+0.8+0.1) = 5.
2. DA and HRA are same concepts.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: DA or dearness allowance is calculated as a specific percentage of the basic salary which is then added to the basic salary along with other components like HRA (House Rent Allowance) to make up the total salary of an employee of the government sector.
HRA or House Rent Allowance is the salary component given by an employer to an employee in order to meet expenses related to the renting of accommodation which the employee takes for residential purposes.
3. Industrial dearness allowance is the not an allowance applicable to employees of the public sector enterprises.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Industrial dearness allowance or IDA is the allowance applicable to employees of the public sector enterprises. Recently, the government of the India has increased IDA by 5% for this sector. This decision is set to benefit all board level executives, officers and employees of central PSUs.
IDA for government sector enterprises is revised quarterly based on the movement of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in order to compensate for the rising inflation in the country.
4. The minimum rates of wages may also include the basic rates and _____________
a) variable Dearness Allowance
b) real wages
c) bonus
d) provident fund
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Explanation: Dearness Allowance is cost of living adjustment allowance which the government pays to the employees of the public sector as well as pensioners of the same. DA component of the salary is applicable to both employees in India and Bangladesh.
5. Which among the following comes under basic wages?
a) Cash value of any food concession
b) Any dearness allowance
c) House rent allowance, overtime allowance, bonus, presents
d) Pay for a standard work period
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Explanation: Basic wages have been defined to mean all cash emoluments, except:
-Cash value of any food concession;
-Any dearness allowance;
-House rent allowance, overtime allowance, bonus, presents and
-Commission or any other similar allowance.
The concept of basic wages on which PF contribution is to be calculated has always been a debatable issue. The Supreme Court has laid down two tests to determine whether a component is included in the definition of basic wages or not. These are test of universality and test of contingency.
6. What is the scheduled rate for Semi-Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory in New Delhi for area A?
a) Rs.173
b) Rs.273
c) Rs.373
d) Rs.123
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Explanation: A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the judgment, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.
7. What is the scheduled rate for Clerical in New Delhi for area B?
a) Rs.373
b) Rs.320
c) Rs.290
d) Rs.125
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Explanation: Clerical work typically refers to a variety of office and administrative support duties. If you’re interested in a career in clerical work, read on to learn more about the nature of the profession and the variety of occupations available. Schools offering Office Management degrees can also be found in these popular choices.
8. The expected out turn of 2.5 cm cement concrete floor per manson per day?
a) 1.5 sq. m
b) 0.5 sq. m
c) 7.5 sq. m
d) 2.5 sq. m
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Explanation: For 100 sum, no. of Mason is 13 no.
i.e for 13 Mason flooring is 100 square meter.
So for 1 Mason flooring is 100/13 = 7.69 sum.
9. Brick walls are measured in sq. m if the thickness of the wall is?
a) 9 cm
b) 10 cm
c) 5 cm
d) 18 cm
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Explanation: 10cm, Actually in India half brick thick wall is 115 mm thick. Half brick Modular brick wall is 10cm. Thick including thickness of plaster. However plaster is paid separately in both the cases. In India half brick thick wall is paid in sq.meter.
10. For 12 mm thick cement plastering 1 : 6 on 100 sq.m new brick work, the quantity of cement required, is _________
a) 0.190 m3
b) 0.230 m3
c) 0.174 m3
d) 0.274 m3
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Explanation: Given volume = 100*.012 = 1.2cum.
Increase mortar by 30% = 1.56cum.
For volume of dry mortar increase 25% = 1.56+ (1.56*.25) = 1.95cum.
Now proportion = 1:6.
k+6k = 7k.
So volume of cement = (1/7) * 1.95 = 0.2785.
11. Great skill and skilled labour is required for laying _____________
a) dry rubble masonry
b) ashlar chamfered masonry
c) ashlar fine masonry
d) coursed rubble masonry
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Explanation: In dry rubble masonry, mortar is not used. Great skill is required to arrange different sized and shaped stones in such a way that they don’t roll down or fall down after a while.
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