Civil Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Circular, Semicircular, Hexagonal & Half Hexagonal Rooms

This set of Civil Engineering Drawing Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced people focuses on “Circular, Semicircular, Hexagonal & Half Hexagonal Rooms”.

1. The superstructure of a building is the part that is entirely above its foundation or basement.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: A superstructure is an upward extension of an existing structure above a baseline called Ground Level in general and it usually serves the purpose of the structure’s intended use.
In Buildings, the portion of the structure that is above ground level that receives the live load is referred to as Superstructure. The superstructure of a building is the part that is entirely above its foundation or basement.
The superstructure of building is part that is entirely above its foundation or basement

2. The figure below represents octagonal structure.
Octagon an eight-sided polygon or 8-gon with alternates two types of edges
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: In geometry, an octagon (“eight angles”) is an eight-sided polygon or 8-gon.
A regular octagon has Schläfli symbol {8} and can also be constructed as a quasiregular truncated square, which alternates two types of edges.
Regular octagon has Schläfli symbol constructed as quasiregular square

3. A regular hexagonal room has 6 rotational symmetries (rotational symmetry of order six) and 4 reflection symmetries.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: a
Explanation: A regular hexagonal room has 6 rotational symmetries (rotational symmetry of order six) and 6 reflection symmetries (six lines of symmetry), making up the dihedral group D6. The longest diagonals of a regular hexagon, connecting diametrically opposite vertices, are twice the length of one side.

4. With a very small structure a single column with an umbrella structure above may be acceptable.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: For a larger structure columns may be placed on the radius at 2/3 of the roof’s radius. This results in minimal roof stresses. But while a circular structure with main structural elements being radial and passing through the center sounds good, it is unbuildable with more than 8 columns due to connections at the center. Past this point we need to develop some sort of structural placement drawing for the final roof and use that to locate the columns.

5. Circular plan offer better seismic resistance.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Considering a rectangular plan, and assuming the lateral load in one direction, its clear that only the two walls in the direction of the force would more or less contribute to the stiffness and thus the seismic resistance. However, in a circular plan, every part of the wall would have some component in the direction of the seismic load. Also, instead of the regular X-shaped cracks (on account of in-plane shear in load bearing walls), a circular plan would experience a parabolic failure pattern, and that could possibly also be a reason for the increased seismic resilience.
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6. Triangle is most stable structure.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: If u apply force on any link or joint the net force is distributed all over the structure ie sides and joints. This means all sides and joint experience force thus the force is distributed and this makes it more rigid and stable structure.
In case of all others shapes this is not present.
Example for square.—if u apply load on top link, joint the bottom link doesn’t experience any force. Hence the load is taken by two sides on which the square is standing. Similarly for pentagon, hexagon and all others.

7. The small circular pattern in the plan represents __________
The small circular pattern in the plan represents column for the materials
a) hole
b) beam
c) column
d) design
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Answer: c
Explanation: Circular structure is drawn with a polygon with as many sides as you need to keep the distance between columns safe for the materials you are using. Stronger material will require less columns i.e. less small circular patterns.

8. A semi-circular structure with a dome shape roof erected over sacred relics of Buddha is known as ___________
a) edicts
b) pillars
c) stupas
d) monoliths
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Answer: c
Explanation: A stupa (Sanskrit- “heap”) is a mound-like or hemispherical structure containing relics (śarīra – typically the remains of Buddhist monks or nuns) that is used as a place of meditation. A related architectural term is a chaitya, which is a prayer hall or temple containing a stupa.
In Buddhism circumambulation or pradakhshina has been an important ritual and devotional pracice since the earliest times, and stupas always have a pradakhshina path around them.

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