Civil Engineering Drawing Questions and Answers – Detailed Specifications

This set of Civil Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Detailed Specifications”.

1. During lime concreting in foundation coarse aggregate shall be of hard, well-burnt or over-burnt brick ballast of __________ mm gauge.
a) 80 mm
b) 10 mm
c) 40 mm
d) 3mm
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Answer: c
Explanation: It shall be deep cherry red or copper colour and shall be clean, free from dust, dirt, and other foreign matters. It shall be homogeneous in texture and rough cubical in shape. Ballast which appears porous or shows signs of saltpeter shall not be used.

2. For lime concreting in roof terracing the concrete shall be kept wet for _____________
a) 6 hours
b) 24 hours
c) 28 days
d) Fortnight
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Answer: d
Explanation: The wetting should be done by covering with straw or sand and watering frequently by water-can or driving into squares by mud diaries which shall be kept flooded with water.

3. For ideal work, plastering should be applied in three coats- the rendering or first coat of 10 mm, the _____________________ and finishing coat of 5 to 6 mm having a total minimum thickness of 20 mm.
a) scrubbing or second coat of 10 mm to 6 mm
b) floating or second coat of 10 mm to 6 mm
c) painting or second coat of 10 mm to 6 mm
d) layering or second coat of 10 mm to 6 mm
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Answer: b
Explanation: The first coat shall be applied on the prepared raked cleaned and wetted surface by dashing the mortar and floated roughly with wooden float. It shall be kept damp for at least two days. When the first coat has sufficiently set, the surface shall be wetted and a second coat of plaster shall be applied and brought to true even surface and then lightly roughened with a wooden float to provide bond for the finished coat.

4. The detailed specification of an item of work specifies the qualities and quantities of materials, the proportion of mortar, workmanship, the method of preparation.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The detailed specification of different items of work are prepared separately, and describe what the works should be and how they shall be executed and constructed. Detailed specification are written to express the requirements clearly in a concise form avoiding repetition and ambiguity.

5. If the soil is not good and does not permit vertical sides, the sides should be sloped back or protected with timber shoring. Excavated earth shall not be placed within 12m of the edge of trench.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: If the soil is not good and does not permit vertical sides, the sides should be sloped back or protected with timber shoring. Excavated earth shall not be placed within 1m of the edge of trench.

6. Any treasure and valuables or materials found during the excavation shall be the property of the excavator.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Any treasure and valuables or materials found during the excavation, shall be the property of the government.

7. Water, if any accumulates in the trench, should be bailed or pumped out without any extra payment.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Water, if any accumulates in the trench, should be bailed or pumped out without any extra payment and necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent surface water to enter into the trench.

8. During lime concreting in foundation fine aggregate shall be of surkhi or sand or cinder as specified, and clean and free from dust, dirt, and foreign matters.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Surkhi shall be made of well burnt bricks or brick bats and shall pass through a sieve of 2.5 meshes per sq cm. Surkhi is preferable for better concrete.

9. During lime concreting in foundation the concrete shall consists of 10 cu m of brick ballast, 0.92 cu m of surkhi and 0.6 cu m of white lime in the proportion of 100:32:16 by volume.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: During lime concreting in foundation the concrete shall consists of 1 cu m of brick ballast, 0.32 cu m of surkhi and 0.16 cu m of white lime in the proportion of 100:32:16 by volume.

10. During lime concreting in foundation if kankar lime is used 0.35 cu m of kanakar lime shall be used with 20 cu m ballast and no surkhi or sand or cinder shall be added.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: During lime concreting in foundation if kankar lime is used 0.35 cu m of kanakar lime shall be used with 1 cu m ballast and no surkhi or sand or cinder shall be added. When brick ballast is not available, in hill areas, stone ballast 40 mm gauge, sand and white lime may be used in the same proportion as above.

11. For controlling the amount of water in cement regular moisture test should be carried out to maintain the required consistency.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: For controlling the amount of water in cement regular slump test should be carried out to maintain the required consistency. A slump of 7.5 cm to 10 cm may be allowed for building work, and 4 cm to 3 cm may be allowed for road work.

12. Steel reinforcing bars shall be of mild steel or deformed steel of standard specifications.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: It shall be free from corrosions, loose rust scales, oil, grease, paint, etc. The steel bar shall be round and capable of being bent without fracture. Bars shall be hooked and bent accurately and placed in positions as peer design and drawing and bound together tight with 20 S.W.G. annealed steel wire at their point of intersection.

13. 1st class brick shall be soaked in clean water by submerging in a tank for a period of 2 hours immediately before use.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: 1st class brick shall be soaked in clean water by submerging in a tank for a period of 12 hours immediately before use. Soaking shall be continued till air bubbling is ceased.

14. Bricks shall be well bonded and laid in English bond unless otherwise specified.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Every course shall be truly horizontal and wall shall been truly in plumb. Vertical joints of consecutive course shall not come directly over one another. Vertical joints in alternate course shall come directly over one another. No damaged or broken bricks shall be used.

15. For brickwork in mud mortar the bond of brickwork shall be of English bond.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The mud should be made of selected earth of tenacious nature so that it sticks and binds bricks. The earth should be soaked in water at least one day before and then worked up with water by labourer trading it until it is perfectly free from lumps and forms a thick plastic mix.

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