Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers – Quarrying and Dressing of Stones

This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Quarrying and Dressing of Stones”.

1. Which of the following is a hand tool used for quarrying?
a) Plier
b) Hammer
c) Quarrying wire
d) XSM
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Answer: b
Explanation: Plier is not used in quarrying. Quarrying wire is used for cutting stones at a site. XSM is a manufacturer of quarrying machines. Hammer is used to split rocks.

2. What is the relation between LLR (Line of Least Resistance) and amount of explosives
to be used?
a) Higher the LLR, higher the amount of explosive
b) Higher the LLR, lesser the amount of explosive
c) 10% more explosive for every 1m of LLR
d) 10% less explosive for every 1m of LLR
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Answer: a
Explanation: LLR is the shortest distance travelled by the expelled gasses on blasting through a path which offers least resistance. Therefore, higher amount of explosives will result in higher LLR.

3. Which of the following is not an explosive used for blasting?
a) Gelignite
b) Gunpowder
c) Flash powder
d) Nitrocellulose
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Answer: c
Explanation: Flash powder is used primarily in fireworks and theatrical pyrotechnics. The other three are widely used in the quarrying field.

4. Which type of dressing does the figure below represent?
Find the type of dressing represented in the given figure
a) Pitch faced dressing
b) Furrowed finish
c) Combed finish
d) Fine tooling
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Answer: d
Explanation: Fine tooling involves removing projections till a fairly smooth surface is obtained. In pitch faced dressing, the edges are levelled and the flaws on the face of the stone is allowed to remain. In furrowed finish, a fixed margin is sunk on all sides with a central portion projecting. In the combed finish, a comb with steel teeth is rubbed on the surface.

5. What is used to accelerate the process of rubbing in rubbed finish dressing?
a) Water
b) Water and sand
c) Clay
d) Pebbles
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Answer: b
Explanation: In rubbed finish dressing, a piece of stone is rubbed against a surface or machine. Water and sand together act as accelerators and help in the rubbing action.

6. Dressing of stones is carried out to:
a) To provide employment to people
b) To make transport of stones to site easy and economic
c) To reduce water content of stone
d) To avoid further works on the stone
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dressing reduces the excess weight of the stone and helps in easy transport from the quarry to the site of use, also proving the process to be economic.

7. How many types of dressings are there with respect to the place of work?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) None
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Answer: c
Explanation: There are two types of dressings based on the place of work. They are quarry dressing and site dressing. Quarry dressing is carried out right after quarrying whereas site dressing is done after transporting the quarried rock to the site.

8. Circular finished stones are generally used for:
a) Pillar
b) Tombstone
c) Landscaping
d) Column
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Answer: d
Explanation: Circular finish dressing yields in a stone with a surface that is round and circular. This is exactly the type of dressed stone which meets the requirements of stone required for column construction.

9. Quarry faced finished stones are also called:
a) Reticulated finish
b) Hammer faced finished
c) Rock faced stones
d) Plain finish
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Answer: c
Explanation: Quarry faced finished stone is directly available from the quarry and has a smooth surface. It doesn’t require any further dressing. They are also called self-faced stones.

10. Dynamite is a more effective explosive than gelignite.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Gelignite is more convenient to use and can be used underwater also. Hence, it’s effective than dynamite.

11. What is sand blasting?
a) Process of making carvings on stone surface
b) Quarrying technique
c) Dressing type
d) Process of using sand to blast stone surface
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Answer: a
Explanation: It’s used to carve or clean a surface with a high velocity jet of abrasive material (sand, walnut, steel bits, etc..).

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