This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Cost Effective Construction Techniques”.
1. Low cost housing in Kerala was first developed by:
a) Lawrence Becker
b) Larry Baker
c) Laurence Becker
d) Laurie Baker
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Explanation: Laurie Baker was a British born Indian architect. He developed ideas for cost effective, energy efficient buildings.
2. What is the total area allotted for a low-cost house?
a) 40m2
b) 30m2
c) 20m2
d) 10m2
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Explanation: The Planning Commission has recommended the Government of India to adopt the following minimum standard for a low-cost house: – living room (11.1m2), veranda and kitchen 6.5m2), bathroom (1.3m2), lavatory (1.1m2) and total of 20m2.
3. In Rat-trap bond masonry, course height is:
a) 110mm
b) 75mm
c) 230mm
d) 190mm
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Explanation: Rat-trap bond masonry uses bricks of size 230x110x75mm. In this masonry, bricksare laid on edges, making the course height to be 110mm. Laying of bricks creates a cavity wall automatically.
4. For ordinary soil, which foundation can reduce cost?
a) Isolated
b) Arch
c) Ream pile
d) Combined
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Explanation: Using arch foundation can reduce cost up to 40%. Foundation is an important part of building and costs higher. A reduction is achieved, without compromising on strength.
5. Which masonry material is used for cost reduction?
a) Stone blocks
b) Concrete blocks
c) Laterite blocks
d) Cement blocks
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Explanation: Concrete blocks consume only 1/3rd of energy used in the production of red bricks. It reduces the wall thickness from 20 to 15cm, and mortar also. Overall reduction in the cost of 10 to 25% can be achieved.
6. Which of the below is not a filler material in filler slabs?
a) Rubber pieces
b) Clay pots
c) Burnt clay bricks
d) Coconut shell
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Explanation: In R.C.C slabs, concrete in the lower portion does not help in anyway because it is weak in tension (bottom zone). Therefore, in filler slabs, it is replaced by certain filler materials, like coconut shells, burnt clary bricks, pots etc.
7. Rat-trap bond masonry requires _________ less mortar.
a) 10%
b) 50%
c) 40%
d) 20%
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Explanation: Rat-trap bond masonry is a technique where bricks are laid on their edges. Hence approximately 25% less bricks and 40% less mortar is used compared to conventional one.
8. For natural and cost-effective ventilation, ________ can be used.
a) Hollow bricks
b) Wall openings
c) Skylight
d) Brick jali
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Explanation: Bricks are arranged in such a way that a jali (hole) is formed. These provide cross ventilation, natural lighting and reduction in cost greatly. They can be used in parapets, living rooms, etc.
9. By using filler slab technique:
a) 20% saving of concrete is there
b) Aesthetic ceiling is obtained
c) Less thermal comfort is there
d) Load on foundation increases
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Explanation: The filler material can be arranged in a systematic way, pattern to give an aesthetically pleasing ceiling. The filler materials can be exposed, instead of plastering them. 5-10% saving of concrete, more thermal comfort and the load on columns and foundation are reduced.
10. Economy can be achieved in doors, windows, ventilator by:
a) No frame
b) Less width
c) Steel frames
d) Less height
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Explanation: Doors, windows and ventilators are openings in the wall that are held on a frame. Not using a frame is economic, but not very aesthetic. Using concrete/steel frames instead of wood can help in reducing cost.
11. For sloping roofs, ferro cement roofing units can be used.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Instead of using RCC, ferro cement roofing units can be used for sloping roofs. They are lighter and stronger than RCC. The material requirement is also less.
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