This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Chain Surveying”.
1. An offset is a _________ distance of an object measured from the survey line.
a) Lateral
b) Horizontal
c) Normal
d) Inclined
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Explanation: Offsets are taken perpendicular to the survey lines. They are used to mark objects and the lateral distance to them, using an offset rod.
2. Which of the below is not an instrument used to set right angles?
a) Cross staff
b) Site square
c) Optical staff
d) Prism square
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Explanation: There is no instrument like an optical staff. Optical square is an instrument which consists of circular box with three slits. Cross staff is a frame of the box mounted on a pole. Prism square is an advanced version of an optical square. Site square consists of two telescopes set at 90os.
3. How many types of chains are used in chain surveying?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 8
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Explanation: There can be 5 types of chains used for chain surveying. They are the metric chain, Gunter’s chain, engineer’s chain, revenue chain and steel band or band chain.
4. Gunter’s chain consists of _________ links.
a) 500
b) 50
c) 1000
d) 100
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Explanation: Gunter’s chain is also called surveyor’s chain and is 66ft long. It consists of 100 links, each being 0.6 ft. Eighty Gunter’s chain corresponds to 1 mile.
5. The process of a location of intermediate points on a survey line is:
a) Aligning
b) Extending
c) Ranging
d) Offsetting
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Explanation: Ranging is used to locate intermediate points. They are marked using ranging rods. It is done when a survey line is very long and marks are required to distinguish the line.
6. The biggest of the survey line is called:
a) First line
b) Base line
c) Tie line
d) Main survey line
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Explanation: The line joining the main survey station is called the main survey line. The biggest of the main survey line is the base line, and other features are plotted with respect to this line.
7. Chain surveying uses the principle of:
a) Traversing
b) Chaining
c) Ranging
d) Triangulation
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Explanation: Chain surveying is suitable for a survey of small areas. The area is divided into well- conditioned triangles and triangulation is the principle used.
8. In how many ways can ranging be carried out?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
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Explanation: Ranging is of 2 types – direct and indirect. Direct ranging is done using a line ranger or naked eye. Indirect ranging is done when starting and ending points are not visible.
9. The book in which chain measurements are entered is called:
a) Field book
b) Record book
c) Study book
d) Chain book
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Explanation: Field book is used to enter all the measurements done while surveying. It is an oblong book of size 20x12cm and opens length wise.
10. How many types of cross staff are available?
a) 2
b) 5
c) 3
d) 4
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Explanation: The three types are open cross staff, French cross staff and adjustable cross staff. Open cross staff has two vertical, opposite slits. French cross staff consists of a hollow octagonal box. The adjustable cross staff consists of two cylinders of equal diameter, one placed on top of the other.
11. Survey stations may be marked on the ground using a:
a) Pole
b) Rod
c) Pointer
d) Peg
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Explanation: Peg is a wooden block with a pointed edge to drive it into the ground. They are generally 2.5-3 cm2 and 15cm long, with tapered end.
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