Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers – Urban Engineering

This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Urban Engineering”.

1. How many types of land use patterns are there?
a) 10
b) 20
c) 15
d) 5
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Answer: a
Explanation: The land use pattern shows how the land is used for various purposes in the development of housing/commercial/industrial areas. There are widely 10 land use patterns; radio centric (a large circle with development starting from centre), rectilinear (2 areas crossing centre), star (open spaces in star shape), ring (areas in circle with open space in centre), linear (along topography contours), branch (with connecting areas), sheet (spread out), articulated sheet (central and sub clusters), constellation (equal size areas nearby) and satellite (constellation around main area).

2. General land use planning deals with:
a) Residential
b) Institutional
c) Forests
d) Commercial
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Answer: c
Explanation: The general land use planning deals with the non-urban large scale areas like forests, croplands, swamplands, etc. and they are used primarily for agriculture, forest or special uses. The other 3 options come under urban land use planning.

3. The land supply for urban expansion can be determined by:
a) TLA – (PCA+BU)
b) PCA – (TLA+BU)
c) BU – (PCA+TLA)
d) BU – (TLA-PCA)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The total land area of a city (TLA) which is available for expansion is found out by deducting the total area of protected/conservation areas (PCA) and the existing built-up areas (BU). All these are taken in hectares.

4. Urbanisation and occupation of river banks and flood plains lead to:
a) Periodic exposure to inundation
b) Greater flow velocity
c) High run off
d) Increased soil erosion
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Answer: a
Explanation: The population of town on river banks are periodically exposed to inundation from the rivers. Then slowly these extensions increase as there is less space for water to flow. Removal of natural vegetation leads to the other 3 options.

5. A non-structural measure in flood control management is:
a) Canalisation
b) Polders and dikes
c) Flood proofing construction
d) Retention ponds
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Answer: c
Explanation: The aim of a non-structural flood control management is to reduce the population and properties exposure to the floods. Use of flood proofing in construction is one of the ways.

6. Which of the following is not a flood proofing measures for houses?
a) Elevation
b) Floodwalls
c) Dry flood proofing
d) Detention basin
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Answer: d
Explanation: The buildings which are in flood prone areas can be flood proofed by elevation (raise a building), floodwalls (a wall built to keep water away) and dry flood proofing (making walls of building watertight).

7. Noise map is an excellent tool for urban planning.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: These maps help to quantify the noise of a region and evaluate the population exposed to it. They help to create a database for the planning of zones accordingly (noisy activities/sensible, etc) and to predict the impact of noise in the predicted urban infrastructure.

8. How many number of source types of noise are there?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
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Answer: b
Explanation: There are 3 sources type noise propagation. They are point source (loudspeakers, vehicles, industrial equipment, etc.), line source (road, railways, etc) and area source (parking lot, functions, opening of tunnels, etc).

9. Optimization of urban mobility can be intervened at the infrastructure level by use of:
a) SUV lanes
b) HOV lanes
c) Toll free lanes
d) Slow lanes
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Answer: b
Explanation: The HOV (High Occupancy Vehicles) lane optimizes the existing roads by allowing vehicles with 2,3 or more occupants to use these lanes exclusively. So, it promotes people to use car pools to reach the destination faster, reducing the number of vehicles on road.

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