Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers – Characteristics and Ingredien…

This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Characteristics and Ingredients of Paint”.

1. What is a vehicle in paint used for?
a) To obscure surface
b) To adhere to surface
c) To provide shine to surface
d) To reduce crack on surface
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Answer: b
Explanation: Paint consists of two ingredients-a base and a vehicle. Base helps to obscure the surface. A vehicle allows even spreading, binding and adhering to surface.

2. Paint should provide resistance to:
a) Corrosion
b) Sound
c) Heat
d) Warping
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Answer: a
Explanation: Paint should resist corrosion and protect the surface over which it is applied.

3. The base in a paint does not serve the function of:
a) Durability
b) Hard and elastic
c) Protection against UV rays
d) Catalyst
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Answer: d
Explanation: There are certain components called driers in the paint. They act as catalysts.

4. Which of the below is the most commonly used base?
a) Red lead
b) Zinc white
c) White lead
d) Oxide of iron
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Answer: c
Explanation: White lead possess good bulk, it is dense, permanent and water proof. It is a carbonate of lead and forms the base in lead paints.

5. Lithophone is a base widely used for exterior works.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Lithophone changes colour when exposed to day light. Hence, it is used for interior works of inferior quality.
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6. How does drier act as a catalyst?
a) Releasing oxygen
b) Releasing water
c) Absorbing oxygen
d) Absorbing water
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Answer: c
Explanation: Drier accelerates the rate of drying of paint film. It absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere and transfers it to a vehicle, which in turn hardens.

7. Which of the below vehicles are used for ordinary work?
a) Nut oil
b) Poppy oil
c) Stand oil
d) Linseed oil
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Answer: a
Explanation: Nut oil is colourless and it dries rapidly. It is cheap as it is prepared from ordinary walnuts. Hence, these are used for ordinary works.

8. When should drier be added to the paint?
a) 12 hours before paint is used
b) Immediately after opening it
c) 1 hour before paint is used
d) When paint is ready to use
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Answer: d
Explanation: Driers when added to paint, will start doing their action as a catalyst immediately. This will lead to hardening of paint, decreasing workability.

9. ________ Oil is thicker and darker than raw oil, which is used as vehicle?
a) Double boiled linseed oil
b) Boiled linseed oil
c) Pale boiled linseed oil
d) Linseed oil
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Answer: b
Explanation: Raw linseed oil is thin and pale. It requires more time to dry. Boiled linseed oil is thicker and darker than raw oil and dries quickly.

10. Which of the below is a characteristic of an ideal paint?
a) Health of the worker is unaffected
b) Costly
c) Pleasant smell
d) Dries rapidly
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Answer: a
Explanation: The person applying the paint should be safeguarded from any toxic or harmful ingredients. The paint should economic, the smell is typically bit pungent. Paint should dry at a reasonable time, not slowly or rapidly.

11. _________ base is generally used for priming coat to new wood work?
a) Antimony white
b) Titanium dioxide
c) Aluminium powder
d) Red lead
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Answer: c
Explanation: Aluminium powder forms bulk of aluminium paints. It prevents warping and cracking of wood when applied to a new wood work.

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