This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Building Maintenance”.
1. How many types of cracks can occur in a building?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 6
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Explanation: There are 2 types of cracks that can be found in buildings. Non-moving cracks are the result of shrinkage and are usually shallow. Moving cracks are caused due to excessive stress in concrete and generally are wider than 1mm.
2. Creep in concrete structure increases with:
a) Increase in humidity
b) Increase in water
c) Decrease in temperature
d) Decrease in humidity
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Explanation: Creep is small deformation that is formed due to loading on concrete. It is a slow, time dependent process. An increase in temperature and decrease in humidity can cause this.
3. To control corrosion, concrete with _________ is used.
a) Low permeability
b) Low thermal coefficient
c) More cement content
d) More coarse aggregates
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Explanation: If the concrete is less permeable, then there is less chance of moisture, chemical absorption which leads to corrosion of steel bars.
4. The main reason for cracks in masonry joints is:
a) Moisture
b) Sulphate
c) Magnesium
d) Sodium
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Explanation: Sulphate content of bricks to be used in masonry should be checked. These attack the mortar and weakens it, leading to development of cracks. They appear after 2-3 years of construction.
5. Shear cracks between the main wall and cross wall can be corrected using:
a) Grouting
b) Rebuilding
c) Guining
d) Toothing
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Explanation: The place where the main and cross wall joins, there can be cracks developed. It is due to poor bonding between walls. Bonding can be increased by toothing, where a projection of brick is done into the other wall, interlocking it.
6. Which IS code gives details about termite proofing?
a) IS 6835
b) IS 6313
c) IS 5886
d) IS 5668
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Explanation: IS 6313 part I and part II specify the procedure for anti-termite treatment. Termite attacks wood, plastic, leather and rubber. So, to protect components containing these, anti-termite protection is to be given.
7. Leaks in the pitched roof may be caused due to:
a) Improper slopes
b) Unfinished roof and wall junction
c) Depression on top of roof
d) Heavy wind
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Explanation: The first three options are the reasons for leaks in flat roofs. Weather effects like heavy wind, storm, rain can alter the roof structure and cause leakage.
8. The chemical heptachlor in anti-termite proofing has concentration by weight of:
a) 0.5%
b) 0.1%
c) 0.3%
d) 0.2%
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Explanation: The anti-termite chemicals in water emulsion can be any of aldrin, heptachlor and chlordane. Aldrin and heptachlor have concentration by weight of 0.5% and chlordane of 1%.
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