This set of Basic Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Sustainable Engineering”.
1. Carbon footprint can be measured by:
a) Carbon dating
b) Instruments
c) Carbon accounting
d) Formula
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Explanation: Carbon footprint is the total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organisation or product. It is expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent. It can be measured by assessment of GHG (greenhouse gas) levels or activities like carbon accounting.
2. How many types of ecological pyramids are there?
a) 3
b) 2
c) 4
d) 5
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Explanation: Ecological pyramid is a graphical representation used to show bio productivity at each trophic level. The three types are the pyramid of energy, pyramid of numbers and pyramid of biomass.
3. A legally binding agreement between 2 or more nation states relating to environment is:
a) BEA
b) BA
c) MA
d) MEA
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Explanation: MEA stand for Multilateral Environmental Agreement. When it is between 2 nation states, it is BEA – Bilateral Environmental Agreement. These are predominantly produced by the United Nations.
4. _________ is a programme run by UN related to sustainable development.
a) GHG indicator
b) Agenda 21
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Explanation: Agenda 21 is a comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by governments of member nations of UN and those major groups in every area in which humans impact on the environment.
5. For a gold LEED certification, how many points are required?
a) 40-49
b) 60-79
c) 50-59
d) 80-110
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Explanation: LEED is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. It has four levels – certified (40-49 points), silver (50-59), gold (60-79) and platinum (80-110 points).
6. Which of the below green building in India has received a platinum LEED certification?
a) Dabur India, Chandigarh
b) Logix Cyber Park, UP
c) Unitech Commercial Tower, Chandigarh
d) Suzlon One Earth, Pune
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Explanation: This building can accommodate 2300 people, has used low energy materials, thus reducing carbon footprint. 90% of occupied space has access to natural daylight.
7. ________ is the conventional source for hydel power.
a) Tidal wave
b) Currents
c) Water
d) Ripples
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Explanation: Hydel power is obtained from a high velocity of running water. It is abundantly present. It is used for a longer period of time. It is an exceptional case of conventional energy.
8. The first academic publication about ecological footprints was in:
a) 1992
b) 1990
c) 1993
d) 1994
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Explanation: William Rees published the first ecological footprint in 1992. The concept and calculation was developed as the PhD dissertation of Mathis Wackernagel under Rees’ supervision from 1990-1994.
9. Which of the below is a global scale environmental issue?
a) Eutrophication
b) Regional ozone
c) Climate change
d) Pollution
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Explanation: These are three scales of environmental issues – local, regional and global. Climate change, global warming, stratospheric ozone less, etc. are all issues at a global level.
10. Carbon can be stored in organic matter in the form of:
a) Biomass
b) Biofuel
c) Bioenergy
d) Bio carbon
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Explanation: It is stored in the roots of trees and organic matter for decades in the form of biomass. The carbon from these are released into the atmosphere on decomposition.
11. The ‘Miracle Material’ that can turn CO2 into liquid fuel is:
a) Propene
b) Copper
c) Graphene
d) Potassium
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Explanation: Graphene quantum dots can recycle waste CO2 to fuel. Scientist Pulickel Ajayan has shown the conversion of CO2 into ethylene and ethanol using electro catalysis in lab conditions.
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