This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Capacitor and Capacitance”.
1. Paper capacitor is a type of _________
a) Fixed capacitor
b) Variable capacitor
c) Either fixed or variable depending on its usage
d) Neither fixed nor variable
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Explanation: Paper capacitors are fixed capacitors because, like fixed capacitors, its capacitance value remains constant. In paper capacitors, paper is used as the dielectric.
2. A capacitor using chemical reactions to store charge is _______
a) Paper capacitor
b) Ceramic capacitor
c) Polyester capacitor
d) Electrolyte capacitor
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Explanation: Electrolyte capacitors use chemical processes like pyrolysis to store charge between its plates.
3. Which, among the following, is the odd one out?
a) Ceramic capacitor
b) Electrolyte capacitor
c) Tuning capacitor
d) Paper capacitor
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Explanation: Ceramic capacitor, electrolyte capacitor and paper capacitor are fixed capacitors whereas tuning capacitors is a variable capacitor, hence it is the odd one out.
4. In a variable capacitor, capacitance can be varied by ______
a) Turning the rotatable plates in or out
b) Sliding the rotatable plates
c) Changing the plates
d) Changing the material of plates
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Explanation: As the plates are rotated, the area of the plates between which the field exists, will vary. Capacitance depends on area, hence as area varies, capacitance also varies.
5. The simplest kind of capacitor is ________
a) Ceramic capacitor
b) Electrolyte capacitor
c) Tuning capacitor
d) Paper capacitor
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Explanation: The paper capacitor consists of two strips of aluminium foil separated by sheets of waxed paper. This whole setup is rolled up into the form of a cylinder. Since the materials requires for its construction are easily available, it is the simplest kind of capacitor.
6. Capacitor preferred when there is high frequency in the circuits is _______
a) Electrolyte capacitor
b) Mica capacitor
c) Air capacitor
d) Glass capacitor
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Explanation: Mica capacitors are preferred for high frequency circuits because they have low ohmic losses and less reactance.
7. The type of capacitors used in communication transmitters are?
a) Electrolyte capacitor
b) Variable capacitor
c) Air capacitor
d) Glass capacitor
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Explanation: Variable capacitor is used to tune all the circuits to same frequency i.e. resonance frequency so they are used in communication transmitters.
8. Which capacitors relatively costly?
a) Electrolyte capacitor
b) Mica capacitor
c) Air capacitor
d) Glass capacitor
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Explanation: Mica capacitors are relatively expensive because it consists either of alternate layers of mica and metal foil clamped tightly together, or of thin films of silver on the two sides of a mica sheet. Silver is an expensive metal, hence mica capacitors are expensive.
9. ____________ capacitors usually have a colour code to find its value.
a) Electrolyte capacitor
b) Variable capacitor
c) Polyester capacitor
d) Glass capacitor
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Explanation: Polyester capacitors usually come with a colour code because they are very small and their values cannot be printed on its body.
10. ______________ capacitors have a high leakage voltage.
a) Electrolyte capacitor
b) Variable capacitor
c) Air capacitor
d) Polyester capacitor
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Explanation: Polyester capacitors can operate at high voltages, that is, a few thousand volts and the leakage resistance is high, that is, usually 100 M.
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