- Basic Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Technology
- Electrical Engineering Materials
- Design of Electrical Apparatus
- Electrical Energy Systems
- Generation and Utilization of Electrical Energy
- Advanced Computing for Electrical Engineers
1. Basic Electrical Engineering
1."Basic Electrical Engineering" by C L Wadhwa
“Basic Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book is designed for the needs of engineering students by presenting fundamental concepts of electrical engineering in a clear and accessible manner. It addresses topics such as d.c. circuits, ohm’s laws, Kirchhoff’s laws, Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction, and Lenz’s law. It discusses subjects like hysteresis losses, eddy currents, steady state analysis of a.c. circuits, and more. The book offers a plethora of solved examples and practice problems to enhance understanding. It includes a section with multiple-choice questions and their corresponding answers.
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2."Basic Electrical Engineering" by Mehta V K and Mehta Rohit
“Basic Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book is primarily designed for electrical engineering students, offering clear mathematical derivations presented in simple language. It is structured into 17 chapters, starting with the basic concepts and progressing through various topics. The book covers d.c. circuits, d.c. network theorems, electrostatics, capacitance and capacitors, magnetism and electromagnetism, and electromagnetic induction. Additionally, it explores magnetic circuits, chemical effects of electric current, a.c. fundamentals, phasor algebra, parallel a.c. circuits, polyphase circuits, and a.c. network analysis. With over 2000 figures and examples, the book effectively illustrates the concepts, while also providing practice questions for further reinforcement.
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3."Basic Electrical Engineering" by Nagrath, I and Kothari
“Basic Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for engineering students, encompassing electricity fundamentals, network theory, and electromagnetism. It extensively covers topics such as electric machines, transformers, and measuring instruments. It provides a explanation of real-world applications within this field. The book incorporates numerous examples and exercises to facilitate a thorough understanding of the concepts presented.
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4."Basic Electrical Engineering" by Mittle, V and Arvind Mittle
“Basic Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book focuses on the fundamental principles of electrical engineering, covering topics related to circuit design and its practical applications. It provides detailed insights into the design and application of circuitry, as well as explores the equipment used in power generation, distribution, and machine control.
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5."Basic Electrical Engineering" by T K Nagsarkar and M S Sukhija
“Basic Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate engineering students. It covers a range of topics including network theory and analysis, magnetic circuits, and energy conversion. It discusses the intricacies of both AC and DC machines, basic analog instruments, and power systems. The book offers numerous solved numerical examples to enhance understanding. Each chapter concludes with numerical problems that enable students to assess their comprehension and analytical skills. The book includes multiple-choice questions with answers for further practice and assessment.
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6."Basic Electrical Engineering" by P S Dogal | |
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7."Objective Electrical Engineering" by P K Mishra
“Objective Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book is designed a diverse audience, including students studying in railways, those pursuing electrical engineering, and individuals preparing for competitive exams in these fields. Divided into 11 chapters, it comprehensively covers various topics such as basic electrical engineering, AC circuits, illumination, alternators, and industrial drives. To enhance practical understanding, the book includes a wide range of objective questions and practice problems.
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8."Abc of Electrical Engineering" by Theraja B L and Theraja A K
“Abc of Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for students in their first year of B.E., B.Tech., and A.M.I.E. programs. It covers a wide range of topics including electric current and resistance, DC network theorems, electrostatics, and capacitors. It provides detailed explanations on magnetism, magnetic circuits, and complex algebra. The book also explores AC fundamentals, AC series circuits, parallel AC circuits, motors, and more. To aid in understanding, the book incorporates numerous diagrams to illustrate the concepts presented.
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9."Schaum's Outline of Basic Electrical Engineering" by J Cathey
“Schaum’s Outline of Basic Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book focuses on the fundamental challenges in the field of electrical engineering. It extensively covers key chapters such as circuit elements and laws, resistive circuit analysis, operational amplifiers, and transformers. It explores topics including transient circuit analysis, steady-state AC circuits, and switching logic applications. To enhance understanding, the book provides multiple block diagrams and signal flow diagrams. It also includes a rich collection of fully worked-out problems with complete solutions. This book serves as a valuable resource for engineering and diploma students, as well as for those studying for the GATE examination.
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10."Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering" by S K Bhattacharya
“Basics Electrical and Electronics Engineering” Book Review: This book is designed for students pursuing electrical and electronic engineering, providing a comprehensive understanding of electricity fundamentals. It employs a clear and straightforward language throughout its content. The book covers a wide range of topics including electricity fundamentals, electrical machines, and network theory. It also discusses transformers, electromagnetism, and measuring instruments. It discusses power systems, semiconductor devices, digital electronics, and integrated circuits. To reinforce learning, each chapter concludes with practice questions for students to assess their knowledge and skills
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11."Introduction to Electrical Engineering" by Naidu and M and S Kamakshiaih
“Introduction to Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This textbook serves as an introduction to the field of electrical engineering, providing a solid foundation for students. It commences with a thorough explanation of basic symbols, SI units, and abbreviations. Subsequently, it explores various essential electrical concepts, including Fundamental Concepts of Electricity, Electrostatic Field, Batteries, Electric Circuits with DC charge, Magnetic Circuits, Magnetic Forces, Single Phase Transformers, Induction Motors, and Synchronous Machines, among others. The book incorporates exercises and multiple-choice questions to facilitate extended practice and reinforce learning. It is particularly beneficial for first-year engineering students seeking to strengthen their foundational understanding of this subject matter.
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12."Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers" by H Wayne Beaty and Donald Fink
“Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers” Book Review: The book focuses on a wide range of subjects within the realm of electrical engineering and is suitable for both engineering students and professionals in the field. It delves into key concepts related to electrical power, including generation, transmission, operation, and application. It explores cutting-edge technologies such as smart grids, smart meters, renewable energy sources, and cogeneration plants. The book also explains the integration of modern computer applications in controlling the power grid. Throughout the text, readers will find numerous illustrations and exercise problems to help in practical application.
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13."Basic Electrical Engineering" by Srinivas K N
“Basic Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This textbook is designed for B.E. computer science and engineering students, as well as B.Tech information technology students. It consists of five chapters that cover a range of topics. The book starts with the fundamentals of electric circuits, including DC circuits, AC circuits, 3-phase circuits, resonance, and network theorems. To facilitate understanding, the text is accompanied by helpful illustrations. The book discusses synchronous machines, asynchronous machines, and the fundamentals of control systems, providing various practical examples to enhance understanding.
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2. Electrical Technology
1."Objective Electrical Technology" by Mehta V K and Mehta Rohit
“Objective Electrical Technology” Book Review: This book serves as a valuable resource for students preparing for GATE, UPSC, IAS, and IES exams, providing a comprehensive understanding of Electrical Technology. It covers various aspects of Basic Electrical Engineering, including circuits, network theorems, and electrical work. It explores topics such as Power and Energy, electrostatics, capacitance, magnetism, and electromagnetism. The book discusses magnetic circuits, electromagnetic induction, and the chemical effects of electric current. It also offers insights into alternating current, series and parallel AC circuits, phasor algebra, and Three Phase Circuits. It provides detailed explanations of electrical measuring instruments, semiconductor physics, semiconductor diodes, transistors, transistor biasing, single-stage transistor amplifiers, multistage transistor amplifiers, transistor audio power amplifiers, amplifiers with negative feedback, sinusoidal oscillators, and transistor tuned amplifiers.
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2."Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology" by Hughes
“Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology” Book Review: This book is an authoritative and comprehensive guide for students and professionals in the field. The book covers a wide range of topics, including electrical principles, electronic devices, power systems, control systems, communications, and digital electronics. Its chapters delve into essential subjects such as electrical circuits, semiconductors, electric machines, transmission lines, and signal processing. With its detailed explanations, practical examples, and engaging writing style, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking a thorough understanding of electrical and electronic technology.
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3."A Textbook of Electrical Technology" by B L Theraja and A K Theraja
“A Textbook of Electrical Technology” Book Review: This book thoroughly explores the realm of electrical technology, encompassing various divisions within electrical engineering and communication systems. It provides detailed explanations of theories related to electronic devices and circuits in the field of electrical technology. Topics such as amplifiers and power supplies are covered extensively. Each chapter is composed of theory supplemented with illustrations, examples, and questions, offering a learning experience for enhanced knowledge acquisition.
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4."An Integrated Course in Electrical Engineering" by J B Gupta
“An Integrated Course in Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book covers a wide range of topics in the field of electrical engineering. It begins by explaining the basics of DC circuits and networks, as well as electromagnetic theory. The book then ddiscuss the fundamentals of AC circuits and networks. It provides detailed insights into both DC and AC machines. The book addresses electrical engineering materials, electrical machine design, electrical installation, and wiring. It also covers essential aspects such as electrical power generation, economic considerations, transmission and distribution of electrical power, switchgear and protection, electrical energy utilization, and electric traction. The book further facilitates understanding of electronic components and devices, encompassing analog electronics, industrial and power electronics, as well as digital electronics, microprocessors, and communication systems.
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5."A Handbook for Electrical Engineering" by ME Team
“A Handbook for Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book is a valuable resource for students preparing for GATE, UPSC, IAS, and IES exams, as well as those studying Electrical Engineering. It provides support to students pursuing Electrical Engineering. With its readability and clarity, the book facilitates easy comprehension of the topics covered. It provides detailed explanations of electronics-related subjects and sheds light on emerging developments in electrical machines.
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6."Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics" by Mehta V K and Mehta Rohit
“Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics” Book Review: This book serves as a valuable resource for students preparing for GATE, UPSC, IAS, and IES exams. It is designed for students studying Electrical Engineering. It provides extensive support and guidance for Electrical Engineering students, making complex topics easily understandable. The book covers a wide range of subjects, including electronics, and offers insights into the latest advancements in electrical machine technology. Its readability ensures a smooth learning experience for students.
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7."Basic Electrical Engineering" by C L Wadhwa
“Basic Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book serves as a valuable resource for students preparing for GATE, UPSC, IAS, and IES exams, as well as those studying Electrical Engineering. It provides essential assistance to Electrical Engineering students, aiding in easy understanding of various topics. With its clear and accessible language, the book enables readers to understand the subject matter effortlessly. It covers a wide range of subjects, including electronics, and provides detailed explanations on the latest advancements in electrical machine technology.
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8."Electrical Technology" by H Cotton
“Electrical Technology” Book Review: This book is a valuable resource for students preparing for GATE, UPSC, IAS, and IES exams, as well as those pursuing studies in Electrical Engineering. Designed specifically for Electrical Engineering students, this book offers clear and concise explanations that make the topics easily understandable. It covers a wide range of subjects, including electronics, and provides in-depth insights into the latest advancements in electrical machine technology. With its reader-friendly approach, this book facilitates a smooth understanding of the subject matter.
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9."A Course in Electrical Technology" by J B Gupta
“A Course in Electrical Technology” Book Review: This book covers a wide range of topics in the field of electrical engineering. It begins by explaining the basics of DC circuits, networks, and electromagnetic theory. It further elaborates on AC fundamentals, AC networks, and the principles of AC machines. The book also explores electrical engineering materials, electrical machine design, and the intricacies of electrical installation and wiring. It provides a thorough understanding of electrical power generation and economic considerations. Transmission and distribution of electrical power, as well as switchgear and protection, are also discussed. The book delves into electrical energy utilization, electric traction, and sheds light on electronic components and devices. It focuses on analog electronics, industrial and power electronics, construction of DC machines, armature reaction, and commutation in DC machines. The operating characteristics and applications of DC generators, parallel operation of DC generators, and the operating characteristics and applications of DC motors are explained in detail. The book also covers speed control, starting, and braking mechanisms of DC motors.
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10."Basic Electricity (Dover Books on Electrical Engineering)" by United States Bureau of Naval Personnel
“Basic Electricity (Dover Books on Electrical Engineering)” Book Review: This book is dedicated to providing an understanding of the fundamental theory of electricity and its practical applications. The chapters cover a wide range of topics, beginning with the fundamental concepts of electricity, batteries, and series direct-current circuits. It also includes an in-depth exploration of network analysis of direct-current circuits, electrical conductors, and wiring techniques. Electromagnetism and magnetic circuits are thoroughly discussed, followed by an introduction to alternating-current electricity. The book further discusses the concepts of inductance, capacitance, and capacitive reactance. Starting with the basics, the book gradually progresses to more advanced concepts and their real-world applications.
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11."Logic Synthesis for FSM-Based Control Units (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Book 53)" by Alexander Barkalov and Larysa Titarenko
“Logic Synthesis for FSM-Based Control Units (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Book 53)” Book Review: This book is intended for both computer science students and digital system designers. It provides comprehensive coverage of topics such as decoders, multiplexers, parallel multi-bit adders, and more. The book offers numerous designing methods, encoding techniques, and control algorithms. It explores the principle of structural decomposition, the implementation of decoding logic, and the features of logic elements. The book presents problem-solving exercises on decoders, multiplexers, and parallel multi-bit adders. It includes examples that highlight the advantages of utilizing multiplexers to replace logical solutions.
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3. Electrical Engineering Materials
1."Electrical Engineering Materials" by Alagappan and N and Kumar N
“Electrical Engineering Materials” Book Review: This book is designed for undergraduate students studying Electrical Engineering by presenting the content in a student-friendly manner. It provides an understanding of the properties, characteristics, applications, and limitations of engineering materials. The book incorporates relevant data sourced from manufacturer’s catalogues, ensuring its practicality. With numerous illustrations for easy understanding, it covers the subject extensively. Not only is it beneficial for diploma, degree, and AMIE students, but it also serves as a valuable reference for industrial organizations, with a special focus on materials.
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2."A Course In Electrical Engineering Materials" by Seth S P
“A Course In Electrical Engineering Materials” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate students pursuing various courses such as Electrical, Electronics Engineering, as well as those studying at the B.E., B.Tech, and B.Sc. levels. It is skillfully written in a manner that is accessible and engaging for students. The book covers essential concepts related to Engineering Materials, Dielectrics, Magnetic Materials, and Conductive Materials. It provides clear explanations of Semiconducting Materials & Devices, as well as Opto-electronic Materials, using a logical and easily comprehensible language. With a total of nine chapters, each one begins with a preview of the chapter objectives and incorporates necessary mathematics, illustrations, examples, and tutorial problems to enhance the learning experience.
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3."Electrical Engineering Materials" by Dekker A J
“Electrical Engineering Materials” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate students studying Electrical and Electronics Engineering, as well as various other courses at the B.E., B.Tech, and B.Sc. levels. It is written in a manner that is student-friendly, ensuring ease of understanding. The book covers a range of topics, including the atomic interpretation of dielectric, magnetic, and conductive properties of materials. It places a strong emphasis on presenting the basic physical processes responsible for the properties of materials in a clear and concise manner. To supplement the text, the book includes background information, numerous line drawings, graphs, and tables. The Table of Contents includes sections on Atoms and Aggregates of Atoms, Dielectric Properties of Insulators in Static Fields, Behavior of Dielectrics in Alternating Fields, Magnetic Properties of Materials, The Conductivity of Metals, The Mechanism of Conduction in Semiconductors, Junction Rectifiers and Transistors, Answers to Problems, and an Index.
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4."An Introduction to Electrical Engineering Materials" by Indulkar C S and Thiruvengadam S
“An Introduction to Electrical Engineering Materials” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate students studying Electrical and Electronics Engineering, as well as AMIE and Diploma courses, along with various other courses at the B.E., B.Tech, and B.Sc. levels. It is written in a manner that is easily understandable and relatable for students. The book encompasses Semiconductor Fabrication Technology and Miscellaneous Semiconductor Devices. It covers a wide range of topics, including the structure of the atom, conductivity of metals (Part I and Part II), dielectric properties in static and alternating fields, magnetic properties of materials, semiconductors, and junction rectifiers. Additionally, the book provides additional self-assessment questions with answers and extra worked examples at the end, further enhancing the learning experience.
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5."Callister's Materials Science and Engineering" by R Balasubramaniam
“Callister’s Materials Science and Engineering” Book Review: No description “Electrical and Electronics Engineering Materials” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate students studying Electrical and Electronics Engineering, as well as various other courses at the B.E., B.Tech., and B.Sc. levels. It is written in a manner that is easily comprehensible and student-friendly. The book is divided into units: Unit I focuses on the Crystal Structure of Materials, Unit II covers the Conductivity of Metals, Unit III delves into the Mechanism of Conduction in Semiconductor Materials, including Semiconductors, Bipolar Junction Transistors, and Field Effect Transistors. Unit IV explores Magnetic Properties of Materials, and Unit V covers Dielectric Properties of Materials. The book includes additional self-assessment questions with answers and supplementary worked examples provided at the end to aid in learning. | |
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6."Electrical and Electronics Engineering Materials" by J B Gupta | |
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7."Electrical Engineering Materials" by Rakesh Dogra | |
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9."Electrical Engineering Materials and Electrical Components" by K B Raina and Bhattai | |
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10."Materials Science And Engineering" by I P Singh | |
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4. Design of Electrical Apparatus
1."Make Your Own PCBs with EAGLE: From Schematic Designs to Finished Boards (Electronics)" by Simon Monk
Matt Scarpino’s book ‘Make Your Own PCBs with EAGLE’ Book Review: This book serves as a useful resource for beginners entering the world of circuit board design, offering comprehensive guidance on creating your own circuit board projects. However, even experienced engineers will find value in this book as it serves as a comprehensive reference guide for all EAGLE software configuration settings and features. The author’s insightful guidance simplifies complex tasks, while the handy tips provided help save time and effort by avoiding trial-and-error experimentation. Rich Blum, author of Sams Teach Yourself Arduino Programming in 24 Hours and Sams Teach Yourself Python Programming for Raspberry Pi in 24 Hours, recommends this book for its powerful, flexible, and affordable nature, making it the perfect PCB design solution for Makers, DIYers, startups, hobbyists, and students.
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2."Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits (Electronics and Vlsi Circuits)" by Sergio Franco
“Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits (Electronics and Vlsi Circuits)” by Sergio Franco Book Review: This is a highly anticipated book that focuses on practical applications involving operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits. It also serves as a comprehensive reference for engineers in the field. This new edition features enhanced pedagogy with additional problem sets, more in-depth coverage of negative feedback, and an improved layout for better understanding. The technology updates include current-feedback and folded cascode amplifiers, as well as low-voltage speakers. The book expands its coverage of current-input amplifiers, switching controllers, and phase-locked loops, providing a more comprehensive and up-to-date resource for readers.
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3."Switching Power Supply Design, 3rd Ed. (Electronics)" by Abraham I Pressman and Keith Billings
Switching Power Supply Design, 3rd Ed. (Electronics)” by Abraham I Pressman and Keith Billings Book Review: This book has been updated to focus on the latest advancements in technology, materials, and components. This third edition introduces the fundamental principles of commonly used topologies, equipping you with the essential knowledge to design cutting-edge power supplies. With a tutorial-based approach that emphasizes the how and why, this expert resource is brimming with design examples, equations, and charts. The third edition of “Switching Power Supply Design” includes: Designs for many of the most useful switching power supply topologies, strong focus on the essential foundations of transformer and magnetics design and a new chapter dedicated to choke design and optimal driving conditions for high-speed current-switching IGBTs. This resource provides everything you need to design a complete switching power supply, including fundamental switching controllers, push-pull and forward converter topologies, half- and full-bridge converter topologies, flyback converter topologies, current-mode and current-fed topologies, incidental topologies, transformer and magnetics design, high-frequency choke design, and optimal driving conditions for bipolar power semiconductors.
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4."Robust Electronic Design Reference Book: Volume 1; Volume 2: Appendices: 1-2" by John R Barnes
“Robust Electronic Design Reference Book: Volume 1; Volume 2: Appendices: 1-2” by John R Barnes Book Review: This book is a comprehensive resource for electronic design engineers. Volume 1 covers topics like electronic components, circuit design, amplifiers, power supplies, and signal processing. Volume 2 includes appendices on subjects such as mathematics, physics, and electronics. Barnes provides detailed explanations, practical advice, and reference materials, making this book an indispensable guide for engineers seeking to enhance the robustness and reliability of their electronic designs.
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5."Electrical Installation Design Guide: Calculations for Electricians and Designers" by Paul Cook
“Electrical Installation Design Guide: Calculations for Electricians and Designers” by Paul Cook Book Review: This book provides a guide for the design of electrical installations, covering everything from the final circuit design in residential installations to fault-level calculations in low-voltage systems. It has been updated to incorporate the new requirements outlined in Amendment 3 to BS 7671:2008. The Electrical Installation Design Guide reflects significant changes including revised definitions throughout the regulations and updated earth fault loop impedance values for each protective device. Amendment 3 was published on 5th January 2015 and came into effect on 1st July 2015. All new installations from this date onwards must comply with the regulations outlined in Amendment 3.
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6."Transformer Design Principles: With Applications to Core-Form Power Transformers" by Robert M Del Vecchio and Bertrand Poulin
“Transformer Design Principles: With Applications to Core-Form Power Transformers” by Robert M Del Vecchio and Bertrand Poulin.Book Review: This book offers a refreshing and redesigned approach to the crucial data found in the previous edition. It focuses on enhancing the understanding and application of the fundamental physical concepts governing transformer design and operation. By providing clear explanations of basic formulas and modeling techniques, this book establishes a solid foundation for readers to grasp the underlying principles behind design practices. The revised presentation emphasizes core concepts, enabling easy application of the presented results to one’s own designs. With comprehensive coverage of electrical, mechanical, and thermal aspects, the examples, formulas, and methodologies presented in this book are essential for meeting the necessary design requirements.
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7."LabVIEW Graphical Programming: Practical Applications in Instrumentation and Control (McGraw-Hill Visual Technology)" by Gary W Johnson
“LabVIEW Graphical Programming: Practical Applications in Instrumentation and Control (McGraw-Hill Visual Technology)” by Gary W Johnson Book Review: This book has been thoroughly updated to provide the ultimate resource for LabVIEW users. It offers a comprehensive guide to creating virtual instruments quickly and efficiently using National Instruments’ renowned LabVIEW programming language. With step-by-step instructions presented in an accessible and engaging style, even non-programming scientists and engineers can dive into building their own virtual instrumentation. The book includes all-new, ready-to-run virtual instruments on the accompanying CD, covering essential test and measurement instrument setups. It also provides solutions for imaging, audio, and instrument drivers. Moreover, readers will find tools for developing LabVIEW instruments and controls that can run on various platforms, including desktop laptops, embedded/single-board computers, and Linux systems. The book even includes VMware Workstation, allowing users to build and run an embedded version of Linux on Windows NT/2000. With full coverage of LabVIEW RT, the book offers expert guidance on real-time and embedded applications. Additionally, the accompanying CD contains a bootable Linux operating system with numerous operating virtual instruments, all the examples from the book, and a 30-day trial of VMware Workstation for Windows NT/2000 and Linux. This book is an essential reference for LabVIEW users of all levels, providing the tools and knowledge needed to create powerful virtual instruments.
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8."EMC for Product Designers" by Tim Williams
“EMC for Product Designers” by Tim Williams Book Review: This book is widely recognized as the authoritative text on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). It provides all the essential information needed to meet the requirements of the latest EMC regulations. Most importantly, it guides readers on how to incorporate EMC principles into the product design process, thereby avoiding cost and performance penalties, meeting specific standards, and resulting in overall improved product quality. The fourth edition of this book not only covers the latest legal requirements but has also been thoroughly updated to align with current best practices in EMC compliance and product design. The coverage has been significantly expanded to include the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE) Directive, Automotive EMC Directives, as well as the DEF STAN 59-41 and DO160E military aviation standards. Additionally, a new chapter on systems EMC is included, and concise case studies demonstrate the testing of EMC product designs. Drawing on his extensive experience as an electronic design engineer, Tim Williams has been closely involved with the development of the EMC Directive and its associated standards since its inception. With over 25 years of industry experience, he now runs his own consultancy specializing in EMC design, testing, consultancy, and training.
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9."Computer-Aided Design Of Electrical Equipment" by M Ramamoorty | |
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10."Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems" by James O Hamblen and Michael D Furman
“Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems” by James O Hamblen and Michael D Furman Book Review: This book offers an engaging and challenging laboratory component suitable for undergraduate digital logic design courses. The advanced topics and exercises are also relevant for colleges with upper-level courses in digital logic or programmable logic. Design engineers in the industry seeking a quick introduction to FPGA technology and logical integration using commercial CAD tools will find this book valuable, especially if they have limited prior experience with this rapidly evolving technology. To help readers get started quickly, the book includes two tutorials on the Altera CAD tool environment, an overview of programmable logic, and a design library with user-friendly input and output functions. Initial design examples utilize schematic capture and library components. VHDL is introduced for more complex designs after a brief introduction to VHDL-based synthesis. A coupon is included in the text for the purchase of the new UP 1X board. The additional logic and memory in the UP 1X’s FLEX 10K70 are beneficial for larger design projects such as computers and video games. The second edition features an updated chapter on programmable logic, new robot sensors and optional Verilog models, and a meta-assembler that can be used to generate assembly language programs for the computer designs in Parts 8 and 13.
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11."VCO-Based Quantizers Using Frequency-to-Digital and Time-to-Digital Converters (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)" by Samantha Yoder and Mohammed Ismail
“VCO-Based Quantizer Using Frequency-to-Digital and Time-to-Digital Converters (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)” Book Review: This book present a comprehensive exploration of VCO-based quantization techniques. The book covers various topics, including VCO-based analog-to-digital converters, frequency-to-digital converters, time-to-digital converters, and their applications in communication systems and sensor networks. With its concise yet informative approach, this book serves as a valuable resource for electrical and computer engineering professionals, researchers, and students seeking a deeper understanding of VCO-based quantization and its practical implementations.
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5. Electrical Energy Systems
1."Basic Electrical Engineering" by T K Nagsarkar and M S Sukhija
“Basic Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book offers detailed introduction to the principles of electrical engineering, specifically focusing on network theory and analysis. It provides extensive coverage through a multitude of illustrations and solved examples. The inclusion of numerous solved examples, chapter-end numerical problems, and multiple-choice questions with answers enhances students’ understanding of concepts and their application in solving complex network problems. Designed to meet the needs of undergraduate students, the book offers ample practice right from the first year of their engineering studies.
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2."Electrical Engineering Fundamentals" by Vincent Del Toro
“Electrical Engineering Fundamentals” Book Review: The book covers the fundamental concepts of electrical engineering, focusing on the circuit elements, network theory, digital systems, and feedback control. It begins by exploring the core laws that directly apply to electrical engineering. Following this, the book is divided into five sections, thoughtfully designed to facilitate better learning for students. Its accessible content enables students to grasp the basic concepts effortlessly. The text employs a lucid and understandable writing style. The book can serve as a valuable supplement for those preparing for competitive exams.
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3."Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics" by P C Sen
“Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics” Book Review: The book discusses essential electrical concepts related to electric machines, including DC, induction, and synchronous machines. It discusses contemporary control techniques, power electronics, and practical applications. The book starts from fundamental principles, ensuring its accessibility to a broad readership. It offers an extensive range of problems and worked examples to facilitate a concrete understanding of the basics.
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4."Electrical Machines" by I J Nagrath and D P Kothari
“Electrical Machines” Book Review: This textbook is designed for undergraduate students in their third and fourth years, as well as first-year postgraduate students, studying electrical engineering and related fields. It offers coverage of fundamental concepts in areas such as magnetic circuits and induction, transformers, DC machines, synchronous machines, and induction machines. The book includes a wide range of solved examples, multiple-choice questions based on competitive examinations, and MATLAB examples to enhance problem-solving skills. It serves as a valuable quick reference for practicing engineers and research scholars. The content is presented in a straightforward and conceptual manner, with bookmarks highlighting important sections and well-explained examples.
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5."Electrical Machinery" by A E Fitzgerald
“Electrical Machinery” Book Review: This book serves as a valuable resource for students seeking to grasp the principles underlying electric machinery, including the construction and materials used in its design. It describes various types of electric machinery, exploring their properties, characteristics, and applications in industry, transportation, power generation, homes, and automobiles. The book incorporates the use of MATLAB in examples and end-of-chapter problems, enhancing the understanding and application of mathematical tools. By combining theoretical explanations with practical illustrations, this book provides an understanding of electric machinery and its relevance in real-world contexts.
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6."Electric Energy Systems Theory" by Olle Elgerd
“Electric Energy Systems Theory” Book Review: This book is designed for undergraduate students in power system and related fields in mind, this text offers valuable insights. It covers a range of topics, including Fundamental Concepts of Symmetrical Three-Phase System, Electric Energy System Engineering, Three-Phase Synchronous Generator Chapter, Power Transformer, Load Frequency Control, and more. The concepts are presented in an accessible manner, with illustrations throughout the book to aid understanding. Suitable for both research students and field professionals, this text provides a clear and in-depth exploration of power systems and their dynamics.
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7."Principle of Electrical Engineering" by V K Mehta and Rohit Mehta
“Principle of Electrical Engineering” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for students in the electrical engineering stream. Its primary objective is to provide a solid foundation in the basic principles of electrical engineering. The book covers topics such as dc circuit analysis, network theorems, ac circuits, and their fundamentals. It also delves into different types of circuits, including series and parallel connections. Additionally, the book explores measuring instruments, power systems, and provides a brief overview of electrical machines. Each chapter is accompanied by solved examples to aid in comprehension, while practice problems are included for self-assessment and examination preparation.
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8."Electrical Systems Design" by M K Giridharan
“Electrical Systems Design” Book Review: This book covers the fundamental principles of designing electrical systems, including lighting, household electricity installation, and industrial electrical system installation. It also explores topics such as earthing, exterior lighting, and cable sizing. The concepts presented in the book can be easily understood with just a basic knowledge of electrical engineering. It is a valuable resource for engineering students and practicing engineers alike. The book incorporates diagrams, bulleted tips, and solved problems to enhance the learning experience. It includes end-of-chapter exercises for practice and further reinforcement of the concepts.
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9."Wind Power Electric Systems (Green Energy and Technology)" by Djamila Rekioua
“Wind Power Electric Systems (Green Energy and Technology)” Book Review: This book provides an understanding of standalone and grid-connected wind energy systems. It empowers readers to comprehend, evaluate, and design their own wind energy systems while assessing their performance. Each system is accompanied by mathematical models, and each section concludes with a MATLAB/SIMULINK example to illustrate important processes and methodologies.
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10."Electrical Machines and Power Systems - Problems with Solution" by Indulkar C S
“Electrical Machines and Power Systems” Book Review: This textbook presents a wide range of problems and their solutions covering various concepts of Electrical Machines & Power Systems, including DC Machines, Synchronous Machines, Induction Motors, Power Flow, Steady State Stability, Transient Stability, and more. The writing style ensures that even readers with limited prior knowledge can attempt to understand and solve the problems. Each chapter begins with a concise introduction that outlines the chapter’s contents, allowing readers to familiarize themselves with the topics before tackling the problems. The introductory section of each chapter also includes objective type questions with answers. With its abundance of practice problems, this book serves as a valuable resource for students seeking to strengthen their understanding of the subject matter.
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11."Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering" by Ghosh
“Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering” Book Review: This book is designed for undergraduates, graduates, research scholars in the fields of electrical and electronics engineering, as well as students studying embedded systems and computer engineering. This book covers a wide range of fundamental topics. Focusing on multiple major areas of electrical and electronics engineering, the book includes Circuit Theory, Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments, Electric Machines, Control Systems, Signals and Systems, Analog and Digital Electronics, and an introduction to microcomputers. It focuses on Laplace Transform, Applications of Laplace Transform, and PSpice, providing a thorough understanding of these advanced concepts.
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6. Generation and Utilization of Electrical Energy
1."Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy" by C L Wadhwa
“Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate students studying in Indian and foreign universities. It provides comprehensive coverage of various topics related to electrical engineering. These include both conventional and non-conventional sources of energy, the economics of power generation and distribution, electric drives, industrial applications, electric heating and welding, illumination engineering, and electric traction. The new edition incorporates updates such as an expanded chapter on distribution systems, the inclusion of modern trends in the Electric Traction chapter, and a discussion on the concept of the grid and its associated challenges. This book serves as a valuable resource for students seeking a thorough understanding of electrical engineering principles and their practical applications.
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2."Generation and Utilization of Electrical Energy" by Sivanagaraju
“Generation and Utilization of Electrical Energy” Book Review: This book serves as a valuable resource for undergraduate students studying electrical engineering. It covers a wide range of topics including conventional and non-conventional power generation, energy conservation, electric heating, electric welding, illumination fundamentals, various illumination methods, electric drives, electric traction (I and II), electrolysis, and refrigeration and air-conditioning. Each chapter is accompanied by key notes, short answer questions, multiple choice questions, and review questions, providing readers with an understanding of the concepts and helping them retain the information effectively.
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3."Utilization Generation and Conservation Of Electrical Energy" by Sunil S Rao
“Utilization Generation and Conservation Of Electrical Energy” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate students in the fields of electrical, mechanical, production, and civil engineering. It covers a range of topics, including general background, utilization, consumers and applications of electrical energy, electrical transportation and traction motors, electric heating, induction heating and dielectric heating, utilization of electrical furnaces and electrical schemes, arc welding, electrical network/power factor improvement, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy, storage batteries, battery chargers and fuel cells, illumination engineering, safety management, power electronics, pumps, fans, blowers and compressors, utilization of motors, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration, electrical systems in aircraft, solar thermal energy and power plant, induction motors, environment hazards, energy resources, thermodynamics, power sector, AC and DC electricity supply and tariff, synchronous and induction machines, synchronous generators, and electrical motors.
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4."Electrical Energy: Its Generation, Transmission, and Utilization" by Ernst Julius Berg
“Electrical Energy: Its Generation, Transmission, and Utilization” Book Review: This book will be helpful for undergraduate students in the electrical engineering field. It covers a range of topics including transmission lines, line constants, power stations, prime motors, efficiency, thermal efficiency, generators, hunting of alternators, transformers, and instruments such as ammeters and voltmeters. It serves as a valuable resource for students seeking an understanding of these subjects.
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5."Electric Energy: Generation, Utilization and Conservation for Anna University" by S Sivanagaraju
“Electric Energy: Generation, Utilization and Conservation for Anna University” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate students pursuing electrical engineering. It covers a wide range of topics including conventional power generation, non-conventional power generation, conservation, electric heating, electric welding, fundamentals of illumination, various illumination methods, electric drives, electric traction, and electrolysis. The book includes solved question papers at the end, providing students with valuable practice and reinforcement of the concepts discussed throughout.
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6."Electric Power Applications of Fuzzy Systems (IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering)" by Mohamed E El–Hawary
“Electric Power Applications of Fuzzy Systems (IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering)” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate students specializing in electrical power engineering. It covers a broad range of topics, including an introduction to the subject, fuzzy systems from an engineering perspective, fuzzy information approaches to equipment condition monitoring and diagnosis, detection and localization of shorted turns in turbine-generator rotors using novelty detection and fuzzified neural networks, fuzzy logic controller as a power system stabilizer, fuzzy logic power system stabilizer using polar information, fuzzy logic switching of FACTS devices, effects of uncertain load on power network modeling, a fuzzy perspective of power system reliability, operation support expert system for startup schedule optimization in fossil power plants, and a fuzzy systems approach to short-term power purchases considering uncertain prices.
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7."Electricity in Households and Microenterprises (Energy and Environment Technology Source Books Series)" by Joy Clancy
“Electricity in Households and Microenterprises (Energy and Environment Technology Source Books Series)” Book Review: This book serves as a valuable resource for individuals residing in remote or rural areas, as well as individual homeowners and small businesses, offering practical guidance on accessing electricity. It begins by providing an overview of the national grid and explores methods for independent electricity production suitable for households, micro-enterprises, and small communities. Topics covered include diesel generators, micro-hydro, wind energy, solar photovoltaic energy (PVE), gasifiers, biogas, steam, and batteries. The book offers detailed descriptions of these technologies, their costs, and the specific requirements for installation and operation. The author discusses topics such as electricity usage, calculating the appropriate technology size, and selecting suitable appliances. Case studies from developing countries are also included, with a particular focus on successful initiatives led by women utilizing these technologies.
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8."Electrical Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation" by S VENKATANARAYANAN and Shanlax Publications
“Electrical Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate students in electrical and electronics engineering. It comprises five comprehensive chapters covering various aspects of the field. The chapters included are: Power generation quality and its definitions, conservation, illumination, electric traction, and electric heating and welding. Each chapter concludes with a set of short questions to reinforce understanding and facilitate self-assessment.
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9."Advanced Utilization of Algae for Power Generation" by Aziz Muhammad
“Advanced Utilization of Algae for Power Generation” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive guide that explores the cutting-edge advancements in harnessing the power of algae for energy production. The book covers various chapters, including the biology and cultivation of algae, extraction and conversion of algal biomass into biofuels, algae-based electricity generation, and the integration of algae in existing power systems. With its detailed insights and practical applications, this book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and professionals interested in sustainable energy solutions through the advanced utilization of algae.
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10."Electrical Engineering" by Darren Ashby
“Electrical Engineering” Book Review: IThe book starts with fundamental principles of electricity and the basic components of electronics. It guides students in constructing their own electronic circuits and delves into topics such as microcontroller circuits and FPGAs. It explores advanced digital electronics, transistor circuits, OP amps, and logic circuits. To facilitate comprehension, complex concepts are presented in a straightforward manner, complemented by real-world examples.
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11."Design and Modeling of Inductors, Capacitors and Coplanar Waveguides at Tens of GHz Frequencies (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)" by Naser Pour Aryan
“Design and Modeling of Inductors, Capacitors and Coplanar Waveguides at Tens of GHz Frequencies (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)” Book Review: This book illustrates the fundamental principles of designing and modeling inductors, MIM capacitors, and coplanar waveguides at frequencies reaching several GHz. The author provides a comprehensive explanation of the design and modeling process for key passive components, including capacitors, inductors, and transmission lines, enabling the operation of high-frequency MEMS devices within the GHz range.
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7. Advanced Computing for Electrical Engineers
1."Advanced Instrumentation and Computer I/O Design: Real–Time Computer Interactive Engineering" by Patrick H Garrett
“Advanced Instrumentation and Computer I/O Design: Real-Time Computer Interactive Engineering” Book Review: This book provides an exploration of system error analysis and performance evaluation, encompassing topics such as instrumentation, sensors, signal conditioning, digital conversion, sample-data signal enhancement, and signal reconstruction. A model-based approach is employed to characterize the design and analysis of real-time computer I/O systems. The book discusses various errors including average filter errors, signal quality errors, intersample error representation, and other component errors, aiming to enhance understanding of computer interfacing. Advanced topics like interfacing and distributed I/O systems are briefly discussed, including imaging and digital control. Engineers, technologists, and scientists working in this field will find this book particularly valuable.
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2."International Conference on Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems: ASYNC" by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
“International Conference of Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems: Async” Book Review: This book compiles research papers presented at the ASYNC International Conference, focusing on asynchronous circuits and systems. The first half of the book addresses various topics such as SUN, Microprocessor, Synthesis and Tech Map, Interconnect, Verification, Formal Methods, and Signal Processing. The second half of the book explores advanced subjects including Performance Analysis, RSFQ, Architecture/Parallel, and High-Performance Computing.
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3."Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing" by Attenborough PhD and Mary P
“Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing” Book Review: This book provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of Digital Signal Processing (DSP), covering discrete and continuous systems, Boolean algebra, sets and functions, and various applications of modern mathematics. It offers extensive coverage of mathematical theories such as predicate and propositional calculus, language and graph theory. Advanced topics including vector calculus, Fourier analysis, and random processes are also explained in detail. With numerous solved examples and numerical exercises, this book is suitable for undergraduate students in electrical, electronic, and computer engineering who are taking engineering mathematics courses.
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4."Tricky Switchin' Made Simple" by William Eilbacher
“Tricky Switchin’ Made Simple” Book Review: This book presents inventive and resourceful techniques for utilizing multi-pole, 3-way, and 4-way switches to effectively control lighting and power in challenging and complex switching situations. Readers will learn how to maximize the use of electrical load devices by implementing redundancy and configuring them appropriately within an electrical circuit. These unique approaches, which may not have been previously considered, will prove valuable for both students and experienced professionals in this field.
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5."Advanced Instrumentation and I/O Design: A Model-Based Approach" by Patrick H. Garrett | |
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6."Advances in Electronics, Communication and Computing: ETAEERE-2016 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)" by Akhtar Kalam and Swagatam Das
“Advances in Electronics, Communication and Computing: ETAEERE-2016 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)” Book Review: This book is aimed at postgraduate students in electronics engineering and serves as a valuable reference for chip designers. It covers the concepts of communication, computing, and electronics. It discusses topics such as Otsu’s function, particle-swarm optimization algorithm, micro-Raman analysis, Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, microstrip antenna design, cognitive radio, and digital image forgery detection. The book is enriched with numerous figures, numerical problems, and real-life examples to enhance understanding and practical application of the concepts.
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7."LabVIEW for Electrical Engineers and Technologists" by Stephen Philip Tubbs
“LabVIEW for Electrical Engineers and Technologists” Book Review: This book aims to provide electrical engineers and technologists with a comprehensive understanding of LabVIEW and its applications. It offers numerous detailed examples that showcase the functionality of LabVIEW. The book provides step-by-step instructions, from keystroke to keystroke, for problem-solving and documentation. Half of the examples focus on utilizing LabVIEW as a standalone programming language for numerical electrical computations, while the other half demonstrate its capabilities in simulating and controlling sensor and control circuits. This book serves as a valuable reference for leveraging LabVIEW through its extensive collection of examples.
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8."Frontier and Innovation in Future Computing and Communications (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)" by James J (Jong Hyuk) Park and Albert Zomaya
“Frontier and Innovation in Future Computing and Communications (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)” Book Review: This book provides a thorough examination of the recent advancements in IT technology, focusing specifically on Computing and Communications. It delves into both theoretical and practical aspects of Future Computing and Communications, offering application-based examples and visual aids to enhance understanding of the subject matter. Each chapter concludes with a summary, highlighting the key points discussed for easy reference. With its coverage, this book serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of electrical engineering.
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