Basic Electrical Engineering Questions and Answers – Relative Permeability

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Relative Permeability”.

1. What is the unit for relative permeability?
a) H-m
b) H/m
c) H2/m
d) No unit
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Answer: d
Explanation: Relative permeability is the ratio of permeability of the material to the permeability of free space. Since it is a ratio, it does not have any units.

2. Which of the following expressions is correct with respect to relative permeability?
a) B = µrµ0/H
b) B = µrµ0H
c) B = µr0H
d) B = µrµ0/H2
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Answer: b
Explanation: For a non magnetic material: B=µ0H. Hence for a material having relative permeability µr, B=µrµ0H.

3. A substance whose relative permeability is less than the permeability of free space is?
a) Diamagnetic
b) Paramagnetic
c) Ferromagnetic
d) Not a magnetic substance
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Answer: a
Explanation: A diamagnetic material creates a magnetic field opposing that of the external magnetic field and it repels the external magnetic field. Hence its relative permeability is less than that of the free space.

4. A substance whose relative permeability is more than the permeability of free space is?
a) Diamagnetic
b) Paramagnetic
c) Ferromagnetic
d) Both paramagnetic and ferromagnetic
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Answer: d
Explanation: Relative permeability=1+Magnetic susceptibility
Since both paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials have positive susceptibility, their relative permeability is greater than unity i.e. their permeability is more than the permeability of free space.

5. Diamagnetic substances have relative permeability_____________
a) Greater than 1
b) Less than 1
c) Equal to 1
d) Zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: A diamagnetic material creates a magnetic field opposing that of the external magnetic field and it repels the external magnetic field. Hence it has relative permeability less than 1.
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6. Paramagnetic substances have relative permeability_____________
a) Greater than 1
b) Less than 1
c) Equal to 1
d) Zero
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Answer: a
Explanation: A paramagnetic material creates a magnetic field which is weakly attracted to that of the external magnetic field. Hence it has relative permeability greater than 1.

7. As the temperature increases up to the Curie temperature, the relative susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the temperature of a ferromagnetic material increases, thermal agitation causes the magnetic domains within the material to become misaligned. So, the susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials decreases with the increase in temperature and it drops significantly (almost zero) when the temperature goes beyond the Curie temperature.

8. As the temperature increases beyond the Curie temperature, the relative susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Curie temperature is the critical point at which a ferromagnetic material loses its permanent magnetic properties and becomes paramagnetic. So, the susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials become zero after this point.

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