This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Current and Voltage in a Capacitive Circuit”.
1. Can capacitor fully charge using alternating current?
a) yes
b) no
c) may or may not
d) depend on value of capacitance
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Explanation: No, the capacitor cannot be fully charged using alternating current because as soon as the capacitor charges, the alternating current reverses its polarity thereby discharging it.
2. What is the resistance offered by a capacitor?
a) Susceptance
b) Conductance
c) Admittance
d) Reactance
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Explanation: Resistance offered to alternating current by inductor or capacitor is known as reactance which is equivalent to resistance of resistor.
3. The combination of resistance and reactance known as ___________
a) Susceptance
b) Impedance
c) Conductance
d) Admittance
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Explanation: The combination of resistance and reactance is known as impedance. It is equivalent resistance of an RLC alternating circuit.
4. What is the relation between reactance, resistance and impedance?
a) Z=R+jX
b) Z=R+X
c) Z=R-X
d) Z=R-jX
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Explanation: The combination of resistance and reactance is known as impedance. Z=R+jX
Where Z is impedance, R is resistance and X is reactance.
5. What is the real part of the impedance of RLC circuit?
a) Resistance
b) Conductance
c) Admittance
d) Reactance
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Explanation: The combination of resistance and reactance is known as impedance. Z=R+jX where Z is impedance, R is resistance and X is reactance. R is real part of Z.
6. What is imaginary part of the impedance of RLC circuit?
a) Resistance
b) Conductance
c) Admittance
d) Reactance
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Explanation: The combination of resistance and reactance is known as impedance. Z=R+jX where Z is impedance, R is resistance and X is reactance. X is imaginary part of Z.
7. Which type of current can be stored in a capacitor?
a) Alternating current
b) Direct current
c) Both alternating current and direct current
d) Neither alternating current nor direct current
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Explanation: Only direct current can be stored in the capacitor. Capacitor cannot be fully charged using alternating current because as soon as the capacitor charges, alternating current reverses its polarity thereby discharging it. So, we cannot store ac current in capacitor.
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