Total Quality Management Questions and Answers – Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

This set of Total Quality Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Failure Mode and Effect Analysis”.

1. What does FMEA stand for?
a) Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
b) Failure Modes and Effective Analysis
c) Failure Modes and Affective Analysis
d) Failure Modes and Efficient Analysis
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Answer: a
Explanation: FMEA stands for Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. It is also known as risk analysis. It displays systematically the causes, effects, and possible actions regarding observed failures.

2. To anticipate failures and prevent them from happening is the objective of FMEA.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: To anticipate failures and prevent them from happening is the objective of FMEA. FMEA lists down the failures, their causes, their effects, and possible recommended actions regarding the observed failures.

3. What is RPN?
a) Risk Potential Number
b) Risk Priority Number
c) Risk Preference number
d) Risk Preventive Number
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Answer: b
Explanation: RPN stands for the Risk Priority Number. Items with high RPN require additional quality planning action. It is the product of Severity, Occurrence and Detection rankings.

4. The analysis of potential failures of product or service due to component or subsystem unreliability is involved in design FMEA.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The analysis of potential failures of product or service due to component or subsystem unreliability is involved in design FMEA. Design FMEA and Process FMEA are the two broad categories of FMEA.

5. Find the odd one out related to the FMEA team.
a) Assembly engineer
b) Manufacturing engineer
c) Quality engineer
d) Process variability data
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Answer: d
Explanation: Assembly engineer, manufacturing engineer, and quality engineer are important members of the FMEA team. The other important members of the FMEA team are the Materials engineer, Service engineer, suppliers, and the customers.
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6. Find the odd one out related to the data inputs required to prepare FMEA.
a) Product and process specifications
b) Reliability data
c) Customer priority data
d) Quality engineer
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Answer: d
Explanation: Product and process specifications, reliability data, and customer priority data are important data inputs to prepare FMEA. The other important data inputs to prepare FMEA are process variability data, process descriptions, and inspection data.

7. Which of the following is not a benefit of FMEA?
a) Increase in customer satisfaction
b) Prioritize product/process deficiencies
c) Maximize late changes and associated cost
d) Document and track actions taken to reduce risk
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Answer: c
Explanation: Increased customer satisfaction, Prioritization of product/process deficiencies, and documentation and tracking of the actions taken to reduce risk are some of the important benefits of FMEA. It leads to minimization of late changes and associated cost.

8. A particular product has been given the following rankings for calculating RPN while preparing FMEA chart, S=10, O=2, D=2. What is the value of RPN?
a) 20
b) 10
c) 40
d) 2
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Answer: c
Explanation: The RPN is the product of Severity, Occurrence and Detection rankings. Therefore, RPN=S*O*D, or RPN=10*2*2=40.

9. There are four stages of FMEA.
i) Specifyingthe possibilities
ii) Quantifying risk
iii) Correcting high risk causes
iv) Re-evaluation of Risk
Which is the correct order of proceeding with these stages of FMEA?
a) i),ii),iii),iv)
b) i),ii),iv),iii)
c) iv),iii),i),ii)
d) iv),iii),ii),i)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The correct order of proceeding is by first specifying possibilities. It is followed by quantification of risk. Correcting high risk causes and re-evaluation of risk follows next. The re-evaluation of risk involves the recalculation of the risk priority number (RPN).

10. According to common industry scale, what does severity ranking (S) 1 indicate?
a) Very serious effect
b) No effect
c) Sometimes serious effect
d) The value doesn’t exist
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Answer: b
Explanation: According to common industry scale, the severity ranking 1 indicates no effect. The ranking 10 indicates a very serious effect. The severity ranking (S) helps engineers to identify the failures which need high priority.

11. According to common industry scale, what does occurrence ranking (O) 1 indicate?
a) Not likely
b) Highly likely
c) Certain to happen
d) The value doesn’t exist
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to common industry scale, the occurrence ranking 1 indicates not likely and ranking 10 indicates certain to happen. The occurrence ranking (O) helps engineers to find the probability that the specific cause/mechanism will occur.

12. According to common industry scale, what does detection ranking (D) 1 indicate?
a) Can’t be determined
b) Uncertainty in detection
c) The value doesn’t exist
d) Certainly detectable
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Answer: d
Explanation: According to common industry scale, the detection ranking (D) 1 indicates the certainly detectable ranking and ranking 10 indicates the uncertainty in detection. It helps engineers rely on the current control measures to detect the likelihood of occurrence of the given failure mode.

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