This set of Total Quality Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Eight Pillars of Total Productive Maintenance”.
1. Which of the pillar of TPM schedules maintenance based on predicted and/or measured failure rates?
a) Autonomous maintenance
b) Planned maintenance
c) Focused improvement
d) Benchmarking
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Explanation: Planned maintenance is the pillar of TPM which schedules maintenance based on predicted and/or measured failure rates. It significantly reduces unplanned downtime.
2. Planned maintenance leads to a reduction in inventory through better control of wear-prone and failure-prone parts.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Planned maintenance leads to a reduction in inventory through better control of wear-prone and failure-prone parts. It is part of the traditional TPM whose foundation is 5S.
3. Which of the following technique is used in quality maintenance?
a) Benchmarking
b) Employee empowerment
c) Root cause analysis
d) Forecasting
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Explanation: Root cause analysis is used in quality maintenance. It eliminates recurring sources of quality defects. Quality maintenance is one of the pillars of traditional TPM.
4. Quality maintenance reduces the number of defects.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Quality maintenance reduces the number of defects. The important task under this pillar of TPM is to design error detection and prevention into the manufacturing process.
5. Which of the following pillar of TPM focuses on small groups of employees for incremental improvements in equipment operation?
a) Autonomous maintenance
b) Planned maintenance
c) Quality maintenance
d) Focused improvement
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Explanation: Focused improvement is the pillar of TPM that focuses on small groups of employees for incremental improvements in equipment operation. These groups work together in a proactive manner and often belong to cross-functional teams.
6. Which pillar of TPM utilizes practical knowledge and understanding of the manufacturing equipment in improving the design of new equipment?
a) Autonomous maintenance
b) Early equipment management
c) Quality maintenance
d) Focused improvement
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Explanation: Early equipment management is the pillar of TPM that utilizes practical knowledge and understanding of the manufacturing equipment in improving the design of new equipment. This knowledge is gained through TPM itself.
7. New equipment designed using the concept of early equipment management will have ____
a) More startup issues
b) Extremely high startup issues
c) Fewer startup issues
d) Same startup issues as before
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Explanation: New equipment designed using the concept of early equipment management will have fewer startup issues. Maintenance is simple and robust due to employee involvement and practical review.
8. Which of the following is not a health, safety, and environment (HSE) related measure taken at workplace?
a) Wearing PPE kits for workers
b) Prohibition of use of mobile phones
c) Washing hands before operating any equipment
d) Providing increment in the salary of an employee
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Explanation: Wearing PPE kits for workers, the prohibition of the use of mobile phones, and washing hands before operating any equipment, are all steps and measures related to HSE. An example is the oil and gas industry where strict HSE measures are implemented.
9. Which of the following is not an outcome of implementing strict health, safety, and environment-related measures in an organization?
a) Eliminating health risks
b) Eliminating safety risks
c) Accident-free workplace
d) Increasing safety risks
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Explanation: Eliminating health risks, eliminating safety risks, and providing an accident-free workplace are the outcomes of implementing strict health, safety, and environment-related measures in an organization. It results in creating a safe and healthy working environment.
10. Which of the following is not an example of administrative operation?
a) Order processing
b) Drilling a hole in a workpiece
c) Order scheduling
d) Order procurement
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Explanation: Order processing, scheduling, and procurement are administrative operations that must be improved while TPM is also utilized. TPM can be applied in administrative functions to remove waste in administrative functions.
11. What does an OEE score of 100% refer to?
a) Perfect production
b) World-class
c) Fairly typical
d) Poor
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Explanation: An OEE score of 100% is perfect production. OEE refers to overall equipment effectiveness. It is a metric that identifies truly productive manufacturing time.
12. OEE takes into account _____
a) Availability loss
b) Availability loss and Quality loss
c) Availability loss and Performance loss
d) Availability loss, Performance loss, and Quality loss
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Explanation: OEE takes into account availability loss, performance loss, and quality loss. It, therefore, is a widely utilized metric that measures closeness to perfect production.
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