Total Quality Management Questions and Answers – Process of Quality Circle Operation

This set of Total Quality Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Process of Quality Circle Operation”.

1. In which step of quality circle operation cycle do we identify a number of problems?
a) Problem identification
b) Problem selection
c) Problem analysis
d) Present solution to management
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Answer: a
Explanation: Problem identification is the first step of quality circle operation cycle. In this step we identify a number of problems that are bothering the proper functioning of the organization.

2. In which step of quality circle operation cycle do we prioritize and decide the problem to be dealt with first?
a) Problem identification
b) Problem selection
c) Problem analysis
d) Present solution to management
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Answer: b
Explanation: Problem selection is the second step of quality circle operation cycle. In this step we prioritize and decide the problem to be dealt with first.

3. In which step of quality circle operation cycle do we clarify and analyze the problem?
a) Problem identification
b) Problem selection
c) Problem analysis
d) Present solution to management
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Answer: c
Explanation: Problem analysis is the third step of quality circle operation cycle. In this step problems are clarified and analyzed.

4. In which step of quality circle operation cycle do we identify and evaluate causes and generate alternative solutions to the problem?
a) Problem identification
b) Problem selection
c) Problem analysis
d) Generate alternative solutions
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Answer: d
Explanation: ‘Generate alternative solutions’ is the fourth step of quality circle operation cycle. In this step we identify and evaluate causes and generate alternative solutions to the problem.

5. In which step of quality circle operation do we compare the alternative solutions to the problem on the basis of return on investment?
a) Problem identification
b) Problem selection
c) Problem analysis
d) Select the most appropriate solution
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Answer: d
Explanation: ‘Select the most appropriate solution’ is the fifth step of quality circle operation cycle. In this step we compare the alternative solutions to the problem on the basis of return on investment.
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6. After selecting the best solution out of the given alternatives, the next step in the quality circle operation cycle is to prepare a plan of action.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The step to prepare a plan of action is the sixth step in the quality circle operation cycle. In this step, a plan of action is prepared for the best solution selected out of the given alternatives for the given problem.

7. After a proper plan of action is made, the next step is to present the solution to the management for approval.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The step to present the solution to management is the seventh step in the quality circle operation cycle. In this step, the solution after a proper plan of action is presented to the management for approval.

8. In which step of the quality circle operation cycle does the management test the final solution before full scale implementation?
a) Problem identification
b) Problem selection
c) Problem analysis
d) Implementation of solution
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Answer: d
Explanation: ‘Implementation of solution’ is the eight step in the quality circle operation cycle. In this step, after the circle members present the solution to the management, the management evaluates the solution and performs a test before full scale implementation.

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