This set of Total Quality Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “QFD Process”.
1. The product planning phase of product development using the QFD process begins with the customer requirements.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The product planning phase of product development using the QFD process begins with the customer requirements. The other phases involved are part development, process planning, and production planning.
2. The product planning phase of product development using the QFD process is actually the steps involved in building the house of quality.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The product planning phase of product development using the QFD process is actually the steps involved in building the house of quality. It involves customer requirements, technical descriptors, relationship matrix, interrelationship matrix, competitive assessments, prioritized customer requirements, and prioritized technical descriptors.
3. Which of the following is not a task performed under the ‘part development’ phase in the QFD process?
a) Deployment of the QFD process down to sub-components level
b) Deployment of the component deployment chart
c) Relating the critical sub-component control characteristics
d) Discovering customer requirements
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Explanation: Deployment of the QFD process down to sub-components level both in terms of requirements and characteristics, deployment of the component deployment chart, and relating the critical sub-component control characteristics are tasks performed under the ‘part development’ phase in the QFD process. The list of customer requirements is studied under the ‘product planning’ phase.
4. Which of the following statement is incorrect related to the QFD process?
a) Improves customer satisfaction
b) Promotes teamwork
c) Demotes better understanding of customer demands
d) Focuses on the design efforts
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Explanation: Improving customer satisfaction by focusing on the design efforts after studying the customer requirements through teamwork are the essential characteristics of QFD. It leads to a better understanding of customer demands.
5. Which of the following is an incorrect statement related to the QFD process?
a) A better understanding of design interactions
b) Breaks down the barrier between functions and departments
c) Better documentation of the design and development process
d) Maximizes the number of engineering changes
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Explanation: The QFD process leads to a better understanding of design interactions by breaking down the barrier between functions and departments. As a result, better documentation of the design and development process occurs. It reduces the number of engineering changes required in the later stages.
6. Which of the following is not a tangible benefit of the QFD process?
a) Reduction in start-up and engineering cost
b) Increase of overall costs
c) Reduction in development time
d) Early identification of high-risk areas
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Explanation: Reduction in start-up and engineering cost, reduction in development time, and early identification of high-risk areas are the tangible benefits of the QFD process. In fact, there is a reduction in overall costs of design and manufacture.
7. The use of QFD process leads to _____ efficient allocation of resources.
a) Less
b) Very less
c) More
d) Equally
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Explanation: The use of the QFD process leads to more efficient allocation of resources. It is a tangible benefit of the QFD process. QFD process is applicable in both the manufacturing and service industries.
8. Which of the following is not an intangible benefit of the QFD process?
a) Increase in development time
b) Improvement in customer satisfaction
c) Strengthens customer-company relationship
d) Facilitating multidisciplinary teamwork
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Explanation: The improvement in customer satisfaction by utilizing the OFD process by facilitating multidisciplinary teamwork strengthens the customer-company relationship. These are the intangible benefits of the OFD process.
9. Which of the following task is not performed during the ‘production planning’ phase of the OFD process?
a) Developing prototype
b) Studying technical descriptors
c) Launching the final product
d) Tabulation of operating instructions from the process requirements
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Explanation: Developing a prototype and performing tests on them so that the final product can be launched in the market are important tasks involved in the ‘production planning’ phase of the QFD process. In addition to this, the tabulation of operating instructions from the process requirements is also carried out in this phase.
10. Which of the following is not a phase involved in product development in the QFD process?
a) Product planning
b) Statistical planning
c) Process planning
d) Production planning
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Explanation: Product planning, process planning, and production planning are the important phases involved in the product development of the QFD process. In addition to this, part development is also involved in product development in the QFD process.
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