Total Quality Management Questions and Answers – Quality Gurus – Juran

This set of Total Quality Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Quality Gurus – Juran”.

1. Which among the following is not a contribution made by Juran?
a) Juran’s Quality Control Handbook
b) Quality Planning and Analysis
c) Juran on Leadership for Quality
d) Quality is Free
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Answer: d
Explanation: Juran has authored many papers and twelve books including ‘Juran’s Quality Control Handbook’, ‘Quality Planning and Analysis’, ‘Juran on Leadership for Quality’. ‘Quality is Free’ is authored by Philip Crosby.

2. Which among the following is not part of Juran’s ‘Three Role Model’?
a) Supplier
b) Process
c) Customer
d) Deming
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Answer: d
Explanation: According to Juran, the focus should be given to internal customers also. Each person along the chain is a supplier and a customer. In addition to this, the person will be a process, carrying out some transformation or activity.

3. Which among the following is not a contribution made by Juran?
a) Internal Customer
b) Cost of Quality
c) Quality Trilogy
d) Quality Loss Function
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Answer: d
Explanation: Juran’s contributions can be studied under five topics. They are internal customer, cost of quality, quality trilogy, Juran’s 10 steps for quality improvement, and the breakthrough concept. Quality Loss Function is a contribution made by Taguchi.

4. Which among the following does not belong to the classification of Cost of Quality done by Juran?
a) Failure Costs
b) Appraisal Costs
c) Prevention Costs
d) Variable Costs
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Answer: d
Explanation: According to Juran, the cost of quality can be classified into three classes. They are failure costs, appraisal costs, and prevention costs. Variable costs are associated with the concept of Break-Even Analysis.

5. Which among the following does not belong to Juran’s Quality Trilogy?
a) Quality Planning
b) Quality Control
c) Quality Improvement
d) Quality Assurance
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Answer: d
Explanation: Quality Planning, Quality Control, and Quality Improvement are part of Juran’s Quality Trilogy. Quality Assurance is the act of maintaining a desired level of quality in a product or service by providing attention to every stage of process of delivery or production.
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6. Which among the following does not belong to Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement?
a) Build awareness of the need and opportunity for improvement
b) Set goals for improvement
c) Organize to reach goals
d) Adopt the new philosophy
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Answer: d
Explanation: Juran has suggested ten steps for quality improvement. ‘Build awareness of the need and opportunity for improvement’, ‘Set goals for improvement’, and ‘Organize to reach goals’ are part of Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement. ‘Adopt the new philosophy’ belongs to Deming’s fourteen points on route to quality.

7. ‘Carry out projects to solve problems’ is a statement belonging to Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: ‘Carry out projects to solve problems’ is a statement belonging to Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement. Large, break-through improvements through interdepartmental or even cross-functional teams can be achieved. We need to deal with chronic problems for break-through improvements.

8. ‘Report progress’ is a statement belonging to Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: ‘Report progress’ is a statement belonging to Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement. The progress achieved should be compared with the progress expected. Information on progress is important for quality improvement.

9. Identify from Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement a statement which implies providing a morale boost.
a) Organize to reach goals
b) Adopt the new philosophy
c) Give recognition
d) Provide Training
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Answer: c
Explanation: ‘Give recognition’ is one of the statements of Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement. It means providing a morale boost. This will ensure that the confidence level in the employees’ increases and they are rejuvenated.

10. ‘Communicate results’ is a statement from Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement. Which of the following is the odd one out with respect to it?
a) Lessons learned
b) Provide training
c) The steps that have been taken to improve quality
d) The feedback that has been given to the manager of the company
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Answer: b
Explanation: The lessons learned, the steps that are taken to improve quality and feedback given to the manager of the company all emphasize the concept of ‘Communicating results’. The concept of providing training is, therefore, the odd one out as it has no relation with ‘Communicating results’. The success report post training is a method of communicating results.

11. Which of the following does not mean to ‘Keep score’ from Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement?
a) Track progress
b) Report achievements
c) Report short-falls
d) Set goals for improvement
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Answer: d
Explanation: ‘Keep score’ is one of the steps from Juran’s ten steps to quality improvement. The concept of tracking progress, report achievements, and report short-falls are all methods of keeping score. The concept of setting goals for improvement does not imply keeping score.

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