Total Quality Management Questions and Answers – Continuous Process Improvement – Kaizen

This set of Total Quality Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Continuous Process Improvement – Kaizen”.

1. Kaizen refers to _________
a) Continuous improvement
b) Intermittent improvement
c) Discontinuous improvement
d) Stop improvement
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Answer: a
Explanation: Kaizen is a Japanese word which refers to continuous improvement. In other words, it means improvement over improvement. In the process of Kaizen, improvements are accomplished gradually in small increments.

2. Which of the following is not the aim of Kaizen process?
a) To make processes efficient
b) To make processes effective
c) To make processes controllable
d) To make processes uncontrollable
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Answer: d
Explanation: To make processes efficient, to make processes effective, and to make processes controllable are the aim of Kaizen process. Kaizen is a Japanese word which means continuous improvement.

3. In the process of Kaizen, improvements are accomplished gradually in small increments.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the process of Kaizen, improvements are accomplished gradually in small increments. To make processes efficient, to make processes effective, and to make processes controllable are the aim of Kaizen process.

4. Kairyo refers to improvements through ________, and does not allow ___________
a) Innovation, constant improvement
b) Constant improvement, innovation
c) Discontinuous improvement, constant improvement
d) Innovation, discontinuous improvement
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Answer: a
Explanation: Kairyo is a Western philosophy. Kairyo refers to improvements through innovation, and does not allow constant improvement. Improvements happen in one or two great jumps.

5. Kaizen works well in _________ and Kairyo works well in _____________
a) Slow-growth economy, fast-growth economy
b) Fast-growth economy, slow-growth economy
c) Fast-growth economy, fast-growth economy
d) Slow-growth economy, slow-growth economy
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Answer: a
Explanation: Kaizen works well in slow-growth economy and Kairyo works well in fast-growth economy. Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy. Kairyo is a Western philosophy.
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6. Kaizen requires little investment but great effort to maintain it.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Kaizen requires little investment but great effort to maintain it. It is a continuous improvement process in small incremental steps. Kairyo requires large investment, but little effort to maintain it.

7. Which of the following is not an aspect of Kaizen philosophy?
a) Customer orientation
b) Adaptability to changing environment
c) Good labor management relations
d) Increasing waste
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Answer: d
Explanation: Customer orientation, adaptability to changing environment, and good labor management relations are some of the aspects of Kaizen philosophy. Kaizen philosophy also focuses on reducing waste.

8. Which of the following is not an aspect of Kaizen philosophy?
a) Process driven
b) Quality awareness, quality control
c) Standardization
d) Ineffective leadership
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Answer: d
Explanation: Process driven, quality awareness, quality control, standardization, and effective leadership are some of the aspects of Kaizen philosophy. Kaizen philosophy also focuses on Total employee involvement.

9. According to Kaizen philosophy, which of the following does not belong to the team dynamics?
a) Problem solving
b) Communication skills
c) Conflict resolution
d) Creating conflicts
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Answer: d
Explanation: According to Kaizen philosophy, problem solving, communication skills, and conflict resolution belong to the team dynamics. Kaizen focuses on continuous improvement in small incremental steps.

10. Which of the following does Kaizen improvement process not focus on?
a) 5S
b) Poka-Yoke
c) Just-in-time principles
d) Improvement by innovation
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Answer: d
Explanation: 5S, Poka-Yoke, and Just-in-time principles are the techniques on which Kaizen improvement focus on. Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy. It focuses on continuous improvement in small incremental steps.

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