Total Quality Management Questions and Answers – Six Sigma Process

This set of Total Quality Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Six Sigma Process”.

1. Six Sigma follows the DMAIC model.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Six Sigma follows the DMAIC model. D stands for Define, M stands for Measure, A stands for Analyze, I stands for Improve, C stands for Control.

2. Which of the following is not part of the ‘Define’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma?
a) Identification of project
b) Identification of champion
c) Identification of project owner
d) Identification of founder of the business
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Answer: d
Explanation: The identification of the project, the identification of the champion, the identification of project owners are major activities involved in ‘Define’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma. The founder of the business, if he/she is heading the business responsibility, also is an integral part of the ‘Define’ activity.

3. Which of the following does not belong to the ‘Define’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma?
a) Determination of customer requirements
b) Determination of CTQs
c) Validating the measurements
d) Mapping the process
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Answer: c
Explanation: Determination of customer requirements, Determination of CTQs, and Mapping the process are important activities that belong to the ‘Define’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma. Validating the measurements is a ‘Measure’ activity.

4. Defining the problem, objective, goals, and benefits belong to the ‘Define’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Defining the problem, objective, goals, and benefits belong to the ‘Define’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma. Apart from these, defining stakeholder/resource analysis is also an integral activity of the ‘Define’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma.

5. Which of the following is not a tool used in the ‘Define’ process in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma?
a) Project charter and plan
b) Check sheet
c) Effort/impact analysis
d) Process mapping
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Answer: b
Explanation: Project charter and plan, Effort/impact analysis, and process mapping are the tools used in the ‘Define’ process in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma. In addition to this, tree diagram is also used in the ‘Define’ process in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma.
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6. Which of the following is not a tool used in the ‘Measure’ process in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma?
a) Quality Function Deployment
b) Measurement Systems Analysis
c) Process capability
d) Tree diagram
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Answer: d
Explanation: Quality Function Deployment, Measurement Systems Analysis, and Process capability are the tools used in the ‘Measure’ process in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma. In addition to this, check sheet is also used in the ‘Measure’ process in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma.

7. Which of the following is not part of the ‘Measure’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma?
a) Determining operational definitions
b) Establishing performance standards
c) Developing the project plan
d) Developing data collection and sample plan
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Answer: c
Explanation: Determining operational definitions, establishing performance standards, and developing data collection and sample plans are major activities involved in ‘Measure’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma. In addition to this, validating the measurements is also an important ‘Measure’ activity.

8. Which of the following is not a tool used in the ‘Analyze’ process in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma?
a) Quality Function Deployment
b) Histogram
c) Pareto Diagram
d) Run chart
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Answer: a
Explanation: Histogram, Pareto Diagram, and Run chart are important tools used in the ‘Analyze’ process of the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma. In addition to this, the scatter graph and statistical analysis of data are also important tools used in the ‘Analyze’ process of the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma.

9. Which of the following is not part of the ‘Improve’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma?
a) Determination of solution effectiveness using data
b) Implementing solution
c) Developing solution alternatives
d) Closing project and communicating results
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Answer: d
Explanation: Determination of solution effectiveness using data, Implementing solution, and Developing solution alternatives are integral activities of the ‘Improve’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma. Closing project and communicating results are part of the ‘Control’ activity in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma.

10. Which of the following is not a tool used in the ‘Improve’ process in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma?
a) Design of Experiments
b) Brainstorming
c) Statistical Process Control
d) Failure Mode Effect Analysis
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Answer: c
Explanation: Design of Experiments, Brainstorming, and Failure Mode Effect Analysis are important tools used in the ‘Improve’ process in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma. Statistical Process Control is used as a tool in the ‘Control’ process in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma.

11. What does the letter ‘D’ and ‘V’ refer to in the DMADV model?
a) Data, Verify
b) Design, Validate
c) Data, Validate
d) Design, Verify
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Answer: d
Explanation: The letters ‘D’ and ‘V’ refer to ‘Design’ and ‘Verify’ in the DMADV model. It is the application of six sigma on a new process/product.

12. OCAP refers to ________
a) On Control Action Plan
b) Out of Control Action Plan
c) Out of Concern Action Plan
d) Out of Control Assessment Plan
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Answer: b
Explanation: OCAP refers to the Out of Control Action Plan. It is an important tool used in the ‘Control’ process used in the DMAIC Model of Six Sigma.

13. The Six Sigma model used for improving the existing process/product is _______
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Six Sigma model used for improving the existing process/product is DMAIC. The DMADV model is used for the new process/product.

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