Here are 1000 MCQs on Total Quality Management (Chapterwise).
1. What is TQM?
a) Total Quality Maintenance
b) Total Quality Management
c) Total Quality Managers
d) Total Quality Mitigation
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Explanation: Total means made up of ‘whole’. Quality means the degree of excellence that needs to be achieved keeping customer satisfaction in mind. Management refers to the activities that are involved in establishing the highest degree of quality.
2. Who is known as the father of TQM (Total Quality Management)?
a) Edward Deming
b) Joseph Juran
c) Philip Crosby
d) Kaoru Ishikawa
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Explanation: Edward Deming is recognized as the father of TQM for his influential role in shaping modern quality management practices and advocating for continuous improvement and statistical methods.
3. Which of the following is a principle of TQM?
a) Decisions made by top executives only
b) Intermittent improvement
c) Customer-focus
d) Product-centered system
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Explanation: TQM is a management approach that aims to attain customer satisfaction and plans for long-term success. It is a process-centered system, focuses on continuous improvement and decision-making involves the involvement of all the employees.
4. Which ‘pillar of TQM’ recognizes that product quality is a result of process quality?
a) Customer Focus
b) Process Management
c) Employee Empowerment
d) Continuous Improvement
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Explanation: Continuous Improvement is one of the pillars of TQM. The output of a production process must not only satisfy customer needs but the customer must feel satisfied with the product. Hence, continuous improvement in the production process plays a crucial role in delivering quality products.
5. What is the kind of focus put in a company’s processes in TQM?
a) Steady improvement
b) Continual improvement
c) Passive improvement
d) Unsteady improvement
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Explanation: TQM is a process centered system. The main focus is to attain customer satisfaction. To achieve this, continuous process improvement is required to attain the highest degree of excellence in one’s goods or services.
6. In TQM, suppliers are treated as?
a) Partners
b) Managers
c) Employees
d) Enemies
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Explanation: In TQM, suppliers are treated as partners. Since the quality of supply is crucial in delivering quality products, it is important that suppliers are treated well and assigned the responsibility of delivering quality raw or intermediate materials.
7. How does the product quality change after implementing the TQM philosophy?
a) We cannot comment on product quality
b) Decreases
c) Increases
d) Remains the same
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Explanation: The product quality improves on using TQM. TQM is focused on customer needs and hence recognizes them. Therefore, there is no additional cost incurred. The concept of continuous improvement in TQM improves product quality.
8. Which of the following is a tangible benefit of following TQM?
a) We can’t comment on employee grievances
b) No change in employee grievances
c) Increase in employee grievances
d) Reduction in employee grievances
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Explanation: In TQM, every employee in the organization is focused towards one goal and that is satisfying customer needs by providing customer satisfaction. As everybody is treated in the same unbiased manner, employee grievances are reduced when an organization follows TQM.
9. A company is known to have a reward policy for its employees. The manager gives its employees a chance to improve if a mistake is conducted by them. What can you infer about the management culture?
a) Sales Management
b) Traditional Management
c) Total Quality Management
d) Supply Chain Management
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Explanation: The working environment, in this case, is suitable for the employees. There is a strong bonding between the managers and employees. The reward policy keeps the employees motivated towards achieving organizational goals focusing on customers. The chance to improve themselves when a mistake is committed helps employees to introspect themselves.
10. How do Quality Leaders interact with people rather than directing and supervising them?
a) Scold
b) Train and coach
c) Fire
d) Threaten
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Explanation: Quality leaders train and coach people rather than directing and supervising them. Directing and supervising is related to old tradition of management. Training and coaching is related to total quality management.
11. Which of the false regarding quality leaders reviewing organizational performance?
a) They review organizational performance and also their own performance
b) They don’t review organizational performance as they hate it
c) They don’t review organizational performance as they don’t have time for it
d) They review organizational performance but not their own performance
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Explanation: Quality leaders review organizational performance and also evaluate their own performance. This is the basic feature of a total quality management system where everybody is considered to have one single goal and that is too have continious improvement in achieving customer satisfaction.
12. Which of the following is not a principle of JIT manufacturing?
a) Supplier Management
b) MRP
c) Production Management
d) Total Quality Management
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Explanation: Total quality management, production management, and supplier management are principles of JIT manufacturing. In addition, inventory management and human resource management are also essential.
13. Which of the following is a dimension of ‘product quality’?
a) Probability
b) Machinability
c) Durability
d) Customer Satisfaction
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Explanation: There are 9 dimensions of ‘product quality’. The dimensions of product quality are performance, features, conformance, reliability, durability, serviceability, responsiveness, aesthetics, and reputation.
14. Which of the following is not a six sigma belt level ranking?
a) Pink Belt
b) Green Belt
c) Black Belt
d) Yellow Belt
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Explanation: The Yellow Belt, Green Belt, and Black Belt are different six sigma belt level rankings. The Master Black Belt is also a six sigma belt level ranking.
15. What does the abbreviation A.S.Q stand for?
a) Asian Society for Quality
b) Asian Standard for Quality
c) American Society for Quality
d) American Standard of Quality
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Explanation: A.S.Q. stands for American Society for Quality. It is a community of quality professionals. It was established on February 16, 1946. George D. Edwards was its first president.
16. The manager of a company is known to threaten his employees for the presence of a defect. What can you infer about the management culture?
a) Total Quality Management
b) Traditional Management
c) Sales Management
d) Supply Chain Management
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Explanation: Here, the act of threatening employees is the traditional management approach. As a result of this, there is a void in the relation between the workforce and the manager. The manager may even fire its employees.
17. Company M has short-term goals like achieving the predicted quarterly profit. Company N has long-term goals like achieving sustained customer satisfaction. What can you infer about the management culture?
a) Company M and Company N follows TQM
b) Company M and Company N follows traditional management
c) Company N follows traditional management, Company M follows TQM
d) Company M follows traditional management, Company N follows TQM
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Explanation: Company M has a short term goal to achieve the predicted quarterly profit which is one of the characteristics of traditional management. Company N has a long term goal which is to sustain customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is TQM’s highest priority.
18. TQM is a people-focused management system that aims at a continual increase in customer satisfaction at a continually lower cost. TQM is a total system approach (not a separate area or program), and an integral part of a high-level strategy. It works horizontally across functions and departments, involving all employees, top to bottom, and exceeds backward and forward to include the supply chain and the customer chain. Which organization had given this definition of TQM?
a) ISO
b) ASQ
c) Total Quality Forum of USA
d) Indian Statistical Institute
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Explanation: According to Total Quality Forum of USA, TQM is a people-focused management system that aims at a continual increase in customer satisfaction at a continually lower cost. TQM is a total system approach (not a separate area or program), and an integral part of a high-level strategy. It works horizontally across functions and departments, involving all employees, top to bottom, and exceeds backward and forward to include the supply chain and the customer chain. This definition has been accepted by many academic papers and is considered to be one of the best definitions of TQM.
19. Which of the following is mandatory in TQM to attain customer satisfaction?
a) Founder involvement
b) Co-founder involvement
c) Total employee involvement
d) Manager involvement
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Explanation: Total employee involvement is one of the principles of TQM. Employee involvement can be fully utilized to its full potential when there is no workplace fear, empowerment is done, and when a proper working environment is established.
20. Who among the following is not an American Quality Guru?
a) Juran
b) Deming
c) Crosby
d) Ishikawa
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Explanation: Crosby, Juran, and Deming are Quality Gurus from America. Ishikawa is from Japan and is famous for his development of quality initiatives. He is famous for quality circle development and Ishikawa diagram.
21. Which of the following does not belong to External Failure Costs?
a) Supplier quality planning
b) Complaint investigations
c) Warranty claims
d) Liability costs
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Explanation: Complaint investigations, Warranty claims, and Liability costs fall under the category of External Failure Costs. Supplier Quality Planning falls under the category of Prevention Costs.
22. Which of the following is not part of customer perceptions, according to the ASQ survey?
a) Service
b) Discredit
c) Performance
d) Features
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Explanation: Performance, Features and Service are part of customer perceptions. Discredit is opposite to Reputation. The other customer perceptions are Warranty, Price and Reputation.
23. Which team provides the overall direction for achieving a total quality culture?
a) Quality Commissioner
b) Quality Chancellor
c) Quality Management
d) Quality Council
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Explanation: A Quality Council is a team that provides overall direction for achieving total quality culture. For example, we have the Quality Council of India formed in 1997. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam assigned a mission for QCI “The National Well Being”.
24. Which of the following is not an element of customer service?
a) Customer care
b) Organization
c) Co-founder
d) Communication
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Explanation: Organization, Customer care, Communication, Front-line People and Leadership are the elements of customer service. Customer service refers to the set of activities performed by an organization to satisfy customers and their needs.
25. Who among the following is not part of a Quality Council team of an organization?
a) External customer
b) CEO
c) Senior managers of functional areas
d) Quality Council coordinator or consultant
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Explanation: CEO, senior managers of functional areas like design, marketing, production, quality, and quality council coordinators or consultants are part of the Quality Council team of an organization. An external customer receives the quality bound goods or services from the organization.
26. Which of the following is not a performance appraisal factor?
a) Quality of work
b) Number of social media handles
c) Attendance
d) Attitude
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Explanation: Attendance, attitude, and quality of work are some of the performance appraisal factors. Some of the other performance appraisal factors are efficiency and amount of work.
27. Which of the following is associated with defining of product or service features and specifications?
a) Quality Improvement
b) Quality Assurance
c) Quality Planning
d) Quality Control
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Explanation: Quality Planning is associated with defining of product or service features and specifications. The input to product or service specifications and features is taken from customer. The customer needs are translated to the product or service features and specifications.
28. Choose the incorrect statement related to quality improvement.
a) Increases output with lowered cost
b) Increases machine time
c) Reduces rework
d) Leads to greater uniformity of product
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Explanation: Quality improvement reduces rework. It leads to greater uniformity of product. It increases output with lowered cost as all the unnecessary cost involved is removed and productivity also increases. It reduces machine time through proper quality management.
29. What happens when the top management does not effectively communicate about the company’s TQM program properly from top to bottom?
a) Nothing happens to the company’s progress
b) There is no need to communicate messages
c) The TQM program successfully achieves its desired target
d) The TQM program fails to achieve the desired target
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Explanation: As TQM requires everyone’s involvement, it is a necessity that effective communications take place in the company. The decision taken by the top management must be effectively communicated within the company. The organizational goal then will be easy to attain.
30. In which quality improvement strategy, improvements to processes, products and services are achieved on an incremental basis?
a) Refinement strategy
b) Renovation strategy
c) Reinvention strategy
d) Rejuvenate strategy
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Explanation: In refinement strategy, improvements to processes, products and services are achieved on an incremental basis. The other quality improvement strategies are repair strategy, renovation strategy, and reinvention strategy.
31. Which of the following is not a contribution made by Deming?
a) Deming Cycle
b) Deming’s 14 points
c) Taguchi Loss Function
d) System of Profound Knowledge
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Explanation: Deming’s 14 points, System of Profound Knowledge, Deming Cycle, and Seven Deadly Diseases of Management was Deming’s contribution. Taguchi Loss Function was developed by the Japanese Quality Guru Taguchi.
32. Which of the following does not belong to Juran’s Quality Trilogy?
a) Quality Improvement
b) Quality Assurance
c) Quality Planning
d) Quality Control
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Explanation: Quality Planning, Quality Control, and Quality Improvement are part of Juran’s Quality Trilogy. Quality Assurance is the act of maintaining a desired level of quality in a product or service by providing attention to every stage of process of delivery or production.
33. Which are the two important factors on which empowerment depend on?
a) Individual’s personal choices and the organizational climate
b) The organizational climate and his manager’s choice
c) Individual’s personal choices and his family choices
d) Individual’s personal choices and his manager’s choice
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Explanation: An individual’s personal choices and the organizational climate are two important factors on which empowerment depend on. The organizational climate can either encourage dependency or faster autonomy.
Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on Total Quality Management
- Basic Concepts of Quality and TQM
- Customer Satisfaction
- TQM Leadership
- Employee Involvement
- Continuous Process Improvement
- Supplier Partnership
- Quality Circles
- Problem Solving Tools
- Benchmarking & FMEA
- Control Charts & Process Capability
- Six Sigma Principle
- Quality Function Deployment
- Total Productive Maintenance
- Performance Measures
- ISO 9000 & ISO 14000
- Reliability
- QLean Manufacturing
- Manufacturing New Trends & Agile Manufacturing
1. MCQ on Basic Concepts of Quality and TQM
The section contains Total Quality Management multiple choice questions and answers on quality definition, product and service quality dimensions, tqm basic cocepts and its characteristics, tqm benefits and barriers, quality gurus like deming, juran and crosby, quality statements and cost.
2. Total Quality Management MCQ on Customer Satisfaction
The section contains TQM questions and answers on customer satisfaction.
3. Multiple Choice Questions on TQM Leadership
The section contains Total Quality Management MCQs on quality leaders, leadership styles, quality council and strategic quality planning.
4. TQM MCQ on Employee Involvement
The section contains Total Quality Management multiple choice questions and answers on employee motivation, employee empowerment, teams and teamwork, employee performance appraisal, recognition and reward.
5. TQM MCQ on Continuous Process Improvement
The section contains Total Quality Management questions and answers on juran trilogy, quality problems, pdca cycle, 5s, kaizen and poka yoke.
6. Total Quality Management MCQ on Supplier Partnership
The section contains Total Quality Management MCQs on supplier relations principles, supplier partnering, sourcing and selection, relationship development, supplier certification and rating.
7. Total Quality Management MCQ on Quality Circles
The section contains Total Quality Management multiple choice questions and answers on quality circles and its elements, quality circle operation process, quality circle benefits and limitations.
8. TQM MCQ on Problem Solving Tools
The section contains Total Quality Management questions and answers on quality seven tools like flow chart, check sheet, histogram and pareto diagram, scatter diagram and its control chart, affinity diagram, tree diagram, decision tree, arrow and matrix diagram, triz and taguchi loss function.
9. Total Quality Management MCQ on Benchmarking & FMEA
The section contains Total Quality Management MCQs on benchmarking concepts and types, failure mode and effect analysis.
10. TQM MCQ on Control Charts & Process Capability
The section contains TQM multiple choice questions and answers on tqmr statistics, process capability, variables and attributes control charts.
11. Total Quality Management MCQ on Six Sigma Principle
The section contains Total Quality Management questions and answers on six sigma concepts and process.
12. Multiple Choice Questions on Quality Function Deployment
The section contains Total Quality Management MCQs on qfd basic concepts, quality house and qfd process.
13. Multiple Choice Questions on Total Productive Maintenance
The section contains Total Quality Management multiple choice questions and answers on tpm objectives and features, tpm eight pillars, tpm vs tqm relation, total productive maintenance development and measures.
14. TQM Multiple Choice Questions on Performance Measures
The section contains Total Quality Management questions and answers on performance indicators, implementing performance measures strategy and quality awards.
15. TQM MCQ on ISO 9000 & ISO 14000
The section contains Total Quality Management MCQs on iso 9000 quality management system and iso 14000 environmental management system standards.
16. Total Quality Management MCQ on Reliability
The section contains Total Quality Management multiple choice questions and answers on reliability and its numericals.
17. Total Quality Management MCQ on QLean Manufacturing
The section contains TQM questions and answers on seven types of wastes, lean manufacturing tools like heijunka, takt time, bottleneck analysis, just-in-time, five lean principles, visual factory, jidoka, lean audit, smart goals, smed and vsm.
18. MCQ on Manufacturing New Trends & Agile Manufacturing
The section contains TQM MCQs on iiot, erp, 3d printing, digital twin and agile manufacturing.
Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Total Quality Management!
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