Total Quality Management Questions and Answers – Characteristics of TQM – 1

This set of Total Quality Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Characteristics of TQM – 1”.

1. Which of the following is a principle of TQM?
a) Product-centered system
b) Customer-focus
c) Intermittent improvement
d) Decisions made by top executives only
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Answer: b
Explanation: TQM is a management approach that aims to attain customer satisfaction and plans for long-term success. It is a process-centered system, focuses on continuous improvement and decision-making involves the involvement of all the employees.

2. The customer determines the level of quality.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The customer is the judge of the quality of goods or services. Even though a company may have excellent training facilities, it may have improved its processes or upgraded its technology, but if customer satisfaction is not attained then it is of no use.

3. To attain customer satisfaction, which of the following is mandatory in TQM?
a) Total employee involvement
b) Manager involvement
c) Founder involvement
d) Co-founder involvement
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Answer: a
Explanation: Total employee involvement is one of the principles of TQM. Employee involvement can be fully utilized to its full potential when there is no workplace fear, empowerment is done, and when a proper working environment is established.

4. Which of the following is a principle of TQM?
a) Process-centered
b) Product-centered
c) External customer focus only
d) Internal customer focus only
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Answer: a
Explanation: TQM is a process-centered system with continuous improvement philosophy. Decision-Making involves everyone in the company. The focus is towards both external and internal customers.

5. Benchmarking is a TQM technique.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: It is a TQM technique in which a company is compared with other companies with the aim to improve the deficiencies in internal processes. The best standards are determined and the scope for improvement is recognized. It can be used as a performance measuring tool also.
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6. Which of the following is a principle of TQM?
a) Product-centered system
b) Integrated system
c) Intermittent improvement
d) Decisions made by top executives only
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Answer: b
Explanation: Traditionally, organizations are organized into vertically structured departments. But TQM keeps the departments horizontally and focuses on interconnecting importance. The various departments and their functions have interdependence on each other. This becomes TQM’s focus.

7. Which of the following is the kind of planning approach a company following TQM follows?
a) Strategic, random approach
b) Strategic, systematic approach
c) Random approach
d) Normal approach
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Answer: b
Explanation: The systematic and strategic planning that considers quality as a vital component in TQM’s focus. It is done to achieve the company’s vision, mission, and goals. It requires the involvement of everyone in the organization.

8. What is the kind of focus put in a company’s processes in TQM?
a) Unsteady improvement
b) Passive improvement
c) Continual improvement
d) Steady improvement
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Answer: c
Explanation: TQM is a process centered system. The main focus is to attain customer satisfaction. To achieve this, continuous process improvement is required to attain the highest degree of excellence in one’s goods or services.

9. Decisions in a company which follows TQM is _______
a) Taken on the basis of the manager’s knowledge
b) Taken on the basis of the founder’s knowledge
c) Taken on the basis of the co-founder’s knowledge
d) Fact-based
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Answer: d
Explanation: TQM follows fact-based decision making. It collects and analyses data from various sources based on the customer satisfaction level. This continuous procedure helps in understanding customer needs and also the necessary updates required in the company’s processes to attain the highest degree of excellence.

10. For proper implementation of TQM, we need ________________
a) To form a confidential group within the company
b) To have two managers in the company
c) To have effective communication between employees
d) To have intermittent communication between employees
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Answer: c
Explanation: TQM focuses on the involvement of all employees in an organization. For this, effective communication must take place. Effective communication will augment the chances of delivering quality products to customers. Also, the chances of errors will be minimalized.

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