Total Quality Management Questions and Answers – Types of Benchmarking – 2

This set of Total Quality Management Questions and Answers for Campus interviews focuses on “Types of Benchmarking – 2”.

1. Which of the following is not an advantage of process benchmarking?
a) To make the process effective
b) To make the process efficient
c) To make the process faster
d) To make the process ineffective
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Answer: d
Explanation: The advantage of process benchmarking is to make the process effective, efficient, and faster. It leads to process optimization. Process improvement is a major step organization’s take towards continuous improvement.

2. Process benchmarking can be used in customer complaint processes.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Process benchmarking can be used in customer complaint processes. It is used to make a process more efficient, effective and fast. It can also be used in order and fulfilment process.

3. Strategic benchmarking shows long term benefits.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Strategic benchmarking shows long term benefits. It examines how companies compete and is rarely industry-focused.

4. Which of the following is not a type of comparison made through strategic benchmarking?
a) Business approaches comparison
b) Business strategy comparison
c) Number of managers in each company
d) Business model comparison
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Answer: c
Explanation: The comparisons made in strategic benchmarking are that of business approaches, business strategy, and business model. It helps you identify the best business strategies of best companies.

5. Which of the following is not a technique used during performance benchmarking?
a) Reverse engineering
b) Analysis of operating statistics
c) Direct product or service comparison
d) To understand business strategy
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Answer: d
Explanation: Reverse engineering, direct product or service comparison,and analysis of operating statistics are the different techniques that are used during performance benchmarking. The other important types of benchmarking are process benchmarking and strategic benchmarking.
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6. Which of the following is not put under focus during performance benchmarking?
a) Elements of cost
b) Technical quality
c) Number of employees in organization
d) Product or service features
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Answer: c
Explanation: Elements of cost, technical quality, and product or service features are some of the performance characteristics put under focus during performance benchmarking. The other important performance characteristics are speed and reliability.

7. Which of the following is not an example of functional performance benchmarking?
a) Employee net promoter score
b) Number of managers in organization
c) Staff engagement surveys
d) Brand awareness
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Answer: b
Explanation: Employee net promoter score and staff engagement surveys are examples of functional performance benchmarking that can be used during HR team performance benchmarking. Similarly, measuring net promoter score or brand awareness can be used during marketing team performance benchmarking.

8. Revenue growth and customer satisfaction can be assessed through _______
a) Performance benchmarking
b) Process benchmarking
c) Strategic benchmarking
d) Poka Yoke
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Answer: a
Explanation: Revenue growth and customer satisfaction can be assessed through performance benchmarking. The other important types of benchmarking are process benchmarking and strategic benchmarking.

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