Total Quality Management Questions and Answers – Teams and Teamwork – 2

This set of Total Quality Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Teams and Teamwork – 2”.

1. The person from the quality council who provides support to the organization is known as ________
a) Sponsor
b) Customer
c) Founder
d) Manager
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Answer: a
Explanation: The person from the quality council who provides support to the organization is known as Sponsor. A sponsor is needed for effective liaison with the quality council.

2. A ________ is a document that defines the team’s mission, boundaries, the background of the problem, the team’s authority and duties, and resources.
a) Team
b) Team Charter
c) Team Work
d) Work
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Answer: b
Explanation: A Team Charter is a document that defines the team’s mission, boundaries, the background of the problem, the team’s authority and duties, and resources. It also mentions about the members and their assigned roles – leader, recorder, timekeeper, and facilitator.

3. Which of the following is not a reason to train team members of an organization to make a successful team?
a) To train them in problem-solving techniques
b) To train them in team dynamics
c) To train them in communication skills
d) To train them in threatening customers
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Answer: d
Explanation: Training is essential in an organization so that every team member is aware of his/her responsibilities towards the progress of the organization. We need to train them in problem-solving techniques, team dynamics, and communication skills.

4. In an organization, the periodic status report of the team should be given to the quality council.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In an organization, the periodic status report of the team should be given to the quality council. A proper review system must be established so that team weakness can be understood and improvements are made to avoid them in the future.

5. In an organization, open communication should be encouraged in a successful team.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In an organization, open communication should be encouraged in a successful team. Everyone must be free to let their progressive idea reach top management. If the idea can improve the organization’s performance, it must be implemented after proper review.
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6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a successful team in an organization?
a) Appropriate Leadership
b) Balanced Participation
c) Cohesiveness
d) Mutual enmity
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Answer: d
Explanation: Appropriate Leadership, Balanced Participation, and Cohesiveness are characteristics of a successful team in an organization. Mutual enmity should not exist and everybody should participate to create a friendly working atmosphere. Open communication must be encouraged.

7. Which of the following is not a roadblock to team progress in an organization?
a) Insufficient training
b) Lack of planning
c) Incompatible rewards and compensation
d) Sufficient training
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Answer: d
Explanation: Insufficient training, Lack of planning, and incompatible rewards and compensation are some of the roadblocks to team progress in an organization. Sufficient training will let the team do well and as a result of a successful team, the organization will do well too.

8. Which of the following is not a roadblock to team progress in an organization?
a) Lack of management support
b) Project scope too large
c) Project objectives are significant
d) No time to do improvement work
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Answer: c
Explanation: Lack of management support, Project scope too large, and No time to do improvement work are some of the roadblocks to team progress in an organization. If the project objectives are not significant then it becomes a roadblock too.

9. Which of the following is not part of the forming stage of team development in an organization?
a) Team’s purpose
b) Members’ roles
c) Acceptance of roles
d) Hostilities and Personal needs
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Answer: d
Explanation: Team’s purpose, Members’ roles and Acceptance of roles are learned in the forming stage of team development. Hostilities and Personal needs emerge in the storming stage of team development.

10. During the norming stage of team development in an organization, ______ and _____ relationships get established among team members.
a) Formal, informal
b) Informal, abnormal
c) Formal, abnormal
d) Informal, hate
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Answer: a
Explanation: During the norming stage of team development, formal and informal relationships get established among team members. Openness and cooperation emerge within the team.

11. Which of the following is not a stage of team development in an organization?
a) Performing Stage
b) Maintenance Stage
c) Evaluating Stage
d) Deforming Stage
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Answer: d
Explanation: Performing Stage, Maintenance Stage, and Evaluating Stage are different stages of team development in an organization. The other stages of team development are the Forming Stage, Storming Stage, and Norming Stage.

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