Computer Fundamentals Questions and Answers – Cache Memory

This set of Computer Fundamentals Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Cache Memory”.

1. What is the high speed memory between the main memory and the CPU called?
a) Register Memory
b) Cache Memory
c) Storage Memory
d) Virtual Memory
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Answer: b
Explanation: It is called the Cache Memory. The cache memory is the high speed memory between the main memory and the CPU.

2. Cache Memory is implemented using the DRAM chips.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Cache memory is implemented using the SRAM chips and not the DRAM chips. SRAM stands for Static RAM. It is faster and is expensive.

3. Whenever the data is found in the cache memory it is called as _________
a) HIT
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Answer: a
Explanation: Whenever the data is found in the cache memory, it is called as Cache HIT. CPU first checks in the cache memory since it is closest to the CPU.

4. LRU stands for ___________
a) Low Rate Usage
b) Least Rate Usage
c) Least Recently Used
d) Low Required Usage
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Answer: c
Explanation: LRU stands for Least Recently Used. LRU is a type of replacement policy used by the cache memory.

5. When the data at a location in cache is different from the data located in the main memory, the cache is called _____________
a) Unique
b) Inconsistent
c) Variable
d) Fault
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Answer: b
Explanation: The cache is said to be inconsistent. Inconsistency must be avoided as it leads to serious data bugs.
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6. Which of the following is not a write policy to avoid Cache Coherence?
a) Write through
b) Write within
c) Write back
d) Buffered write
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Answer: b
Explanation: There is no policy which is called as the write within policy. The other three options are the write policies which are used to avoid cache coherence.

7. Which of the following is an efficient method of cache updating?
a) Snoopy writes
b) Write through
c) Write within
d) Buffered write
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Answer: a
Explanation: Snoopy writes is the efficient method for updating the cache. In this case, the cache controller snoops or monitors the operations of other bus masters.

8. In ____________ mapping, the data can be mapped anywhere in the Cache Memory.
a) Associative
b) Direct
c) Set Associative
d) Indirect
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Answer: a
Explanation: This happens in the associative mapping. In this case, a block of data from the main memory can be mapped anywhere in the cache memory.

9. The number of sign bits in a 32-bit IEEE format is ____
a) 1
b) 11
c) 9
d) 23
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Answer: a
Explanation: There is only 1 sign bit in all the standards. In a 32-bit format, there is 1 sign bit, 8 bits for the exponent and 23 bits for the mantissa.

10. The transfer between CPU and Cache is ______________
a) Block transfer
b) Word transfer
c) Set transfer
d) Associative transfer
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Answer: b
Explanation: The transfer is a word transfer. In the memory subsystem, word is transferred over the memory data bus and it typically has a width of a word or half-word.

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