This set of Computer Fundamentals Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “BCD”.
1. A group of bits used to represent a symbol is called a ____________
a) byte
b) memory
c) nibble
d) code
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Explanation: In binary coding, every symbol that appears in data is represented by a group of bits, which are called bytes. Computer codes use binary coding schemes.
2. BCD uses 6 bits to represent a symbol.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In Binary Coded Decimal every digit is represented by using 4-bits.
For example:- (42)10 is represented as 0100 0010 in BCD format.
3. Which of the following is not a type of computer code?
b) BCD
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Explanation: There is no coding scheme like EDIC. EBCDIC stands for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. BCD stands for Binary Coded Decimal. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for information interchange.
4. The BCD representation of (34)10 is _______________
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 5
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Explanation: BCD numbers are represented as:
34 = (0011 0100)BCD.
Each digit is individually taken and an equivalent standard 4 bit term is written for the respective digit.
5. Perform BCD addition of (23)BCD + (20)BCD .
a) 00110100
b) 01000011
c) 10011
d) 11100
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Explanation: To add any two BCD numbers :
Simply perform the addition : 23+20=43.
Then, write the equivalent BCD number = (0100 0011)BCD.
6. The weights used in Binary coded decimal code are:
a) 4,2,1
b) 8,4,2,1
c) 6,4,2,1
d) 2,1
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Explanation: BCD is a weighted code and it uses the weights 8,4,2,1 respectively. It is often called the 8421 code. Since, it uses 4 bits for the representation therefore the weights are assigned as : 23 = 8, 22 = 4, 21 = 2, 20 = 1.
7. Write the decimal equivalent for (110001)BCD.
a) 31
b) 13
c) C1
d) 1C
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Explanation: To obtain the decimal equivalent :
We start from the rightmost bit and make groups of 4, then write the decimal equivalent accordingly.
0011 0001 = (31)10.
8. The 9’s complement of 45 is _____________
a) 45
b) 54
c) 64
d) 46
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Explanation: The 9’s complement of a number is obtained by subtracting each digit from 9. Here, 99-45=54. Therefore, the 9’s complement is 54.
9. The 10’s complement of 455 is _________
a) 543
b) 544
c) 545
d) 546
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Explanation: To obtain the 10’s complement, we first obtain the 9’s complement and then add 1 to it.
999-455=544 (9’s)
10. The Excess-3 representation of (0100)BCD is __________
a) 0110
b) 1110
c) 0111
d) 1100
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Explanation: The excess-3 code is obtained by adding 3 to the BCD code.
Here, 0100+0011=0111.
Also, 4+3=7.
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