8 Best Books on Computer Fundamentals

We have compiled a list of the Best Reference Books on Computer Fundamentals, which are used by students of top universities, and colleges. This will help you choose the right book depending on if you are a beginner or an expert. Here is the complete list of Computer Fundamentals Books with their authors, publishers, and an unbiased review of them as well as links to the Amazon website to directly purchase them. If permissible, you can also download the free PDF books on Computer Fundamentals below.

1."Computer Fundamentals" by P K Sinha
“Computer Fundamentals” Book review: This book is designed for undergraduates, graduates, and research scholars of electrical and electronics, as well as students of embedded systems and computer engineering. It offers numerous illustrative diagrams, practical examples, chapter summaries, end-of-chapter questions, and a glossary of important terms. The topics covered include number systems, computer codes, binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, and logic circuits. Additionally, the book provides an introduction to programming in C.

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2."Computer Fundamentals" by Goel
“Computer Fundamentals” Book review: This book is aimed at undergraduates, graduates, and research scholars of electrical and electronics, as well as students of embedded systems and computer engineering. It presents all the basic hardware and software concepts in computers and their peripherals in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. The book covers number systems, computer codes, binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, and logic circuits. Furthermore, it provides an introduction to programming in C, along with numerous illustrative diagrams, practical examples, chapter summaries, end-of-chapter questions, and a glossary of important terms.

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3."Fundamentals of Computers" by Rajaraman V and Adabala N
“Fundamentals of Computers” Book Review: This book is intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students of computer applications (BCA and MCA), undergraduate students of engineering, computer science students taking fundamentals of computers as a core course, and management students who need to be familiar with computer hardware and software basics. It covers both hardware and software aspects of computers, including numeric and character data, various input and output units, types of memory units, and interconnection and communication between I/O units, memory, and the processor. The book provides clear and concise explanations of programming languages, operating systems, and communication protocols.

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4."Computer for Competitive Exams (Fundamental of Computer with MCQs): Fundamental of Computer with Multiple Choice Questions (Popular Master Guide)" by RPH Editorial Board
“Computer for Competitive Exams (Fundamental of Computer with MCQs): Fundamental of Computer with Multiple Choice Questions Book Review: This book is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students of computer applications (BCA and MCA), undergraduate students of engineering, computer science students taking fundamentals of computers as a core course, and management students who need to be familiar with computer hardware and software basics. It is also useful for all competitive exams, providing study material and practice questions based on the latest pattern of the examination. The book covers meaning and concepts, history of computer development, input/output devices, computer memory, software, computer language, basic DOS commands, elements of word processing, spreadsheet, database management systems, computer networks, internet, and intranet. Additionally, it contains fundamentals of computer with multiple choice questions.

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5."Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C" by Reema Thareja
“Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C” Book Review: This book targets undergraduates, graduates, and research scholars of electrical and electronics, as well as students of embedded systems and computer engineering. It covers all the fundamental concepts related to computer science and C programming, starting with an introduction to computers and offering a detailed account of various topics such as input and output devices, primary and secondary memory devices, processor architecture, number systems, and description of various system and application software, as well as computer networks and the internet. The book also delves into the basics of C programming, introduces important data structures, and provides several diagrams and examples for better understanding.

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6."Fundamentals of Computers" by Reema Thareja
“Fundamentals of Computers” Book Review: This book is suitable for anyone interested in learning about the basic concepts of computers, as well as for information technology and computer science students enrolled in professional courses such as BTech, BBA, BCA, and MCA. It covers basic computer concepts such as organization, architecture, input and output devices, primary and secondary memory, as well as operating systems, computer networks, and databases. Moreover, the book provides step-by-step tutorials to learn different applications such as MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.

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7."Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms" by Sahni Horowitz
“Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms” Book Review: This book is intended for individuals seeking to gain familiarity with the fundamental concepts of computers. It is also suitable for students pursuing professional courses in Information Technology and Computer Science, such as BTech, BBA, BCA, and MCA. The book encompasses the most up-to-date research and cutting-edge applications, making it a leading reference in modern computer science education. The content covers design techniques such as divide and conquer, the greedy method, and dynamic programming, as well as backtracking and branch-and-bound algorithms. Numerous examples are presented to demonstrate correct design implementation.

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“FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTERS” Book Review: This book is targeted at those who desire to develop a foundational understanding of computer concepts. It is also appropriate for students enrolled in professional programs such as BTech, BBA, BCA, and MCA in the fields of Information Technology and Computer Science. The content explores the fundamental hardware and software components of computers, including organization, architecture, input and output devices, primary and secondary memory, operating systems, computer networks, and databases. The book’s unique approach blends theory and practical application, and it is presented in an easily understood manner, with ample illustrations.

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We have put a lot of effort into researching the best books on Computer Fundamentals and came out with a recommended list and their reviews. If any more book needs to be added to this list, please email us. We are working on free pdf downloads for books on Computer Fundamentals and will publish the download link here. Fill out this Computer Fundamentals books pdf download" request form for download notification.

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