Computer Fundamentals Questions and Answers – Types of Computers

This set of Basic Computer Fundamentals Questions and Answers focuses on “Types of Computers”.

1. Which of the following is not a type of computer on the basis of operation?
a) Remote
b) Hybrid
c) Analog
d) Digital
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are three types of computers basically on the basis of operation:
Analog, Digital and Hybrid.

2. Remote computers work on continuous range of values.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The statement is false. Analog Computer is a computing device that works on continuous range of values. The results that are given by the analog computers will mostly be approximate since they deal with quantities that keep on varying.

3. A computer that operates on digital data.
a) remote
b) hybrid
c) analog
d) digital
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Answer: d
Explanation: The digital computer uses binary number system in which there are only two digits 0 and 1. Each one is called a bit.

4. This type of computer is mostly used for automatic operations.
a) remote
b) hybrid
c) analog
d) digital
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Answer: b
Explanation: Hybrid computer is mostly used with automatic operations of complicated physical processes and the machines.

5. ______________ are used for solving complex application such as Global Weather Forecasting.
a) Super Computers
b) Public computers
c) Mobile computers
d) Hybrid computers
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Answer: a
Explanation: Super computers are used with complex applications like Global Weather Forecasting, Creating graphic images, engineering design and testing, space exploration, etc.

6. The invention of _______________ gave birth to the much cheaper micro computers.
a) Mainframes
b) Microcomputers
c) Microprocessors
d) PDAs
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Answer: c
Explanation: The invention of microprocessor (also called as single chip CPU) gave birth to the much cheaper microcomputers.

7. They can operate on batteries and hence are very popular with travelers.
a) Mainframes
b) Laptops
c) Microprocessors
d) Hybrid
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Answer: b
Explanation: Laptops can operate on batteries and hence are very popular with travelers. The screen folds down onto the keyboard when not in use.

8. PDA stands for?
a) personal digital applications
b) private digital applications
c) personal digital assistants
d) private digital assistants
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Answer: c
Explanation: PDAs are also called as Handheld. They are small and can be carried anywhere.

9. PDAs are also called?
a) PCs
b) Laptops
c) Tablets
d) Handheld
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Answer: d
Explanation: PDAs are also called as Personal Digital Assistants. They are small and can be carried anywhere.


10. ______computers are lower to mainframe computers in terms of speed and storage capacity.
a) Mini
b) Super
c) Mainframes
d) Hybrid
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Answer: a
Explanation: The answer is a. Mini computers are compared to mainframe computers in terms of:
1. speed and, 2. storage capacity.

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