Computer Fundamentals Questions and Answers – Text Media

This set of Computer Fundamentals Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Text Media”.

1. ______________the ability to access, analyzes, evaluate and produce media.
a) Literacy
b) Internet
c) Media
d) Media Literacy
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Answer: d
Explanation: It is media literacy. It is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and produce media. It is the process of becoming active, rather than passive, consumers of media.

2. Media literacy can help youth and adults understand how media shapes our culture.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The statement is true. Media literacy also develops our critical thinking. It also helps in the better understanding of how media shapes our culture.

3. The analysis of _________ is a process of deconstruction that investigates the operations of texts, their constructions, the ways they produce meanings, what those meanings may be.
a) Media
b) Web
c) IE
d) Text
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Answer: d
Explanation: The analysis of texts is a process of deconstruction that investigates the operations of texts, their constructions, the ways they produce meanings, what those meanings may be. However, they also warn of the dangers of making assumptions about the validity of any one analytic method.

4. A type of analysis that attends to the repetition and frequency of features, their proportions within the text, and consequent assumptions about significance.
a) Media
b) Content
c) Linguistic
d) Network
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Answer: b
Explanation: The answer is Content. Linguistic analysis might concentrate on the potential effects of style of address. Content analysis attends to the repetition and frequency of features, their proportions within the text, and consequent assumptions about significance.

5. __________ analysis regards texts as collections of signs or paradigms and possible meanings, operating within the bounds of various codes.
a) Semiotic
b) Style
c) Linguistic
d) Text
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Answer: a
Explanation: Semiotic analysis regards texts as collections of signs or paradigms and possible meanings, operating within the bounds of various codes.

6. This part of image analysis refers to those primary signs, often part of the technique of photography, which are about how the image is made.
a) Treatment
b) Position
c) Content
d) Media
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Answer: a
Explanation: Treatment in image analysis refers to those primary signs, often part of the technique of photography, which is about how the image is made.

7. In image analysis, this part refers to objects represented within the image, which may signify to us because of, for example, their symbolic power or because of their composition in relation to each other.
a) Treatment
b) Position
c) Content
d) Media
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Answer: c
Explanation: Content refers to objects represented within the image. Treatment in image analysis refers to those primary signs, often part of the technique of photography, which are about how the image is made.

8. _________ are about storytelling and story meaning.
a) narratives
b) plot
c) content
d) storyline
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Answer: a
Explanation: Narratives are about storytelling and story meaning. Media texts tell stories; they have a narrative.

9. __________ describes the effect of involving the reader with the story, of constructing it as truth.
a) Narration
b) Identification
c) Plot
d) Characters
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Answer: b
Explanation: Identification describes the effect of involving the reader with the story, of constructing it as truth. It produces a meaning of truth, a belief in the validity of the text and of all the other meanings that we make from it.

10. The notion of norms also links to the idea that representations are given force through a process of:
a) naturalization
b) identification
c) media
d) casting
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Answer: a
Explanation: The notion of norms also links to the idea that representations are given force through a process of naturalization.

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