Casting Questions and Answers – Elements of Preventive Maintenance

This set of Metal Casting Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Elements of Preventive Maintenance”.

1. Which of the following is not an important condition for preventive maintenance?
a) Size
b) Age
c) Location
d) Oils used
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Answer: d
Explanation: Whenever preventive maintenance is to be done, it has to be observed that, there is no major breakdown at the site. For this, there are certain factors which need to be taken into account, like, size and age of the machinery used, the location of the machine and the overall machinery.

2. What is the ratio of preventive maintenance and total maintenance in primary-metal industry?
a) 1 : 1.27 men
b) 1 : 2.17 men
c) 1 : 2.37 men
d) 1 : 3.17 men
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Answer: c
Explanation: In various industries, the ratio of preventive maintenance to total maintenance differs according to the conditions prevailing there. When primary-metal industry is used, the ratio is 1 : 2.37 men.

3. Which of the following is not counted among safety equipment?
a) Vacuum reliever
b) Alarms
c) Flashback arresters
d) Temperature reliever
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Answer: d
Explanation: Safety equipments play a very essential role in the industries, where the workers are vulnerable to many risks. A few of them are, vacuum and pressure reliever through valves, safety alarms and flashback and flame arresters, but not a temperature reliever.

4. What is the ratio of preventive maintenance and total maintenance in machinery-manufacturing industry?
a) 1 : 10 men
b) 1 : 2.69 men
c) 1 : 2.37 men
d) 1 : 3.77 men
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Answer: b
Explanation: According to the various needs and type of works in different industries, the ratio of preventive maintenance and total maintenance differs. In a machinery manufacturing industry, the ratio is 1 : 2.69 men.

5. Which of the following is not a material handling equipment?
a) Cranes
b) Lifts
c) Tongs
d) Hoists
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Answer: c
Explanation: When it comes to inspection of the preventive maintenance in an industry, the material handling equipments come very handy. Cranes, lifts, hoists, conveyors and trucks are a few of the examples of material handling equipment.

6. What is the ratio of preventive maintenance and total maintenance in general manufacturing industry?
a) 1 : 10 men
b) 1 : 2.69 men
c) 1 : 2.37 men
d) 1 : 3.77 men
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Answer: a
Explanation: The ratio of preventive maintenance and total maintenance, in case of primary-metal industry, the ratio is 1 : 2.37 men, in case of machinery manufacturing industry, the ratio is 1 : 2.69 men and in case of general manufacturing industry, the ratio is 1 : 10 men.

7. Which of the following materials is not used as process equipment?
a) Furnace
b) Compressor
c) Pump
d) Generator
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Answer: d
Explanation: During the inspection done in the preventive maintenances, there are certain equipment called as process equipment, which needs a little different inspection. A few of these are compressors, pumps and furnace.

8. Which of the following are not counted among periodic inspection?
a) Tear downs
b) Overhauls
c) Oil burnings
d) Replacement of parts
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Answer: c
Explanation: There are many inspections counted under periodic inspection, namely, visual inspections, tear downs, overhauls and scheduled replacements of parts. The checking of oil burning comes under contingent working.

9. Preventive maintenance and its application is an expensive process.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Preventive maintenances are not to be done very frequently, but it is advised, that, the preventive maintenance must be done at least once in the machines life. This imitation is caused due to very high costs of operation of preventive maintenance.

10. Frequency of inspection is decided on the basis of overloading.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The frequency of inspection of the processes gets decided on the basis of many factors. A few of them are, stresses experienced, fatigues, dirt, vibrational exposure, susceptibility to lose fittings and also overloading.

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