Casting Questions and Answers – Inspection and Testing

This set of Metal Casting Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Inspection and Testing”.

1. Inspection of castings is mainly carried out to detect any flaws in the castings.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Inspections are mainly carried out before a lot of castings have been completed to detect any flaws that may have occurred in the process so that corrective measures can be taken to remove the defect in the remaining units. Many ways or methods are performed to inspect the castings.

2. In inspection of castings, salvaging of defective castings cannot be possible in any condition.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Defective castings can be salvaged, it mainly depends upon the nature and extent of the defect in the castings. Sometimes defective casting is completely rejected and re-melted for their material content, and then this liquid metal is reused for the production of castings.

3. In inspection of castings, destructive type of testing is more reliable than the non-destructive testing.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Destructive type of testing suffer from the disadvantage that the saw cuts may miss the flaw or the sample may not represent the behavior of the entire lot, and as the name shows that it damages the product while testing of the castings. So, non-destructive tests are generally more commonly relied upon than destructive tests.

4. Which of the following methods is best for examining surface flaws on the castings?
a) Pressure test
b) Magnetic particle inspection
c) Visual inspection
d) Acoustic emission test
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Answer: c
Explanation: Visual inspection is a type of non -destructive testing technique that provides a means of detecting and examining the variety of surface flaws, such as surface finish, discontinuities and surface cracks on the castings. This method is very cheap and widely used because most of the surface defects and roughness can be observed easily.

5. Visual inspection is more economical than the other methods of non-destructive testing.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: When other non-destructive techniques are used to detect surface cracks, visual inspection often provides a useful supplement. And the time delay and costs involved in other NDT methods would be unacceptable where large tonnage of products are produced each day. So, direct visual inspection is more economical to use for inspection of castings.

6. Visual inspection can be the complete inspection for detecting any defects in the castings.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Visual inspection can observe most of the surface defects and roughness of the castings, but the defects at the interior part of the surfaces, which cannot be observed easily by naked eyes. So other methods of non-destructive testing are used where small areas are subjected to sensitive tests to detect surface blemishes.

7. It is not possible to detect malformed castings and shut running defects in visual inspection.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Visual inspection of each casting ensures that none of its features has been omitted or malformed by moulding errors, shut running, or mistakes in cleaning. Most of the surface defect can be observed easily at this stage, but for sensitive testing, other expensive methods of NDT are implemented.

8. Liquid penetrant testing (LPT) is mainly used for detecting internal blow holes defects in the castings.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Liquid penetrant testing (LPT) is a non-destructive test method used for revealing discontinuities that are opened to the surface. The main reason for using penetrant inspection is for locating cracks, pores and other flaws which are opened to the surface being inspected.

9. Which of the following types of light is preferred for using fluorescent penetrant in liquid penetrant testing (LPT) method?
a) Normal light
b) Monochromatic light
c) Ultraviolet light
d) Red light
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Answer: c
Explanation: In LPT method, the objective is accomplished by entrapment of the inspection liquid by the flaws followed by visual inspection of the surface under ultraviolet light (when using a fluorescent penetrant) and for visible dye penetrant, normal light can be used for the inspection process.

10. In liquid penetrant testing (LPT) method, preparation of testing surface is very critical.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: For the use of penetrant inspection, proper preparation of the test surface is critical because unprepared surface will only reveal gross porosity and large cracks on the surface. So for preparing the surface for testing, process like machining, caustic etching, acid pickling etc. are used.

11. Which of the following processes is preferred for preparing aluminium ingots for liquid penetrant testing method?
a) Machining
b) Caustic etching
c) Grinding
d) Acid pickling
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Answer: d
Explanation: When liquid penetrant test is used for aluminium ingots, before the test, the surfaces of the aluminum ingots are prepared or treated with the acid pickle. This process is basically known as acid pickling and it is recommended in preference to all other processes like caustic etching, machining etc.

12. Which of the following inspections is used for detecting invisible surface defects in a nonmagnetic casting?
a) Visual inspection
b) Dye penetrant inspection
c) Radiographic examination
d) Ultrasonic inspection
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dye penetrant inspection method is mainly used to detect invisible surface defects in a nonmagnetic casting. The casting is cleaned by brushing, and then spraying or dipping of the casting is done into a dye containing a fluorescent material. Then for inspection, casting is dried and viewed in darkness that reveals the discontinuities in the surface.

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