Casting Questions and Answers – Special Casting Techniques

This set of Metal Casting Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Special Casting Techniques”.

1. Which type of sand is used in shell moulding?
a) Black sand
b) Wet and fine sand
c) Dry and fine sand
d) Any of the sand
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Answer: c
Explanation: Dry and fine sans is used in shell moulding. It is completely free if clay (90-140 GFN).

2. Which is the most widely used resin in shell moulding?
a) Phenol formaldehyde
b) Ethanol formaldehyde
c) Phenol
d) Ethanol
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Answer: a
Explanation: Phenol formaldehyde is used as resin in shell moulding. It acts like a thermoplastic material.

3. The machine used to mix shell mould particles consistently is __________
a) Mixer
b) Cupola furnace
c) Mueller
d) Mixer & Cupola furnace
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Answer: c
Explanation: Mueller is the machine used to mix mould particles thoroughly.

4. Which of the following statement is true?
a) The size of the casting can be adjustable
b) The size of the casting is not limited
c) The size of the casting obtained by shell moulding is limited
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The size of the casting is limited and is usually up to 200kg.

5. Cylinder and cylinder heads for air cooled IC engines are casted using which technique?
a) Precision investment casting
b) Shell moulding
c) Permanent mould casting
d) Die casting
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Answer: b
Explanation: Cylinders, cylinder head, automation parts, cast tooth etc are casted using shell moulding.

6. In precision investment casting, to make the mould the prepared pattern is dipped into a slurry. From which material is this slurry is made up of?
a) Ethyl silicate
b) Sodium silicate
c) Both Ethyl and Sodium silicate
d) Neither Ethyl nor Sodium silicate
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Answer: c
Explanation: The slurry in which prepared pattern is dipped into is made by suspending fine ceramic particles in ethyl silicate or sodium silicate.

7. Cores used in PMC are usually made up of?
a) Metal
b) Collapsable material
c) Sand
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: In PMC the cores can be made out of any of these materials.

8. Another name of Gravity Die Casting is?
a) Centrifugal casting
b) Permanent mould casting
c) Precision investment casting
d) Hot chamber process
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since, metal enters the mould under gravity, hence permanent, mould casting is also known as gravity die casting.

9. In PIC, any wax remnants are dissolved with the help of hot vapors of a solvent. Which solvent is used for this purpose?
a) Ethanol
b) ChloroFluoroCarbon
c) TriChloroEthylene
d) Any of the above
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Answer: c
Explanation: Before preheating of the prepared mould, any of the wax remnants are dissolved with the help of a solvent such as TriChloroEthylene.

10. Which of the following is a limitation of die casting, but is overcome in vacuum die casting?
a) The air left in the cavity when the die is closed
b) The moisture left in the cavity when the die is closed
c) The air left in the cavity when the die is open
d) The moisture left in the cavity when the die is open
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Answer: a
Explanation: In die casting the major problem is the air left inside the cavity when the die is closed, but in the case of vacuum die casting this air is evacuated out.

11. Pattern used in shell moulding is normally made up of?
a) Wax
b) Metal
c) Wood
d) Plastic
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Answer: b
Explanation: Metal is the most used material to make patterns for a process of shell moulding.

12. The casting process that does not require a core to produce a hollow casting is?
a) Shell moulding
b) Hot-chamber die casting
c) Permanent mould casting
d) True centrifugal casting
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Answer: c
Explanation: Permanent mould casting is the only process that does not require cores to be used for hollow projections.

13. Hollow casting is the other name of which of the following special casting process?
a) Slush casting
b) Vacuum die casting
c) Precision investment casting
d) Squeeze casting
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Answer: a
Explanation: Slush casting is used to make casting which is actually hollow projections. Hence, it is also called a hollow casting.

14. Squeeze casting method was developed in which country?
a) Japan
b) India
c) America
d) Russia
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Answer: d
Explanation: Russia was the country in which squeeze casting was first developed.

15. The tundish is a _______
a) Pouring vessel
b) Riser
c) Type of core
d) Machine name
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Answer: a
Explanation: Tundish is a refractory lined intermediate pouring vessel.

16. Which of the type of centrifugal casting methods is used to produce ‘non-symmetrical’ shaped castings?
a) True centrifugal casting
b) Semi centrifugal casting
c) Centrifuging
d) Non centrifugal casting
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Answer: c
Explanation: More than a single object is connected radially through a central sprue in centrifuging. But the castings need not be symmetrical always, unlike other centrifugal casting processes.

17. True centrifugal casting method is usually used to make __________
a) Bent pipes
b) Hollow pipes
c) Bolts
d) Nuts
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Answer: b
Explanation: True centrifugal casting method is usually used to make ‘hollow pipes and tubes’.

18. Pressure range for low pressure die casting is ___________
a) 0.3-1.5 bars
b) 0.5-2 bars
c) 2-6 bars
d) up to 8 bars
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Answer: a
Explanation: Usually the gauge is set to a range of 0.3-1.5 bars while providing pressure to the molten metal to raise it in the riser.

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